Would YOU Turn Down $11 Million?


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Now I don't know about this guy but... he's either very happy with his present salary, a workaholic, or a unique human being. Hopefully it's the latter.
Game researcher ducks millions in royalties
Co-developer of multi-million seller 'Brain Age' gave royalty share to college construction efforts.
By Mike Smith
Ryuta Kawashima, the researcher behind Nintendo's Brain Age series of games for the DS portable system, would rather be working than enjoying $11 million in royalties he could have earned from his creations.
Under the terms of his agreement with his employer, Tohoku University in Japan's north-east region, Kawashima was entitled to accept half the Brain Age royalties personally. Instead, he used the proceeds to help fund $6.5 million in construction projects on Tohoku's campus.
"My hobby is work," he said. "Everyone in my family is mad at me but I tell them that if they want money, go out and earn it."
I guess he feels that the money will come later. His latest project definitely has merit though. I worry about my 80 yr. old mother out driving about.

I dunno, would you turn down $11 Million dollars in royalties? Tough question huh?
Working at my present job ... No Freakin' Way.

However, there have been times in my life, when I was doing just what I wanted to be doing .... and all the money in the world couldn't replace that.

We have all seen the stories of lottery winners who are broke and miserable three years after winnning millions, haven't we? Is there a lesson in that?

But, I don't think I'll ever have the chance to decline an offer for real.
It makes me wonder if Tohoku University didn't put a little pressure on Mr Kawashima to "share" his half of the profits with the institution.

Oh, and by the way, the university already has its half, I'd be keeping mine.
I'd take the money.

Hell, right now I'd be happy for an extra grand.
(That's only 51 new and renewed supporting memberships btw) :D /shameless plug
I told my boss that if I ever won a big lottery my notice would be, "You've got till the check clears". I'd take the money and run.
as i sit here (unemployed lol) im pretty sure id take the cash that i was entitled to :p. im not exactly sure if it would last me a lifetime, or be gone in a couple REALLY fun weeks (think brewsters millions but without the bigger payout at the end), but id TAKE it, and either way id still keep myself busy with some sort of work (if i could find work at THAT point lol)!!

now on the other hand, were I employed or COMFORTABLY unemployed id like to be able to pass it (or some of it anyway) on to a charity that could actually use it.

i say good for him!
From what I read, it looks like he foolishly turned down $6.5mil instead of $11mil.

Give up $6.5mil? No way. I wouldn't turn down $6,500.
Now I don't know about this guy but... he's either very happy with his present salary, a workaholic, or a unique human being. Hopefully it's the latter.

I guess he feels that the money will come later. His latest project definitely has merit though. I worry about my 80 yr. old mother out driving about.

I dunno, would you turn down $11 Million dollars in royalties? Tough question huh?

I'd keep money for me going to college, and donate the rest of it. I'd rather work. Call me what you want, but if I'm not working, I get BORED! I'd rather know I did a good thing, and went and worked.
"Would YOU Turn Down $11 Million?"

Let me think about this for a moment. It does require careful consideration, due deliberation and careful forethought.

Wait a minute. $11,000,000.00?

I've got 2 words for you.

**** NO!
Hello, Most likely NOT! Remember there is more to having alot of money?

Money can help build hospitals, help the poor, education, new schools, help chariable organizations, hospice, the old,needly, it CAN DO ALOT OF GOOD THINGS TOO!

Greed is when you keep it all for yourself and NOT sharing it (not giving it away in an unfruitful way too).

As you age? ....health is worth more any amount of money!

Money does not buy "HAPPINESS"....look at Britney and all rich and famous people in the news...who have drug, depresson, and health problems too!

The pooress can be more happy than anyone else....happeness is in the mind and excepting what you have! ...making the most of what you got too!

Drugs do not make you happy...they make the situtions worst...and only provides the mind to escape in a so call other world...in the head only! Many cannot except who they are. (NO such thing as a perfect person)

...many can come close!

Aloha (Please your dollars as soon as you can? ..even if it is just one dollar?)

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