20 Questions

spiderboy said:
But the flip side - waking up and realising that you haven't ACTUALLY told your boss where to shove it - Phew! Some things are best left to dreams :D

Oh, I dunno about that.

I have found it rather satisfying to say things like that to my boss. Usually its been worth the hassle of job hunting... usually.
Current age? 33

Primary martial arts system? American Kenpo Karate, as taught in the AKKI, headed by Mr. Paul Mills.

Secondary martial arts system? None really "Secondary"....but several I'd studied when I was younger.

Favorite MA technique (all things being equal)? Hard to pick. I'm pretty fond of Raking Mace though...

Years of *active* study in martial arts? 26

Highest rank in a system? I don't publish that. It's not about rank.

Number of siblings? 2

Highest degree earned? Grand poobah.... (same as rank question)

Favorite movie? Rocky I

Favorite TV show? Extreme home makeover... it's uplifting.

Favorite actor/actress? Actor: Sean Connery, Actress: Cathrine Zeda-Jones.

Favorite book? DUNE. ((Devils & Angels and "The Witching Hour" tie for 2nd))

Favorite fictional character (any genre/medium)? Batman. (since I was a kid)

Personal hero/inspiration (fictional or real)? My grandfather, my parents, my wife, my son & daughter...

Three hobbies (MA doesn’t count ‘cause it’s not a hobby)? Bodybuilding, book collecting/reading and hiking

Dream woman/man (not current partner; non-fictional person; one night stand, not long-term relationship)? WOw.... not personal or anything huh? OK: See my response to favorite actress.

Preferred super power to have? Mind control.

Current occupation? Juvenile Correctional Officer

Ideal occupation? Juvenile Correctional Officer, but paid more...

Best general advice to the world? PERSEVERE & DREAM!!!!

Your Brother
Brother John said:
Dream woman/man (not current partner; non-fictional person; one night stand, not long-term relationship)? WOw.... not personal or anything huh? OK: See my response to favorite actress.

No, John, I'm a believer in openness. The veil of secrecy we put about ourselves to protect us in today's world is, regrettably, often necessary. However, it also isolates us from our fellow man. How can we truly have friends if they don't know who we are?

I find society to be very artificial. I try to make this this forum, our little corner of society, a better place.

And, for the record, Catherine Zeta-Jones is a fine, fine (did I say "fine"?) choice!

Besides, if you ever get your dream power you can wipe my mind clean of all this trivial information when you subjugate me into the shackles of mental slavery. heh heh
Alright. I wasn't going to do this, but you got me.
  • Current age? 47
  • Primary martial arts system? TKD
  • Secondary martial arts system? Kendo
  • Favorite MA technique (all things being equal)? Axe kick
  • Years of *active* study in martial arts? 7. I know. Little compared to many here, but with an intensity that few will ever understand.
  • Highest rank in a system? 2nd Dan
  • Number of siblings? 4
  • Highest degree earned? Some college, but nothing that 32 years in the work force can hold a candle to.
  • Favorite movie? Brave Heart
  • Favorite TV show? Never watch it.
  • Favorite actor/actress? None. I know a few. They're generally very superficial and I have no interest in them..
  • Favorite book? The Witching hour.
  • Favorite fictional character (any genre/medium)? Aragorn/Lestat. It's a toss up.
  • Personal hero/inspiration (fictional or real)? My dad. May he rest in piece.
  • Three hobbies (MA doesn’t count ‘cause it’s not a hobby)? The 1320. I LOVE to race. I live my life 12 seconds (okay, I know it's supposed to be 10seconds, but the other 2 are about 20K more in engine work than I can afford) at a time. I enjoy learning history. More than anything, I love to watch my kids doing their thing. I know it really isn't a hobby, but it's one on the few things I really look forward to so I'm counting it.
  • Dream woman/man (not current partner; non-fictional person; one night stand, not long-term relationship)? The one who can catch your complete attention with a single word or look.
  • Preferred super power to have? Invulnerability (To fend off the Dream woman. I am married, not dead.)
  • Current occupation? Wow. we came back to reality in a hurry. Bummer. I'm a Telecommunications Manager. Yawn.
  • Ideal occupation? None. I'd train all day every day if I could.
  • Best general advice to the world? If you could just genuinely respect each other, everything else will fall into place.
Gemini said:
Alright. I wasn't going to do this, but you got me.

S'matter, Gemini? My games not good enough for ya?

I think it's great that your father is your personal hero. You're a very lucky person.

There's certainly nothing wrong with 7 years of good martial arts training either. It took me 7 years to get my first black belt. Those were the best, most memorable years of my life. Many, many, many people never get that far. I commend you.

