Zui Quan or Drunken Fist


White Belt
I would like to try and open a discussion about "Drunken Fist". So here it goes.

Please share all your secrets and knowledge about the art of "Drunken Fist".

Thanks. :D
I would like to try and open a discussion about "Drunken Fist". So here it goes.

Please share all your secrets and knowledge about the art of "Drunken Fist".

Thanks. :D

Quid Pro Quo... you first.
Useful in the context of actual martial benefit or pointless? I gather from reading Ted Mancuso's articles over the years that he's not a big fan of most drunken sets.
Useful in the context of actual martial benefit or pointless? I gather from reading Ted Mancuso's articles over the years that he's not a big fan of most drunken sets.

There's some "interesting" ideas there, but for the most part, he's right. It's good show stuff & there is martial content there but in large part... not so good for fighting.

Most CMA's that have drunken sets in them are built on the foundation of the style & then "drunked" up. CLF & NPM are ones that come to mind that are like that. The CLF ones (more than one) you can see the base techniques with the "drunken" added to it.

Also one thing about Ted Mancuso, the stuff he studies/taught/wrote about doesn't contain much (if any at all) drunken material in it. So in that context, it doesn't "fit" his foundation. He certainly knows what he's about & is pretty dadgummed thorough about it. I could be wrong though. I'm not that familiar with everything he's done & has spent time doing.
I use to train with a guy that did Drunken fist and he was a damn good fighter. But then he also trained monkey style and he could hit me from positions and stances I never thought it would be possible to hit someone from with any powerÂ…and he hit pretty hard. But I will admit I never knew if it was the Drunken style or the Monkey style stuff that gave him that ability

He was also inhumanly flexible, I have never known anyone that flexible and I was never sure if it was from the styles of CMA he trained or his family because he was literally from a family of South American Acrobats

Real drunken fist (Joi Bot Sien-eight drunken immortals) is not about being awkward, or fooling someone into believing you are drunk. It is actually a collection of throws and takedowns, but when performed "in the air" appear drunken, so the form was embellished with stumbles, etc.and became the drunken fist we see today. Very few today actually even contain the original fighting techniques, and instead rely on staggers and stumbles and some ground rolling.
An example is Lifting the wine pot with both hands is actually a suplex type throw. Offering a cup of wine is a leg reaping throw, etc.

*I probably shouldn't say "real", better to say, "our version."
much more diplomatic.

(nine times out of ten, the versions you see are bull****)
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