Opinions on my videos

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And Mr Parker, where are your website and videos? Easy to slander someone else. Lets see your great skills. I Looked at a video of your "grandmaster" Dr. Maung Gyi. Not that impressive on a video. Basic yellow belt techniques.Post videos of your stuff. You won't though. Not enough courage or confidence.

Chris Parker has proven himself time and time again on this board, which is not an easy task given that some of the best in the business participate here.

You have quickly made a bad impression here and attacking senior members isn't going to help your cause. Maybe you should try e-budo :)
I want criticism, but just the good kind, you know,the kind that confirms I'm a unique and special snowflake. If I can't get it here, I'll insult you. Then I'll send the videos to Mommy, she always knows just what to say.
I want criticism, but just the good kind, you know,the kind that confirms I'm a unique and special snowflake. If I can't get it here, I'll insult you. Then I'll send the videos to Mommy, she always knows just what to say.


I dunno. I sure am seeing a big one posting on here (Not you mate, just to be clear). I'm feeling a tad inadequate.

Yep :)
This thread reminds me of one that another member started. He too, posted a video clip of his 'sparring' and also asked for comments on it. Needless to say, none of the comments were good, reason being, because the clip, as well as the skills shown, were not good, despite the OPs claims. A young martial artist, one who seems to have jumped from school to school to school, spending little time really learning the art, arguing repeatedly, with older, much more experienced martial artists.

The problem here, is, is that the OP feels they're good, so they post a clip, in hopes that they will think others will feel the same. However, that is not the case, once again. The OP, not hearing good things, gets pissed off and upset, rather than taking the advice of those with more experience, and those that dont pull punches. You ask a question, you post a clip, you need to be willing and accepting of the comments.

IMHO, posting a video clip really isn't proof of anything. Unless you're filming yourself while you're walking down the street, and get into a real confrontation, showcasing yourself in a controlled setting, IMO, really isnt the ideal test of tests. The reality of it is, is there're many people on this very forum, who've tested themselves and their art, in RL settings, and they're still here today, to talk about it. That, IMO, is better than any clip could ever be.

So, all that said, this thread has pretty much come full circle. My suggestion, to the OP, would be to take the advice that you've been given. If you're here to troll, then you'll soon find out that your time here will be cut short. If you're sincere, and honestly want to improve, then take some of the advice you've been given, and improve your skills.

All that said, this thread is being closed.
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