1st Dan for ever????


Senior Master
Don't know about you but it seems I will be a 1st dan forever. I made my 1st dan Black Belt on december 1987 and was oof TKD for long time, I retook TKD may 2007 and basically doing TKD for exercise and because I like it but with no sight on 2nd Dan Black belt Test, I mean I'm not in a hurry as long as I can train and getting better in my performance.

There is a chance (if money and motivation allow me) I can do the second dan examination, I would love to make the examn in my dojang but it seems is a requirement to go Mexico City to do it.

Any long term 1 st dan here?

Don't know about you but it seems I will be a 1st dan forever. I made my 1st dan Black Belt on december 1987 and was oof TKD for long time, I retook TKD may 2007 and basically doing TKD for exercise and because I like it but with no sight on 2nd Dan Black belt Test, I mean I'm not in a hurry as long as I can train and getting better in my performance.

There is a chance (if money and motivation allow me) I can do the second dan examination, I would love to make the examn in my dojang but it seems is a requirement to go Mexico City to do it.

Any long term 1 st dan here?


I wasn't a long time 1st dan, but I was a 2nd dan for 19 years. While I did often wish I had the rank that reflected my time and dedication, I realized too that it really didn't matter. When I boxed, there were no belts or no rank. It was all about the amount of work that you put in. TKD is really no different. In TKD, I can stand near the front of class and have students call me "sir" because of my rank, but I still have to do the work.

Manny, the way I see it, you're not behind or "should be" another rank. It is what it is. I hope you can have peace with where you are.
Not for 1st but second is my penance I imagine since I have had it now for years and years. Shot up to Black, was 1st dan for about 18 months and here I sit................ Its all good though, it is just a belt, its whats inside that counts.
Thank you guys, I have to admit it, when I went back TKD in 2007 I told the sambunim of my actual dojang that I wanted to train there cause I really liked and because I enjoy more the MA that joging alone.

I told sambunim I already knew TKD that I was a Black Blet under Jido Kwan but I havent practiced TKD since 1992 so I was out of shape but TKD is like riding a bike... you'll never forgot how to do it, however if it was a requirement to start from white belt I have not complain.

Sambunim told me - Mr. Manny I know your former sambunim and intsructor you are a Black belt so you start here as a black belt if you want it. Within days sambunim saw I was a respetable person that knew what TKD is and we started to refresh my memory.

It was no my fisrt goal to go for another Dan, my goal was to gain health in something I love.

Not the only one by a long shot.
One of the BB at our school has been first dan for better than 20 years. The senior student sat at 3rd for upwards of 15 before taking his 4th this summer.
It's not about the belt, in any case. It's about getting what you want out of your training.
Your rank only matters to how you see it. If all you want to do is train... who cares about rank. If TKD is your lifelong partner and you train for the love.... who cares about rank.
But if you have aspirations of owning your own school one day and teaching.... better get it now instead of 25 years later when your physical skills have diminished and you cant show "what you used to be able to do"... We all agree that its not the rank that matters its the skill, but one day we will all be old and no longer have our skills to show what we know... then you will be the old 1st Dan in the class that the kids wonder why they should listen to you... cause they are a second dan. Or, you'll be asking for a skip dan to make up for lost years and wonder why everyone questions your reasons for it.
Just test. you dont want to be a 1st dan for 35years.
Better to be solidly under-ranked than to have even a vague suspicion that you might be over-ranked. Look around at all the really high ranking people out there. How many do you think REALLY deserve it? My own opinion: very very few.

I've been a kenpo Shodan since 1986. Black is black. so what?
1st Dan Goju ryu, 1991.

Still train but not interested in meeting any one's requirements for rank. Still trying to perfect Gekisai kata :)

I say I am a "Yudansha". People ask me what that is and I tell them it means I have a Dan rank / Black belt. If they want to know what level of black I tell them "real real dark black"

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