Water or Coke?

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After Retiring from the Police Force, my father worked security at the Nutrasweet plant.

He claims most of the employees wont touch the stuff.

"Pepsi is acider than Coke, fyi." - Kempomachine
I think you mean acidic.

I know Pepsi and Coke take the bugs and misc. stains off windsheilds pretty well. The acid in these drinks is enough to act as a mild caustic, but the concentration of these acids, no matter how powerful they are by nature, isn't enough to cause damage to the human digestive process. As mentioned earlier, our stomaches are already designed to take the second most powerful natural acid in high concentration. The real reason why sodas are bad is because they are empty calories, no real nutritional value, just fast energy from sugar. What was really useful is the info involving the need of the body for water. I'm just now trying to amend my lifestyle to drink more wa-wa. Mabey I'll go fill up that empty bottle of Coke I just finished with some water.
aspartame does break down into carcinogens, but the jury is still out on the quantity needed. So, I'd say don't go out and drink 10 gallons of Diet Coke. /nod
OULobo said:
"Pepsi is acider than Coke, fyi." - Kempomachine
I think you mean acidic.
Yes, sure. English is not my mother tongue, so I guess you're right :D
RubyMoon said:
I never heard the rumor about aspartame causing cancer (although I remember the saccharin scare). I DO know, however, that aspartame can cause problems.
Yeah, it's saccharin. I made a mistake of which I blame on being "human".:)

RubyMoon said:
I found this quote on the website of aspartame.org: I almost never get headaches. If I drink even a sip or two of something containing aspartame, however (a diet soda, for instance)...I get a headache. It never fails and there could be no other cause. I don't need a university research facility to figure it out. I do NOT get a headache from a regular Coke, but I DO get a headache from a DIET Coke. I am so sensitive to it, I can even get a headache from chewing a piece of gum that contains aspartame (READ LABELS; you'll be surprised how many gums and breath mints contain aspartame and other nasty stuff). The only reasonable conclusion is that aspartame DOES in FACT give me headaches. The study supposedly published in the New England Journal of Medicine is clearly flawed. If the study is wrong about headaches, it would not surprise me to learn it is wrong about other reported aspartame-related symptoms, as well.

Aspartame is bad stuff. I'm sure many of those "anti-aspartame" websites are way overblown and full of nonsense. I am absolutely convinced, however, that it is still worth avoiding. At the very least, it can cause headaches. If I knew nothing else, that would be enough to make me steer clear of the stuff.

All the talk about artificial sweeteners aside, why not switch to water? It's the only thing Nature ever intended us to drink (besides mother's milk), and it is what our bodies need most.
We all get out info from some place which is what leads us to our beliefs. I, myself, spend a lot of time reading nutritional info on a bodybuilding website. These bodybuilders write articles and I read them. Many of these guys have nutrional degrees and some are just very smart and do their homework. Not to say they are right or wrong--it's just that I choose to believe them.:)

http://www.teenbodybuilding.com/derek26.htm (small article on asparatame)

I intake artificial sweetner(Splenda) when I eat my oatmeal and drink my bland protein shakes. And, I get the other artificial sweetners from my diet Mt. Dew intake--with no headaches as claimed by others. As I said, I DO drink around 1-1.5 GALLONS of WATER daily, but I also like my diet soda's too.;) In my personal opinion, simple sugar is way more harmful than any artifical sweetner. Of course, my opinion weighs more on the fact of "keeping in shape" rather than actual "health" issues which I don't think there are any, with artificial sweetners. Talk at ya later!:)
Rich Parsons said:
cinciman et al,

I understand that one should be cautious of the evil companies who wish to control their industry.

I did some research back in 1985-1986 time frame. Unfortunately, I do not have my paper anymore. It was destroyed. So, everyone take my words with a grain of salt, and either ignore them or go to the library and do the research yourself. I apologize for not have the bibliography to quote. Since then the 700 Club does have a propaganda episode about Equal or Aspartame or Nutra-sweet. It is based around pilots who cannot fly do to headaches and or seizures caused by Methyl Alcohol in their system. Pilots all used to drink the diet sodas to avoid the extra calories while they waited for their flights.

One of the nasty little things that Nutra-Sweet breaks down into is Methyl Alcohol. This causes blindness in overdose, and headaches in most cases. Seizures are also a possibility.

Check out the state of New Mexico and in particular the University of New Mexico, back in the early 80's they banned Nutra-Sweet. Why for the things they found, including Methyl Alcohol and formic acid. Formic Acid is processed in one way only by the human body. It is modified into Formaldehyde which is then stored in the Liver.

