(Wikipedia)The next United States presidential election is to be held on Tuesday, November 6, 2012. It will be the 57th quadrennial presidential election in which presidential electors, who will officially elect the president and the vice president of the United States on December 17, 2012, will be chosen. Incumbent President Barack Obama is running for a second and final term during this election.[SUP][1][/SUP] His major challenger is former Massachusetts Governor, Republican Mitt Romney.[SUP][2][/SUP] Two other candidates have attained ballot access sufficient enough to mathematically win the election by a majority of the electoral college: former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Party nominee;[SUP][3][/SUP] and Jill Stein, the Green Party nominee.
So since we have 4 parties with a chance at the Big Chair, while we know it's going to be Obama or Romney who gets the nod, rather than pick the person you will be voting for, or who you think will win,
Pick the person you -want- to win.
No "They don't have a chance", or "lessor of two evils", or "wasting my vote" stuff.
Obama vs Romney vs Johnson vs Stein. 4 way dance. Who do you want to come out on top?

Ballot Access: 270 Electoral Votes needed to win. Both the DNC and GOP have automatic access to all 50 states. Third parties must go through long and difficult processes to have their candidates listed on ballots, with challenges against them regularly issued by the "Big Two".
Ballot access to 270 or more electoral votes
Two parties have so far attained ballot access in states controlling at least 270 electoral votes, which is the minimum threshold needed to win the presidency through a majority in the electoral college vote.
Libertarian Party
- Gary Johnson, former governor of New Mexico;[SUP][3][/SUP] vice-presidential nominee: Jim Gray, retired state court judge, from California[SUP][71][/SUP]
Green Party
- Jill Stein, medical doctor from Massachusetts;[SUP][4][/SUP][SUP][74][/SUP] vice-presidential nominee: Cheri Honkala, social organiser, from Pennsylvania.[SUP][75][/SUP]