Road to Nak Muay

Hello, mates!
I took the initiative to hold a log of my training in the art of muay thai. Due to the fact i was unaware about Martial Talk's blog function. Here's my original entry in the thread

"Yesterday was the marker of my 2nd week of training muay thai. Things went ok, altough i guess i could've put more effort to it. I felt i wasn't giving my 100%. All i can do is hoping i will do it in the next session.

After the regular drills, ( footwork syncronised with punching and kicking combinations on various degrees of intensity) I had the privilege to undergo my first live light-sparring. I got myself beaten up and it was GREAT!!!!
Everyone i've sparred with had over a year of experience and there was plenty to learn. I gotta admit i got a little too excited and i couldnt really think too much on what i throw so i stuck to the very basics that popped into my head .

The only way i landed hits were at the exact same time i was hit. Teh only exception to that was when I almost threw a cleen teep and kick to the inner tigh of the opponent's lead foot ( southpaw vs orthodox). Altough my memories of those minutes seem quite blurry for me now i have a very vivid memory of the two blows on my ribs after missing a jab and a cold glove onto my cheekbone.
All in all, I'm looking foward to get beaten again."

Now, to get closer to the present, i will tell you how the next class went. I went trough an annoingly smart irony form life's part regarding the random occurances i dealt with.

Around the place i live there is this small urban legend, so to say, regarding contact ring sport gyms.
The mith takes form of a "baptize of fire" or a rite of passage of somesort. what it is, basicly, is having your nose smashed a lille... not more than a tough-love clean straight from your training comrades ( no communism pun intended) and i got to udnerstand whi is this thincg wondering around ever sicne i was a kid.
Things happened quite natpural, got to the gym, light warming up in a corner while waiting for the wushu class to leave since it was the club change window both of them had to right to be there. A man from the wushu club was practicing some hammer fist combos on the bag and i watched a little to see waht is was all about.
He then approache me, quite friendly i must say and invited me for a sparring session. I made it clearly that i was a beginner since i saw him training there for a loooooong time before I ctually started training.
The man was around his 40's around 1.90 m tall, and had much of a Baloo allure both in terms of aesthetics and demeanor.
I believe that sparring is a great way of learning trough trial and error and a great way of conditioning the mindset, not just the body so declining a sparring invittion is a big no-no to me.

Off we went in the ring ,wich i had the honor of entering the first time of my life, and a split second before we started the man sopped and politely asked me not to kick his legs since he has problems with them. Thing is i don't even use to hit itsmore of a taping simulator, like " I just hit you there"

I agreed and then we started. When i spar, i get the same feel Eminem described in a well known song, but it weren't my arms who went spaghetti, it was my mind. I dont even know how to approach the situation right, so i put to use my sloppy footwork and preserving instincts and tried to bait some patterns but all that happend was i attack, he blocks/dodges/counters, i defend what i can, repeat.... then BAM!!! the straight... straight into my nose. there was blood, but i was familiar with it since i am phrone to nosebleeding even without getting hit too hard.
Soon after, my nosebleeding stiopped, the coach arrived, and i went trough regular drills. And near the end of the class he told us to pick partners and spar if we want... inner me was "Hell Yeah, more sparring"
I sparred with my mitts parter from that day, who had same experience as me and things went well, i guess, but i cant say it was a win.... i am not shure it was a tie either but its not the grand finale for whatever champion title so it doesnt even matter. He landed a neat kick to the body and i did not hesitate to point it out how clean was that.
We took a short break, and what followed was the epithome of what i experienced ever since i started training.
The best lad in the gym, the one with the pro fights, invited me for a spar... Getting beaten by a pro, What an honor!!!
Let me tell you something you may allready know... light sparring with a pro is almost like sparign at 50%-ish with somone else. But hey... It ain't about how hard you hit, its about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving foward. (Hell no i'd rather not getting hit at all but rocky said it so it sounds cool and a little pain hand't killed anyone yet... excepting those who were actually killed by it but i guess i got sidetracked)

The tempo was different, hell i was afraid even to go close up there and attempt a sorry excuse fo a punch. I just tried some low kicks thincking "thats safe..." and sicne im sowthpaw and hes orthodox i tried to practice soem ow kick to inside lead leg. The lad didnt seem too impressed.... it was just a tap after all... low kicks werent his schtick anyway and he made the point very clear by displayign some head kicks i am glad i somehow survived. aside from the regular puches i ate it was a nice change on the menu., kinda like that new spicy dish or too much-too early liquor thats gonna make you hate yourself in the morning.

All in all, that lad is pretty scary ... felt like i was being hunted... by the predator... I ain't Arnold mates, i aint even that yakuza guy who had a tie with a predator and they both died... I really need to get the hang of it ASAP... Unless i wanna get TongP(o)wn'ed like Kurt sloane's brother . Class was over, the rush had my nosebleed start again but I got my shizzle together in a brief time, thanked the guy for sparring with me, salluted the guys in the gym, the coach, and went off home.

I Love feedback mates. If i'd get hit with comments as often i got hit in sparring i'd be very grateful!
Best of all , and keep up with the good work!!!


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