20 Questions

Navarre said:
Blindside, your craft sounds very interesting. It's the kind of thing one must take great care for and have passion for to have hopes of success.

How did you get into it in the first place? Do you have pictures of the Pillsbury Dough Boy in your family albums or something?

My dad is a far better baker than I, and I got addicted to good bread. Then I moved to Wyoming where the nearest decent bread bakery is in the next state, so I had to start doing it myself. I'll see if I can find a photo of my dad's bread efforts, those taste great and have a great appearance.

Kate doesn't make my list of Red Hot Hotties but I think she has a very disarming smile; sweet, impish, and maybe a little wicked.

I think thats why I like her, red hot seems too fake (and way too high maintenance) to me, I like the Girl Next Door.

Current age? 19
Primary martial arts system? American Kenpo
Secondary martial arts system? Submission wrestling
Favorite MA technique (all things being equal)? Anyone except Sword and Hammer. Love the rear naked choke too..:D
Years of *active* study in martial arts? About 5
Highest rank in a system? Blue belt (tkd and AK)
Number of siblings? 1
Highest degree earned? High school...workin towards masters
Favorite movie? cant pick just one..
Favorite TV show? UFC
Favorite actor/actress? Jim Carrey, Angelina Jolie
Favorite book? Pipe Dreams
Favorite fictional character (any genre/medium)? Batman
Personal hero/inspiration (fictional or real)? Chris (instructor) and JC
Three hobbies (MA doesn’t count ‘cause it’s not a hobby)? MTB, woodwork, does starbucks count?
Dream woman/man (not current partner; non-fictional person; one night stand, not long-term relationship)? again, it would have to be Chris..
Preferred super power to have? flying
Current occupation? college student and student leader..
Ideal occupation? Kenpo instructor
Best general advice to the world? Life's too short to worry....
Navarre said:
That's cool, Techno. Can you film me in fighting action and then add special effects and tricky camera shots to make it look like I know what I'm doing?

In theory, yes.

I dont do most of that kind of work tho. I construct sets, Build props, do some basic special effects makeup...

The guy I do a lot of it with does most of the camera work and D.I. stuff in post production... He did the lightsaber effects in the Star Wars film, the Jedi Ball levitation, and the Hologram sign in there too...

So, could I? Yes. Would it look as good as the stuff he could do? Prolly not.


And to Camwhore a little, thats me as the Zombie in "Spurned, A tale of love... and zombies."
Technopunk said:
Ive been in a couple flicks... Made a few films here and there, for fun, and done some Key Grip work and AD work for an Indie film group here... Mostly festival stuff Including the StarWars Fan Flim Awards, and NYC Midnight Move Madness festival.

Did you have anything at Celebration III? Because I probably saw it.
Blindside said:
I think thats why I like her, red hot seems too fake (and way too high maintenance) to me, I like the Girl Next Door.

Me too. Keri Russell is currently #2 on my Chosen 5. She doesn't have much of a build but there's something very likable about her face. It's the face that always gets me with a girl.

Katie Holmes had been my #2 for years, from the very first episode of Dawson's Creek. Most regretably, I've dropped her off the list completely now that she's carrying the spawn of one of The Dark Disciples.
Navarre said:
Me too. Keri Russell is currently #2 on my Chosen 5. She doesn't have much of a build but there's something very likable about her face. It's the face that always gets me with a girl.

Katie Holmes had been my #2 for years, from the very first episode of Dawson's Creek. Most regretably, I've dropped her off the list completely now that she's carrying the spawn of one of The Dark Disciples.

Okay Navarre... spill it. What is the complete "chosen 5" list. Inquiring minds wanna know :D
Lisa said:
Okay Navarre... spill it. What is the complete "chosen 5" list. Inquiring minds wanna know :D
Ah, yes. My Chosen 5. Check here.

I had once considered starting a thread about it because I think that would be interesting too..but I didn't want to seem like I was just here randomly posting anything that came to mind.

However, if someone wants to start such a thread, I'd gladly reply. lol
Navarre said:
Ah, yes. My Chosen 5. Check here.

I had once considered starting a thread about it because I think that would be interesting too..but I didn't want to seem like I was just here randomly posting anything that came to mind.

However, if someone wants to start such a thread, I'd gladly reply. lol

That makes me laugh, say you met one of your 'chosen 5' what makes you think they would want to sleep with ya.... lol
Sarah said:
That makes me laugh, say you met one of your 'chosen 5' what makes you think they would want to sleep with ya.... lol

Hey now, let's not let reality get in the way of a perfectly good fantasy, shall we?

I know part of the reason my wife and I could have such a list is the extreme unlikelihood we'd ever meet anyone on it. This is part of the reason they had to be celebrities and not ppl we knew.

The other reason could be, as you suggest, that no one on my list would hop me on sight...but I don't prefer to acknowledge that possibility.
Navarre said:
Hey now, let's not let reality get in the way of a perfectly good fantasy, shall we?

I know part of the reason my wife and I could have such a list is the extreme unlikelihood we'd ever meet anyone on it. This is part of the reason they had to be celebrities and not ppl we knew.

The other reason could be, as you suggest, that no one on my list would hop me on sight...but I don't prefer to acknowledge that possibility.

