2 days til my competition!


Brown Belt
May 2, 2009
Reaction score
Tonawanda NY
Well I have been working diligently on my Pal Gwe Som Jang over the past couple weeks and I think I have a pretty good handle on it! :) Sometimes I have to do some quick thinking on the 2nd part of double knife hand block but I seem to have some good muscle memory on it now, YAY! My action/re-action is almost spot on as well...
I decided to do palm heel strike for my board breaking...Ive never done this before so its VERY new to me! Yesterday after class I stayed a few extra minutes and had a senior belt instruct me how to execute it on a small target. The first 2 tries were ok, then I focused better and put my hip into it and whacked the target across the mat! LOL
I was going to try for reverse knife hand but being a photographer and not having enough experience and training in breaking boards with my hand I didnt want to risk injuring my shutter finger.

Im getting just a little nervous but overall I feel good about how I think I will perform!
Cross your fingers that I place 1st in my division for both events!
Sounds like your hard work is paying dividends. Good job and good luck at the competiton :)

Hard work always pays off, remember it is not about winning. It is about great competition. Have fun....
Yah I think I just want to prove that I can be the best at what I do...Im hardcore anal about stuff like that! LOL Placing 1st will be a major perk for me though! ;)

Good luck ShelleyK. You'll do great!

Be sure and give us highlights.

all the best,
Good luck. You should do well. Also a reverse knife hand is really called a ridge hand, not reverse knife hand.
You'll be fine.

Placing is nice, but the first conscious act of competing the biggest hurdle.
Don't forget to have fun while you're there. It is supposed to be fun, too :ultracool
Good luck. You should do well. Also a reverse knife hand is really called a ridge hand, not reverse knife hand.

Thanks I brainfarted and couldnt remember the term for it! HAHA!!
Don't forget to have fun while you're there. It is supposed to be fun, too :ultracool

Oh I plan on having fun too! I will be there from opening til closing! Im helping out throughout the day with the organization as well ;)

There will also be face painting and demonstrations and stuff like that..I dont know yet what I will be assigned to do...should be interesting!
Good luck. You sound enthusiastic about participating and that's probably 50% of it.
On a side note:

Do you prefer the Palgwe forms over the Taeguek?

Personally I enjoyed practicing the Palgwe forms a little more than the others, except for maybe my all time favorite form "Koryo". That form had some pretty sweet movements! (I'll stop the non constructive chatter now)

Well all the best,
On a side note:

Do you prefer the Palgwe forms over the Taeguek?

Personally I enjoyed practicing the Palgwe forms a little more than the others, except for maybe my all time favorite form "Koryo". That form had some pretty sweet movements! (I'll stop the non constructive chatter now)

Well all the best,
Well I have only done Palgwe forms...Im a junior Green belt :) I will be getting my blue stripe most likely at the end of the month :)
Good luck! I am sure you will do great and have lots of fun.
Well after tonights class Master Moon decided that he wants me to do back kick for board breaking, he had me practice a few times and apparently I impressed him, he says I have a VERY strong back kick! :D
So Back kick it is!
Good luck. I'm not going to be able to make it to watch unfortunately, but I'll be sending ya some good wishes. :)