2007 NY MartialTalk Meet & Greet

From what I've seen and heard so far, this was our best M&G yet. I personally want to thank each and everyone who came for making this a huge success! It was a pleasure finally meeting so many of you and seeing others again.

If you missed it, you missed some excellent training and comradery, but don't despair. We're doing it again next year and you can schedule early. :)

The 2008 MartialTalk-KenpoTalk-FMATalk-WNYMartialArts Meet & Greet will be held July 18,19,20th 2008 in Buffalo NY. We have 2 tentative instructors already listed for next year as well. Jason Arnold and Jack Latorre. So mark your calendars now!

I'm editing the pictures now, and should have them posted by mid week. (400+ to go through, lol)

Thank you again!

Thank you Bob, for organizing the whole weekend. The venue, the quality of instruction, the accomodations and the choices of places to eat were all great. I had a great time and look forward to doing it again next year.
Sounds like an absolute great time Bob!
It was a great time. I am looking forward to next year. Nice to meet in person so many of the names i see on the boards so often
It was a great event!! Thanks Bob and congratulations on making it so successful!!!

I had a really good time. I was very informative and fun. And everyone was very open and great to work with. It's always good to be reminded that seemingly very different arts have a lot in common.

It was interesting to note some themes that developed during the day like (in my words) having a good base/structure to work from. Keep you movements to what they need to be, don't be excessive or telegraph. Listen/feel your opponent, they will tell you what they want to do and where they want to go, then take advantage of it. Use all of the above to end things quickly.

Thanks again Bob and everyone there. It was a pleasure.

WHAT A FANTASTIC WEEKEND!!!! Mere words fail to properly experss properly...Thanks to Bob for organizing the weekend, and to EVERYBODY that made the trip..I can't wait until next year...
It sounds as though everyone had a great time.

I would like to formally apologize for not being there after having offered to instruct a segment. I called Bob the night before with my plans of bringing my three boys since my wife had to work and I had no one to watch them. I had defeated every hurdle put in my way to prevent me from attending, until the moment my youngest son became sick (brief illness - he's fine now). I called Bob on Saturday morning and told him the unfortunate news - - well, unfortunate for me, but I know all of you had a very educational seminar, and a fun time together.

I am still deeply saddened and very upset by my missed opportunity, and my ruined plans to meet all of you and share in this event. Next year's event seems so far off.


D. J. Eisenhart
I would also like to add a Special thank you to all that was there and opened there hearts and souls to me and my family, my son Zachary said he was impressed by alot of folks and wish we could have stayed and trained for a week for him to say that it was a special time. Bob you are the man for bringing this together.
thanks to bob and susan and all the instructor's and attendees i had a great time there and it was a honour to teach there. i look forward to being there next year and so should everyone else. i arrived late because of the border lineup but i apologize to the instructor's that i missed teach i was hoping to do all your classes aswell and show my respect for your arts. in closing it was a great event don't miss the next one!
Jason Arnold
It sounds as though everyone had a great time.

I would like to formally apologize for not being there after having offered to instruct a segment. I called Bob the night before with my plans of bringing my three boys since my wife had to work and I had no one to watch them. I had defeated every hurdle put in my way to prevent me from attending, until the moment my youngest son became sick (brief illness - he's fine now). I called Bob on Saturday morning and told him the unfortunate news - - well, unfortunate for me, but I know all of you had a very educational seminar, and a fun time together.

I am still deeply saddened and very upset by my missed opportunity, and my ruined plans to meet all of you and share in this event. Next year's event seems so far off.


D. J. Eisenhart

Sorry to hear about your son's illness, LF, glad that's he's on the mend—it's always a worry when a child gets sick. But the next M&G will probably be here sooner than you think... come to think of it, that's literally true, IIRC; I think Bob's planning the next one for July, so it'll be several weeks earlier.
I would also like to add a Special thank you to all that was there and opened there hearts and souls to me and my family, my son Zachary said he was impressed by alot of folks and wish we could have stayed and trained for a week for him to say that it was a special time. Bob you are the man for bringing this together.


Zach is cool. We have some similar interests in some music. We sat and talked abotu music and watched some animation and talked movies, before going to dinner. All Good stuff. A good kid, as were his two brothers. They also talked me to me.

I hope to see you, your wife and the children again.
What a great bunch of people. It was a pleasure to be involved with such a diverse and accepting group. Bob, I would love to teach again next year if you will have me. And to all that atteneded Drac's and my session, Thank you for your attentiveness and we hope you had as much fun learning as we did teaching!
Just some thanks to you all for a fine time and for including me in the festivities. I hope people walked away with something new, either a new technique or a new idea.

It was refreshing to see politics and egos subdued or slain for the greater good.

I was also happy to make the acquiantance of many new people and hope to see them again at a future event.


jack A. Latorre
What he said....Hopefully I can schedule my vacation time around that time frame...

I'm already working out ways to protect that time block from encroaching family trips, conferences and suchlike distractions...
I'm already working out ways to protect that time block from encroaching family trips, conferences and suchlike distractions...

The department demands that we pick our vacations for 2008 in November of this year so I'm just going to pencil those dates in...

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