Sooooo....whats the point of it again??? :rolleyes:

Is it just so you can tell your partner who you fancy.. lol very cute :)
  • Current age? 24
  • Primary martial arts system? Aikido
  • Secondary martial arts system? Same
  • Favorite MA technique (all things being equal)? Nikkyo
  • Years of *active* study in martial arts? 5 years
  • Highest rank in a system? 3rd kyu
  • Number of siblings? 2 (1 older sister & a older brother)
  • Highest degree earned? High School Diploma (working towards college degree)
  • Favorite movie? The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
  • Favorite TV show? Lost (for drama) Whose Line is it Anyway? (comedy)
  • Favorite actor/actress? Jackie Chan
  • Favorite book? All the Harry Potter books
  • Favorite fictional character (any genre/medium)? Toss up between Batman, Legolas, Bilbo, & Frodo.
  • Personal hero/inspiration (fictional or real)? Jesus Christ
  • Three hobbies (MA doesn’t count ‘cause it’s not a hobby)? Reading, video games, surfing the net.
  • Dream woman/man (not current partner; non-fictional person; one night stand, not long-term relationship)? Orlando Bloom >sigh<
  • Preferred super power to have? invuneralbility
  • Current occupation? in search of a new one
  • Ideal occupation? Professional Uke :D That's why I need the invuneralbility.
  • Best general advice to the world? "Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!"
Robyn :asian:
Navarre said:
(Bites tongue and refuses to respond.)

what could you possibly have to say to my age? *pretends to be naive*

I'm not that familiar with your style. Do you have to test for your rank and you're just confident or is it a done-deal? Either way, Congratulations!!

You're not familiar with kenpo? We practically rule this board! Anyway, I have to test, but they don't test you til their sure you'll pass. You'd have to get really nervous indeed - as many times as we review before they let you test, damn!

The Harry Potter books/movies are great. Why do you like Mad Eye so much? Guess you'll be glad to see the 4th movie then.
The 4th movie'll be good, although mad eye's eye looks more electronic than magical. Mad eye is just a COOL guy. Constant Vigilance!
Xequat said:
Did you have anything at Celebration III? Because I probably saw it.

Director went to that, I didnt. I dont know if it was shown or not, because it didnt make the finals. I was going to post the movie online, and he asked me not to...

It was called "Duel Occupancy" and it was about a Jedi and a Sith who were roommates.

Did you see it?
I agree about Mad Eye's mad eye...it doesn't look right.

Hey, I was an extra in a movie! Mad City with John Travolta, Dustin Hoffman, and Alan Alda.
Sam said:
The 4th movie'll be good, although mad eye's eye looks more electronic than magical.

Yeah, I dunno about his eye. Maybe it was easier for them to go "electronic" than to use CGI. Then again, all of this is J.K. Rowling's vision. Maybe she had always imagined it this way.

...and, Sam, if you have to pretend to be naive, then I need say no more. lol
Current age? 26
Primary martial arts system? American Kenpo
Secondary martial arts system? None
Favorite MA technique (all things being equal)? any 'not getting hit' one
Years of *active* study in martial arts? 7
Highest rank in a system? Black
Number of siblings? 3 younger sisters
Highest degree earned? None
Favorite movie? Black Hawk Down/Star Wars/LOTR trilogy - All good
Favorite TV show? Don't watch much telly
Favorite actor/actress?
Favorite book? Any Terry Pratchett/Tom Clancy (Jack Ryan books)
Favorite fictional character (any genre/medium)? Commander Vimes (Pratchett)
Personal hero/inspiration (fictional or real)? None
Three hobbies (MA doesn’t count ‘cause it’s not a hobby)? Volleyball/Xbox/Reading
Dream woman/man (not current partner; non-fictional person; one night stand, not long-term relationship)? mmm, Angelina Jolie...
Preferred super power to have? Flight
Current occupation? Temp
Ideal occupation? MA Instructor (somewhere hot)
Best general advice to the world? Be excelllent to each other
Spiderboy, with only 7 posts as of this moment, I'm glad I gave you something you felt was worth posting to. You should drop in more often.

Yeah, Angelina Jolie would honestly be at #2 on my wife's Chosen 5 as well. But then that gets into a whole other issue perhaps best avoided.


Flight and invisibility seem to be the top choices for super powers. I wonder if that is because they easily come to mind for the non-comic-reader or if there's something else.

I wonder if maybe we all have a deeper need to either "hide" from the struggles of the world or to rise above those struggles, figuratively and literally.
Hi Navarre,

i've been around for a little while, i prefer to keep my ears open and my mouth shut, (though my instructor might say i've written that backwards...)

i like posts that let you see that MAs come in all shapes and sizes!

And as for flight - that moment when you wake up after a flying dream and for a second think you can still do it, then realise you can't - gutting!


spiderboy said:
And as for flight - that moment when you wake up after a flying dream and for a second think you can still do it, then realise you can't - gutting!



*agrees wholeheartedly*

Or really anything you can do in a dream that you can't do in real life - magical or otherwise.
But the flip side - waking up and realising that you haven't ACTUALLY told your boss where to shove it - Phew! Some things are best left to dreams :D