
Well that is good news. The critics have also been giving it a lot of love!
I finally saw the movie and loved it, laughed my butt off. For other zombie enthusiast if you haven't checked any of Brian Keene's zombie books (The Rising, Dead City or Dead Sea), definietely worth checking out. A little different spin on the zombie genre, but awesome nontheless.
Just saw it on Monday; very funny and full of instant classic quotes! Not bad on the zombie action chase scenes either. Woody Harrelson was the perfect choice in lead. He's the best!

I can see Zombieland 2, 3, 4, etc. in years to come.
I saw it this weekend and loved it. Can't wait to get it on dvd when it comes out. I agree instant classic for zombie movies.
Here are the Zombieland "Rules for Survival"
01. Cardio
02. Beware of bathrooms.
03. Seat belts
04. Double tap
06. Cast Iron Skillet
12. Bounty Paper Towels
15. Bowling Ball
17. DonÂ’t be a hero
18. Limber up
22. Plan your escape
31. Check the back seat
32. Enjoy the little things
33. Swiss Army Knife

(Note some of these rules where not in the movie, but in TV Spots for the movie #6,12,15,33)