11 years for shooting unarmed gangbanger in the back?


Senior Master

11 years for shooting unarmed gangbanger in the back?

Was agent's claim of self-defense defensible?

A California narcotics agent who faced up to 11 years in prison has been found not guilty of voluntary manslaughter for shooting in the back a fleeing suspect who turned out to be unarmed.

A dramatic turning point in the trial came when an expert on the body movements of suspects in deadly force encounters clashed sharply with a prosecutor who claimed the agent lied about how the shooting occurred.

During a cross-examination, Deputy DA Lane Liroff emphatically asserted that the suspect could not have turned and pointed what appeared to be a gun while simultaneously running away, as the agent said he did, without falling down.

"That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard!" retorted expert witness Dr. Bill Lewinski of the Force Science Research Center at Minnesota State University-Mankato.

As the jury watched and snickered, Lewinski then sprinted for about 30 feet across the courtroom in the "impossible" posture, without stumbling or falling, thereby puncturing a key component of the prosecution's case.
The guy shouldn't have run. Obviously, he had enough evidence on him for a third offense. He wouldn't have been carrying scales if he wasn't dealing meth.

Prosecutor obviously doesn't like cops. Sounds more like a criminal defense attorney. Wonder if he's going to run for DA in San Francisco?
Prosecutor Liroff told the press, "It's an unfortunate reality that jurors are going to be more indulgent of a police officer."

wow. yet another nail in the "I will never live in California" coffin.
Doc, could you please cite your source for this article?
shesulsa said:
Doc, could you please cite your source for this article?
10-8: "Life on the Line" - with Charles Remsberg & the San Francisco Chronical
DavidCC said:
Prosecutor Liroff told the press, "It's an unfortunate reality that jurors are going to be more indulgent of a police officer."

wow. yet another nail in the "I will never live in California" coffin.
Just keep in mind, this same prosecutor won't give a private law abiding citizen the benefit of the doubt either. But I better he thinks nothing of plea bargaining cases against career felons all day long. Some of these attorneys only get excited when they can pursue a cop.

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