Thanks for playing. Now here's your year's supply of Rice-A-Roni, The San Francisco Treat!
* Current age? 32
* Primary martial arts system? American Kenpo
* Secondary martial arts system? UKKF(United Kung-Fu Karate Federation)
* Favorite MA technique (all things being equal)? Hard....Thundering Hammer, Shield and Sword come to mind.....
* Years of *active* study in martial arts? In January, it will be 20 years. That's with a few breaks for knee surgery and when I had each of my kids.
* Highest rank in a system? Shodan- 1st degree black belt in EPAK
* Number of siblings? 1 older brother
* Highest degree earned? Bachelor's degree in Child Development
* Favorite movie? Older: Some Kind of Wonderful, Newer: Pirates of the Carribean or pretty much anything with Johnny Depp in it.
* Favorite TV show? Right now......Nanny or Biggest Loser
* Favorite actor/actress? Actor- Johnny Depp, Actress- Mary Stuart Masterson
* Favorite book? The Bible and Jonathan Livingston Seagull
* Favorite fictional character (any genre/medium)? Winnie the Pooh, Sam Wise, Gandalf, Donald Duck
* Personal hero/inspiration (fictional or real)? My parents
* Three hobbies (MA doesn’t count ‘cause it’s not a hobby)? Scrapbooking, Reading, Surfing the Net
* Dream woman/man? Johnny Depp
* Preferred super power to have? Instant character detector so I can tell who is good and who is bad.
* Current occupation? Stay at home Mommy
* Ideal occupation? I love being with my kids......previous to that, ideal occupation........I would have said dolphin trainer/marine life worker of some sort.
* Best general advice to the world? Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Also, treat others as you like to be treated.
Technopunk said:
I have found it rather satisfying to say things like that to my boss. Usually its been worth the hassle of job hunting... usually.

For those of us who are tenured, there's no hassle at all! I am, uh, vocal about my opinions on management at work.
Shodan said:
* Favorite book? The Bible and Jonathan Livingston Seagull

That's awesome, Shodan! You're the first person I've talked to that even knew what Jonathan Livingston Seagull was, let alone claim it as a favorite. It's a short book.

I've always recommended it to all of my martial arts students because I think the message is powerful and profound.

... My wife thinks Johnny Depp is hot too. He owns his own island, y'know. I guess if you had to get shipwrecked I know where you'd want to be. lol
Current age? 27
Primary martial arts system? FMA
Secondary martial arts system? Silat
Favorite MA technique (all things being equal)? The one that works
Years of *active* study in martial arts? 10+
Highest rank in a system? Black
Number of siblings? 1, 1/2 bother (18 yrs older)
Highest degree earned? Bachelors ChE
Favorite movie? Heat
Favorite TV show? 24, Lost or Drawn Together
Favorite actor/actress? DeNiro
Favorite book? "Repent Harlequin, Said the TickTock Man" by Harlan Ellison
Favorite fictional character? Capt. Mal Reynolds (Firefly)
Personal hero/inspiration? Too many to count or name
Hobbies? Horses, SCUBA, Shooting, Collecting, Yoga, Triathlons
Dream woman/man (not current partner; non-fictional person; one night stand, not long-term relationship)? Katie Holmes (long story)
Preferred super power to have? Immortality
Current occupation? R and D Chemist
Ideal occupation? International Jetset Playboy
Best general advice to the world? Find your life change, don't wait for it to find you.
arnisador said:
For those of us who are tenured, there's no hassle at all! I am, uh, vocal about my opinions on management at work.

HAHA. I'm not tenured (theres no such thing at my job) but I have been fired twice and I still work there... I'm the ONLY person that has ever been able to do that there.

The last time it was for taking one of the office chairs into the parking lot and holding a ski rope behind a truck and chair surfing the lot. My boss found it hilarious, but fired me anyway. Then his wife re-hired me, (they are co-owners) because they realized they needed me more than the chair. (no one else in the office is crazy enough to climb 300 foot + com towers and put antennas on em)

OULobo said:
Preferred super power to have? Immortality

Really? That's interesting. Would you care to expound on that answer? Why immortality?
Lisa said:
What kind of artisan bread baking, Blindside? I would love to see pics of that and your wildlife :) Very interesting.

I've set up photos on a Flickr account, if anyone is interested PM me a email address and I'll send out an invitation.

Blindside said:
I've set up photos on a Flickr account, if anyone is interested PM me a email address and I'll send out an invitation.


WOW! Lamont you truly have some incredible talent for capturing wildlife in photos. I encourage everyone to check them out. They left me speachless. The beauty is undeniable.

sorry for the thread gank, Navarre. :)
Navarre said:
Really? That's interesting. Would you care to expound on that answer? Why immortality?

Reminds me of the guy from the Hitchhikers's books whose eventual goal was to insult every living thing in the galaxy. He just got bored with everything else.
Navarre said:
Really? That's interesting. Would you care to expound on that answer? Why immortality?