A quick history. Cyclamates were banned in the 60's, then the Saccharin scar in the 70's. Many of the Saccharin test were with pellets that were surgically inserted into the bladders of mice and rats. One of the studies had 12 rats as the control. 12 rats that had surgery only, and 12 rats which had the surgery and the pellets inserted. 6 of the control rats had cancer in the bladder. 7 of the rats with the surgery alone had cancer in the bladder, and 8 rats had bladder cancer with the pellets inserted. There were other test and studies, yet I understand your questioning of the presentation.

In 1976 Congress passed a law that Saccharin would be banned if there was no other American made sugar substitute on the market. In the 1980 election, Serle industries, the manufacturer of Nutra-sweet, gave a $1,000,000 to the federal Republican campaign and also to their local state campaign. The direct of the FDA, in 1981 approved Nutra-sweet without FDA tests, based upon the test of Serle industries only, for dry goods, or pressed goods such as gum. Nutra-sweet breaks down at around 400 Degrees F. This is why it is not used for cooking. The enzymes in the stomach are catalysts that make the effect temperature greater than 400 degree F to be able to process the food. This FDA director retired. The next FDA director authorized independent testing, not FDA testing. He also approved Nutra-sweet for soda if no negative tests were found.

Just a side note. There is no substance in this world that you can take an infinite amount of and not have damage. Even water can drowned you. Too much sugar can cause problems. Yet, no test in any amount released by Serle Industries shows any negative side effects.

There was a study done at MIT, on brain wave patterns. What was found was that the elderly and the young adolescent and menopausal women faced the greatest danger. The study was conducted with those that drank diet pops. Those that drank regular sodas, and no sodas as well. It reported that there was a significantly increase for brain wave pattern changes in the going through puberty and elderly.

So, you can believe what you wish. I just ask you keep an open mind enough to go do the research yourself or have a trusted friend who understands the science to do the research.

That is all I ask.

Interesting info you have there.:) It's not that I don't have an open mind, it's just that I got my information from a different place than you.

As noted above, http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/md26.htm

Trust me, these guys do their research.;)
cinciman said:
And, I get the other artificial sweetners from my diet Mt. Dew intake--with no headaches as claimed by others.
Not everybody gets aspartame headaches, but some definately do.
Recently, I've been a water and a Tang junkie. Since Mt. Dew has released (and re-released) Livewire, I've been addicted to that in the summer. I just stick to plain old table sugar or the Sugar in the Raw stuff you can get at some places. I know it's all sorts of bleached out and modified (table sugar, that is) and all sorts of nasty stuff, but I just don't like the taste of the substitutes. Haven't tried Splenda yet. Mom got the Edy's ice cream made with Splenda instead of regular sugar but I couldn't try it because I left the next day for a field trip. Grr!
I'm a Diet Coke drinker, and you can have it when you "pry it out of my dead cold hands". (Apologies to Charlton Heston) :asian:
RCastillo said:
I'm a Diet Coke drinker, and you can have it when you "pry it out of my dead cold hands". (Apologies to Charlton Heston) :asian:
haha! Yeah, my dad loves diet coke also. I remember reading a while back about diet coke being linked to alzheimers(spelling?).

I wonder if that was Pepsi's doing.:D
cinciman said:
haha! Yeah, my dad loves diet coke also. I remember reading a while back about diet coke being linked to alzheimers(spelling?).

I wonder if that was Pepsi's doing.:D

Now that's scary! :asian:
cinciman said:
Interesting info you have there.:) It's not that I don't have an open mind, it's just that I got my information from a different place than you.

As noted above, http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/md26.htm

Trust me, these guys do their research.;)

Trust me, I did my own research, and the English instructor had her MD Doctor husband review it to see if I was BS'ing.

water first,beer second,and third and fourth and fifth...................
Gary Crawford said:
water first,beer second,and third and fourth and fifth...................


I like Water, then a Beer, then a water, then a beer, then a water. Two is my limit :).
In order of appearance on a Sat. night:
beer, beer, beer, beer, blurry looking whiskey, something someone told me was tequila, throw up, then water, water, sleep, water, water

I used to drink a lot of soda. Once I stopped drinking the large amounts that I used to I lost 10 pounds. Now I only drink it once in awhile, and I would have to say I feel much better drinking juices and water. I think that I may have gotten my kidney stone from soda also. I quit drinking it after that most painful experience.

I drink Propel and flavored water sometimes because I can't seem to drink a lot of water at once. (its the flavor thing)

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