You just won 20 Million Dollars in a lottery.
Simple enough question.
What do you do with the money?
Knowing that much cash doesn't hang around forever. Many lottery winners usually go right back to their mean income within 5 years of their winning. Primary reason for this is the sudden leap out of their "comfort zone" and into a place where it's not surprisingly unfamiliar. What seems like unlimited spending cap.
But the question remains... what would you do? Now I could make this an exorbitant amount of say 200 million which is still realistic considering some states grand prize powerball type lottos. But we'll stick with 20 million.
Of course many of us should know that 20 million will not "fix it". So my question is think it over and answer what would you do with the money.
You could hoard it all for yourself, and some to family (of course
) and a little here for charity and there for that. Round the world trips, big houses, cars, boats and so on.
Question of morality here is would you (honestly now) spend it helping others?
We say yes of course, most of us would in our hearts. Reality? Hmm... already there's that reluctance building up deep down inside isn't there?
Oprah Winfrey is supposedly doing this "game" where you are given X amount of money and are supposed to use it to help people. Nothing gets spent for yourself. Now that just doesn't seem fair does it? Of course not.
So lets say... 10% goes to you... (2 million bucks) and considering that's quite a chunk of change for just one person personally isn't it? Even with a family it's still a good sum of money.
90% has to go to help others. How would you do it? Simplify your answers please and take a bit to think about it. You could help out hundreds of families, pay off mortgages for them, pay off hospital bills for their children, provide needed money for valuable research that many others who could afford it don't think is valuable for their own reasons.
I'm still thinking of how I would do it. But would love to see your participation.
Is this realistic? Umm, prolly not but it's something to think about, something to ask ourselves. Think of it as a Brewster's Millions type game. But without the idiotic blow as much as you can in 30 days.
Got to thinking about this and it made me curious. With this broad and diverse of a group of people... it might be interesting. By the way... there are no right or wrong answers here.
Simple enough question.
What do you do with the money?
Knowing that much cash doesn't hang around forever. Many lottery winners usually go right back to their mean income within 5 years of their winning. Primary reason for this is the sudden leap out of their "comfort zone" and into a place where it's not surprisingly unfamiliar. What seems like unlimited spending cap.
But the question remains... what would you do? Now I could make this an exorbitant amount of say 200 million which is still realistic considering some states grand prize powerball type lottos. But we'll stick with 20 million.
Of course many of us should know that 20 million will not "fix it". So my question is think it over and answer what would you do with the money.
You could hoard it all for yourself, and some to family (of course

Question of morality here is would you (honestly now) spend it helping others?
We say yes of course, most of us would in our hearts. Reality? Hmm... already there's that reluctance building up deep down inside isn't there?
Oprah Winfrey is supposedly doing this "game" where you are given X amount of money and are supposed to use it to help people. Nothing gets spent for yourself. Now that just doesn't seem fair does it? Of course not.
So lets say... 10% goes to you... (2 million bucks) and considering that's quite a chunk of change for just one person personally isn't it? Even with a family it's still a good sum of money.
90% has to go to help others. How would you do it? Simplify your answers please and take a bit to think about it. You could help out hundreds of families, pay off mortgages for them, pay off hospital bills for their children, provide needed money for valuable research that many others who could afford it don't think is valuable for their own reasons.
I'm still thinking of how I would do it. But would love to see your participation.
Is this realistic? Umm, prolly not but it's something to think about, something to ask ourselves. Think of it as a Brewster's Millions type game. But without the idiotic blow as much as you can in 30 days.
Got to thinking about this and it made me curious. With this broad and diverse of a group of people... it might be interesting. By the way... there are no right or wrong answers here.