The world has too many things to experience at any one instance, and that amount increases with every second that goes by. On top of all that, some things you want to do over and over again and some things you want to do again because you forgot them. To me immortality is the best wish because it allows for infinite exciting experiences. Tack on eternal youth and it would be perfect.
Wouldn't it take the spice out of life knowing there's never any danger of dying though?

  • Current age? 40
  • Primary martial arts system? Tang Soo Do
  • Secondary martial arts system? N/A
  • Favorite MA technique (all things being equal)? backfist
  • Years of *active* study in martial arts? 7
  • Highest rank in a system? 1st degree black
  • Number of siblings? 4
  • Highest degree earned? BA
  • Favorite movie? The Happiest Millionaire
  • Favorite TV show? Walker, Texas Ranger
  • Favorite actor/actress? Chuck Norris
  • Favorite book? Bible, NIV
  • Favorite fictional character (any genre/medium)? Tarzan
  • Personal hero/inspiration (fictional or real)? Paul the Apostle, seriously; he was an intellectual and passionate about his faith and self-sacrificing.
  • Three hobbies (MA doesn’t count ‘cause it’s not a hobby)? Hunting, reading, computers
  • Dream woman/man (not current partner; non-fictional person; one night stand, not long-term relationship)? N/A (being very happily married)
  • Preferred super power to have?
  • Current occupation? computer programmer
  • Ideal occupation? college professor
  • Best general advice to the world? Believe in Jesus--live forever!
Solidman82 said:
Wouldn't it take the spice out of life knowing there's never any danger of dying though?
Nah, I don't want danger, I want to experience. I can sacrifice the excitement of defying death if it mean more of the other experiences.
  • Current age? In my Prime ;)
  • Primary martial arts system? EPAK
  • Secondary martial arts system? was FMA .. now EPAK
  • Favorite MA technique (all things being equal)? *Biting*
  • Years of *active* study in martial arts? 9ish
  • Highest rank in a system? 1st Black
  • Number of siblings? 2
  • Highest degree earned? 105 F. when I had meningitis.. oohh.. That degree.. Bachelors in something.. I don't use it so have forgotten everything. Also have a degree in Interior Design, which I plan on using as soon as I finish building these houses.
  • Favorite movie? now that's like asking what kinda chocolate I like..to many to list~! Mood dependent.
  • Favorite TV show? Again.. depends on my mood.. I watch: All the CSI's, Supernatural, Smallville, Invasion, Killer Instincts, Criminal Minds, Bones, House, As far as Reality shows, Extreme Home Makeover, HGTV, Good Eats, etc etc.. so take your pick
  • Favorite actor/actress? I'm not sure.. depends on the movie/show..
  • Favorite book?-- What's with all the Favs? I voraciously read.. Forensic novels ,fantasy,sci-fi.. right now am reading all the Clive Cussler books.
  • Favorite fictional character (any genre/medium)? Good grief.. more favs.. Ok.. how about Bertie Wooster.. (Jeeves and Wooster)
  • Personal hero/inspiration (fictional or real)? well many times I have called someone My Hero.. so depends on what they did for me ;)
  • Three hobbies (MA doesn’t count ‘cause it’s not a hobby)? Sculpting, *censored*, Adventuring.
  • Dream woman/man (not current partner; non-fictional person; one night stand, not long-term relationship)? No one in particular piques my interest..
  • Preferred super power to have? None.. I'm happy being human ;)
  • Current occupation? Bulder, MA Instructor,
  • Ideal occupation? I'm already doing it.
  • Best general advice to the world? "Release your Inner child...it's much fun"

  • Current age? 20
  • Primary martial arts system? Krav Maga
  • Secondary martial arts system? Krav Maga (Or at least the amount of trainging makes it seems like it)
  • Favorite MA technique (all things being equal)? Kick to the nuts
  • Years of *active* study in martial arts? 3½
  • Highest rank in a system? Brown
  • Number of siblings? 2 (and a dog)
  • Highest degree earned? High school diploma
  • Favorite movie? None come to mind
  • Favorite TV show? TV? What's that? (don't watch much)
  • Favorite actor/actress? Either Johnny Depp, Cary Elwes, Harpo or Groucho Marx
  • Favorite book? Probably "Genome" by Matt Ridley
  • Favorite fictional character (any genre/medium)? Either Link from the Zelda series or the renewed Prince of Persia
  • Personal hero/inspiration (fictional or real)? My instructor
  • Three hobbies (MA doesn’t count ‘cause it’s not a hobby)? Reading, listening to music and introspection
  • Dream woman/man (not current partner; non-fictional person; one night stand, not long-term relationship)? No physical manifestation I've found yet
  • Preferred super power to have? Heightened physical prowess (dexterity, agility, strength, speed, etc.)
  • Current occupation? Volunteer at the Hemato-Oncology department in a children's hospital
  • Ideal occupation? Video game designer moonlighting as a Krav Maga instructor
  • Best general advice to the world? Knowledge is power