hardheadjarhead said:
I would concur with Heretic and say it will.
Really? What form do you anticipate it to take?
hardheadjarhead said:
The Consititution's preamble insures domestic tranquility. Gays without marriage rights are denied property, as well as health benefits and a host of other federal, state and local benefits that we are allowed. A Gay person whose "significant other" is on his or her death bed might be denied hospital visitation rights. This is just cruel...and all this leads to hate and discontent...not to mention justifiable litigation.
Maybe we can grow up and just get over it and recognize this isn't going to turn our children Gay (there's been no explosion of homosexuality in Denmark since Gay marriage was legalized there); it isn't going to wreck the allready wrecked institution of marriage in this country (where "born again" Christians have a high divorce rates than non-Christians); and it isn't going to weaken the moral fabric of the country...something that history has shown us is impossible to preserve with legislation.
OK, this is a rehash of arguements I've seen on this thread already. I won't comment on them. I think alot of the problems would be resolved with the afore mentioned civili union. What I would like to see is how the moral "slippery slope" will stop. Convince me that in the next few years we will not be endorsing polymagy or child marriage. Every arguement you make can be made for any deviant form of marriage/relationship (in particular polygamy). Its not unique to your particular area of interest. Should your threat of civil unrest be sufficient to allow any particular activity you like? Do we try to please every single group to ensure domestic tranquility? How can we ever justify any law restricting anyones right to do anything? Repeal drinking age limits? Drug laws? Repeal smoking age limits? Lower/remove drivers licence age? Let anyone (felon included) buy a gun? Allow hunting of endangered species? The last two should get the liberals in a tizzy

There are groups out there that would endorse all of these suggestions. Are their groups just not large enough yet to deserve your attention? Do you endorse violence by radical liberals who torch SUV's in California? Wrap trees with barbed wire so that people who cut them down are potentially killed? Should we appease them? They are passionate about their cause, actually engaging in violence and disrupting domestic tranquility. They are expressing "hate and discontent". Should we legalize what they are doing? Give them tax breaks and special privledges?
I'm not trying to divert the thread, but I'm trying to point out that simply trying to please a specific group to ensure domestic tranquility and make every group happy simply won't work. I realize that my examples are a bit extreme, but I'm trying to demonstrate the ridiculous notion of letting the "domestic tranquility" argument get out of control. Let the legal process work. Its there for a reason. Legislators have common sense. They will listen to the people if they care to keep their jobs. Over time, laws will reflect the overall feelings of the people/society. Many great things have already been accomplished. Let people who are for gay marriage have their voice. Let people who are against gay marriage have their voice. Thats what this country is all about.
The root problems in the current "moral fiber" is deeper than marriage and sexuality. Thats another topic though... Problems with the church are deeper than that too, but again, another topic.
With regard to Denmark and gay marriages, I don't care to be like most European countries. We are not Europe. Care to be like Nicaragua or parts of Africa with child marriage laws? Many muslim countries allow polygamy, should I list some? Is Europe/Denmark such a wonderful example to follow, and African countries or Islamic countries such a bad example to follow? I don't want our laws and views dictated by other countries. Citing other countries is irrelevant. We have our own unique problems here. The stats are interesting, and I'd like to see them. However, at the end of the day, we are not Europe. Let us resolve our own issues. A more relevant discussion would be the social results of the MA laws. I'd be curious to see how things work out over the next decade or so.
On a side issue... It seems liberals tend to love Europe. I wonder why. :idunno: