
I have read and seen a lot of negativeness towards Bouncers and can admit with due cause. Some complaints I have heard were, "the intimidating looks and bad attitude" being at the top of the list. Then it's "rude and reacts with excessive force" and "un-needlessly hit, punched and or knocked out, attacked a person".
It is true, unfortunately... it exists... it still happens much to my dismay. Why am I dismayed by it?
Two main reasons, 1) I'm a Bouncer and 2) I'm a Martial Artist. I know I may get tons of negative comments, but hear me out. What does Martial Arts have to do with Bouncing? Can have everything to do, not in the sense that one can fight well... on the contrary. Because you have particular fighting skill sets one should be humble enough to avoid physical conflict unless your life's in danger or the life of another. You as a practitioner or instructor are well aware of the benefits of a Martial Artist be them in good character. So instead will focus on the Bouncer.
First off since most states instituted ordinances requiring Bouncers to go through a training course and attain a certification things out there have got a little better, but not good enough. The problem was the certification course (a 16 hour course) informs one of the legal can and cannot do's by the letter of the local law. What it doesn't teach is the meat and potatoes of how to be a Bouncer, and real conflict resolution.
So when you see these "bad Bouncers" it is a lack of education and downright ignorance. Just because you're a tough guy, got street cred and had your fair share of hard knock fights doesn't mean it makes you a good Bouncer (unless one truly learned life lessons from it and made it a positive asset)... most don't.
There are guys out there bouncing that have no business being in the business! As a Cooler (head Bouncer) I have seen the worst of the worst. They are bad for the venue, bad for for the patrons and bad for the workers... especially for the other Bouncers that work with them.
I have made it a personal and professional mission to educate the Bouncers in my city by creating a training program that goes well beyond the city's required curriculum and has since been approved and is currently in operation at my Bouncer Training academy. In time with this certification program (at least in my city of brotherly love... Philadelphia) a positive change will occur and hopefully other states will follow. A more educated and better equipped Bouncer is emerging, there are always going to be those far and few undesirables but soon will be weeded out. So for those who look down at the profession there is light at end of the tunnel. Should you want to know more about this and what I do go to my profile and there is a link to my website. Please leave comments, opinions, thoughts and experiences...I'd like to hear it.


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