Zenjael's intervention

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Dirty Dog

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Sep 3, 2009
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Pueblo West, CO
Personally, expecting anyone to spring into action under those circumstances, unless cornered, is... Im not drawing a good word here. Implausible, I guess.

I think I know the word you're trying to come up with. It starts with "bull" and ends with something the auto-censor will delete.

Apparently that pertained to standing there and looking at Her look at You.

You mean "amounted", not "pertain". Alex can't be the only one corrected, even if he IS the most often corrected. And the least likely to take correction...

What kind of gun? Fun fact: Semiautomatic Handguns do not need to be cocked. Fun fact: The majority of firearms You see being carried around by Police and Criminals, unless its different in the USA, are Semi Automatic Handguns.

Actually, there are single action semi-automatic handguns. Being semi-automatic is unrelated to the gun being Single action or double action.


Senior Master
Jun 25, 2011
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I think I know the word you're trying to come up with. It starts with "bull" and ends with something the auto-censor will delete.

You mean "amounted", not "pertain". Alex can't be the only one corrected, even if he IS the most often corrected. And the least likely to take correction...

Actually, there are single action semi-automatic handguns. Being semi-automatic is unrelated to the gun being Single action or double action.

In order;


My bad. I was trying not to spend too long on it. :)

Of course there are - But assuming that the gun needs to be cocked before being fired is frankly dangerous, when a fair few guns dont. Id did phrase that way too generally though. I totally forgot about single and double action being a factor. I havent been into guns for years.


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 25, 2010
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Hmmmmm somehow I think this writing style looks very familiar to me Hmmmm

I know this is a bit late in the game, but after hearing about Alex's telling of the 7-11 story and everyone's subsequent disbelief, I felt it necessary to throw in my two cents.

I happen to be one of those witnesses. More specifically,

That's me; the girlfriend in the line of fire. With that in mind, here's my version of events:

While perusing the snacks near the register and Alex at the back of the store, three men burst in, two wearing ski masks and the third with his hood up and jacket zipped/pulled up; my back was to them, but I turned when one of them shouted, "Everybody get down on the ground!" Two thoughts went very quickly through my head; the first was, "Oh sh---", closely followed by, "What is Alex doing/planning on doing about this?"

So I took my eyes off of the potientially very dangerous men, who were watching me rather carefully, seeing as how I was closest to them and - let's face it - an apparently easy target (young white woman), and looked instead to the back of the store, turning my attention completely off of a potiential threat to my life.

I think they saw it much the same way: if I, an apparent easy target, was less threatened by them and more worried about someone else in the store, clearly there was a bigger threat than them.

Now, before I go on: yes, Alex was intoxicated. Whether he could or couldn't have done something simply doesn't matter, because of the simple fact that he was looking them dead in the eye with no apparent concern for his own safety. (Yes, I'm blaming this on the intoxication--- but it stopped the situation nonetheless.)

Following my change of attention, the men looked over at Alex, and after a moment of contemplation, one says, "Yo man, that guy looks like he's about to do something."
Suddenly, threat diffused.

The started pulling off their masks, trying to laugh it off; "Haha, that was a joke," and, "Nah, man, we were kidding."
Joking about robbing a 7-11 less than half a mile from a police station? I have no idea what was going through those guys' heads.

Anyhow, that's my version of things. I'm not looking to stir anything up, but I did want to help set the record straight. Bottom line, regardless of whether or not Alex could have stopped them, the simple fact that they were planning on walking in there, robbing everyone with no challenge, and walking out and yet they met a barrier in the form of not one, but two, people clearly not threatened by them... that's what stopped the situation: sometimes standing firm in the face of danger is enough to get rid of said danger. Sometimes, mind you. Not always.



Purple Belt
Feb 27, 2012
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Fairfax Virginia
Lol, honestly. Compare the syntax of my writing, compared to hers, it's obvious we are different people, with different writing styles. If you'd like further proof, look closer. I assure you, Oishiisuka is not me... and it's easily provable. Really though, how about focusing on the point brought up, instead of strawmanning like there's no tomorrow.

A nightly assault? An assault every night? Across the road from the police station? And they haven't noticed? Methinks you are stretching reality beyond breaking point a bit.

Boy, do I wish that was the case. Really. They did take off their masks, but they also remarked it was a joke afterward, and left. Doesn't seem likely to me that it was.

In short, I will do my best to stay aware of what's going on, and engage if I have to, but rarely otherwise. Then again, certain circumstances can thrust you into a place where you feel compelled to.

And that I think is what most martial artist, with a head on their shoulders, will concur with. The situation at the 7-11 was not this, at all.


