1 Dead, 4 Hurt In Ohio School Shooting


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By NBC News, msnbc.com staff and news services
Updated 12:04 p.m. ET: One student was killed and four were injured in a shooting Monday morning at an Ohio high school, officials said.
The alleged gunman, a student at the school, is in custody, officials said
Police said they began receiving reports of several gunshots from Chardon High School at around 7:38 a.m. A teacher chased the suspect, who is a juvenile, out of the building.

Victims were found in three different places inside the school.
Police said the gunman used a handgun.
"I'm just distraught," Victoria, a Chardon student, told Fox 8. She said the cafeteria wasn't crowded at the time of the shooting, adding that she knew the shooter, who is a junior. Victoria said she saw him shoot another student in the back before she and a friend fled the area.
I don't like Michael Moore but I found this quote online from Bowling for Colombine referenced in a news story about Ohio, and its been stuck in my head since then.

Michael Moore: If you were to talk directly to the kids at Columbine or the people in that community, what would you say to them if they were here right now?

Marilyn Manson: I wouldn't say a single word to them I would listen to what they have to say, and that's what no one did.
Sorry, bringing up michael moore in response to a school shooting doesn't seem appropriate. Bowling for columbine is a poor excuse for a look at violence in schools and it is a real hit job on decent americans. The two shooters at columbine were not what the media wanted them to be, it will take some looking into to see what this killer was up to.
I never gave any of his movies a moment of my time, so I'll take your word for it.
Certainly a sad event. Whats just as bad, IMO, is the fact that the suspect told others about his plans and nobody said anything. No, I'm not blaming those that knew, for what happened, just saying that had someone said something to a parent, the police, a teacher, etc, that perhaps this incident could've been stopped.
Certainly a sad event. Whats just as bad, IMO, is the fact that the suspect told others about his plans and nobody said anything. No, I'm not blaming those that knew, for what happened, just saying that had someone said something to a parent, the police, a teacher, etc, that perhaps this incident could've been stopped.

Too many people in smaller communities have that "It cant happen here" attitude when in reality its far more likely to happen in a smaller rual school then a big city school. Big city schools already have things like metal detectors and school resources officers in the schools.
Say MJS, I`m still having trouble tracking down much news on the shooting. Do you remember where you heard that he`d told others what he was going to do?

If that`s the case, it makes it seem worse somehow. Like someone who talks about commiting suicide and no one takes it seriously until it happens, or someone who abuses a wife or child and no one really acts on it until someone winds up dead. You ask yourself how hard it might have been to avoid all this if someone had acted earlier. I know hindsight is 20/20, but you can`t help but wonder.
Say MJS, I`m still having trouble tracking down much news on the shooting. Do you remember where you heard that he`d told others what he was going to do?

If that`s the case, it makes it seem worse somehow. Like someone who talks about commiting suicide and no one takes it seriously until it happens, or someone who abuses a wife or child and no one really acts on it until someone winds up dead. You ask yourself how hard it might have been to avoid all this if someone had acted earlier. I know hindsight is 20/20, but you can`t help but wonder.

From the linked article:

"Erasmus told Channel 5 that a student tweeted he was going to bring a gun to school but no one took him seriously. Other reports said it was a text."

I've also heard this on various news stations. However, I usually take things the media reports, with a grain of salt, as we all know how accurate they can be...LOL..:)
Too many people in smaller communities have that "It cant happen here" attitude when in reality its far more likely to happen in a smaller rual school then a big city school. Big city schools already have things like metal detectors and school resources officers in the schools.

Agreed. Shootings, bullying, harassment....its not limited to one area. Sadly, some people are blind to that reality.
There were reports on the news yesterday he tweeted pictures of himself holding 2 guns and then a card with the name of the high school and yesterdays date written on it.
I don't like Michael Moore but I found this quote online from Bowling for Colombine referenced in a news story about Ohio, and its been stuck in my head since then.

Michael Moore: If you were to talk directly to the kids at Columbine or the people in that community, what would you say to them if they were here right now?

Marilyn Manson: I wouldn't say a single word to them I would listen to what they have to say, and that's what no one did.

While the overall point is valid -- the specific application has been shown to be less than accurate. Harris and Klebold weren't "misunderstood kids" or "outcasts." Harris was, quite simply, a sociopath, in some ways benignly enabled by his parents. Klebold appears to have been a fairly typical, "routinely" messed up teen, who found a leader to follow in Harris. Two of many articles: ONE and TWO. I like the concluding paragraph of the second article, especially:
If there’s one lesson to learn from Columbine, it’s perhaps that citizens and policymakers should not jump to conclusions based on anecdotes. This book shows how much work it can take simply to uncover the facts — not to mention figure out what steps could have prevented this particular crisis, and whether those same steps would do more good than harm in the country as a whole. Ten years later, public shootings have not ceased, and those questions are as important as ever.

As to this latest shooting, I don't have enough information yet.

(Sorry, but I have a thing about knee jerk reactions and misinformation...)
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It is 7:16 p.m. and one of the latest reports on the shooting is saying he didn't know any of the kids he shot. Anyone confirm this?
While the overall point is valid -- the specific application has been shown to be less than accurate. Harris and Klebold weren't "misunderstood kids" or "outcasts." Harris was, quite simply, a sociopath, in some ways benignly enabled by his parents. Klebold appears to have been a fairly typical, "routinely" messed up teen, who found a leader to follow in Harris. Two of many articles: ONE and TWO. I like the concluding paragraph of the second article, especially:
If there’s one lesson to learn from Columbine, it’s perhaps that citizens and policymakers should not jump to conclusions based on anecdotes. This book shows how much work it can take simply to uncover the facts — not to mention figure out what steps could have prevented this particular crisis, and whether those same steps would do more good than harm in the country as a whole. Ten years later, public shootings have not ceased, and those questions are as important as ever.

As to this latest shooting, I don't have enough information yet.

(Sorry, but I have a thing about knee jerk reactions and misinformation...)

I did no follow Columbine...but it seems that the listening part was left out.
You know the Dr Phil thing: When people tell you who they are, believe them.
As far as I gathered from looking the other way and changing the channels, those 2 fellows were not silent about their intentions.
I did no follow Columbine...but it seems that the listening part was left out.
You know the Dr Phil thing: When people tell you who they are, believe them.
As far as I gathered from looking the other way and changing the channels, those 2 fellows were not silent about their intentions.

Thank you for understanding my point.

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