El Oso de Dios!
Lifetime Supporting Member
Mar 5, 2005
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Where the hills have eyes.,and it's HOT!
Lol, honestly. Compare the syntax of my writing, compared to hers, it's obvious we are different people, with different writing styles. If you'd like further proof, look closer. I assure you, Oishiisuka is not me... and it's easily provable. Really though, how about focusing on the point brought up, instead of strawmanning like there's no tomorrow.

Boy, do I wish that was the case. Really. They did take off their masks, but they also remarked it was a joke afterward, and left. Doesn't seem likely to me that it was.

And that I think is what most martial artist, with a head on their shoulders, will concur with. The situation at the 7-11 was not this, at all.

You're still here????:lfao:

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Master of Arts
Dec 13, 2011
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Now really, be fair. It's conceivable that this young man may have had a girlfriend at some point, and that she may have jumped to his defence in an online forum squabble. Alternatively, he could just be wearing a cheap halloween wig and some eyeshadow and typing in a high voice.

I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt this time, as her style, tenses, spelling, choice of words and use of dramatic devices suggest a fiction writer, albeit a below average one, whereas Alex's...don't. No offence, obv.

Still, both of you, Alex and high voice Alex, it's not just what you're saying, it's the way you're saying it. It just doesn't sound true. Sorry.


Senior Master
Aug 7, 2010
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Kansas City MO
Some of you really make me laugh. Thanks :)

Alex, I do not think that word means what you think it means...strawman in this particular case.

Its' too bad that a legitimate question by the op has been so derailed by a boy's fantasy replies.


Senior Master
Jun 25, 2011
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Now really, be fair. It's conceivable that this young man may have had a girlfriend at some point, and that she may have jumped to his defence in an online forum squabble. Alternatively, he could just be wearing a cheap halloween wig and some eyeshadow and typing in a high voice.

I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt this time, as her style, tenses, spelling, choice of words and use of dramatic devices suggest a fiction writer, albeit a below average one, whereas Alex's...don't. No offence, obv.

Still, both of you, Alex and high voice Alex, it's not just what you're saying, it's the way you're saying it. It just doesn't sound true. Sorry.

The person is probably real. That wouldnt surprise Me.
What was in question, is who typed that message.


White Belt
Apr 25, 2012
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Northern VA
Let me start by saying:
I'm sorry if it came of any differently, but I don't need your belief as confirmation that the event did indeed happen. Your disbelief does not change the fact that the event in its factual form (regardless of personal opinions) occured.
Three men walked in wearing masks and seemingly made an attempt to rob the 7-11.
After a very brief period in which no one did much of anything, they decide to take of their masks and declare a joke.
Then they leave.
Facts. No opinions. It happened.
And I don't care if you believe it.

(Oh, and I'm quite aware that saying I don't care and continuing to respond might seem a bit ...backwards. But who doesn't enjoy a good debate? (o: )

I'm bored and grumpy as my nights plans have been cancelled. That said....

Utter garbage.

First off, you're upset, and you decide to take it out on other people?
That in itself shows me you are immature, and I really shouldn't care about anything that follows.
...but I'm immature as well, so I simply can't resist attempting a final word.

Alex is a scrawny, short, unimpressive and unimposing 22 year old kid, but you looked to him expecting him to act against three aggressive robbers who were potentially armed? Garbage.

Outnumbering a scrawny, short, unimposing and unimpressive 22 year old who isn't dropping to the ground, these three aggressive guys say "Yo man, that guy looks like he's about to do something" and give up?!?! Complete garbage. He'd get punched in the face and dropped with a broken nose.

Without any interference from the police (who are very close, although there is conjecture as to how close...), these three guys in the middle of the night decide that scrawny, short, unimpressive and unimposing Alex is enough to get them to give up on their plans for robbing the place? Complete and utter garbage.

Okay, you think Alex is scrawny, short and... what else? Did you retype that every time, or just copy and paste?
Repeating the same string of adjectives time and again honestly just makes me think you enjoyed the way it looked/sounded and wanted to toot your own horn. It did not get your point across any more than simply saying it once would have.

And, I'm sorry, did I ever say I expected him to act? No, in all honesty, I was curious as to whether he was going to do anything. If the men had a gun, if it was pointed at me, all I had to do was drop to the ground and the shelves would be shielding me. Did I have a longer-term plan than that? No. But I didn't need one either, so that's ultimately unnecessary.

They then remove their masks (now revealing their identity to potential witnesses who can identify them to the police across the road), and try to laugh it off?!? Rather than leave with their identity safe? Are you serious in your report here? Complete and utter garbage.

There isn't a single person here who believes Alex's story. You really haven't added anything to increase it's credibility either, you realise. Now, I have myself stopped attacks without it getting physical, basically with what equates to a stare-down, and there is not a single element of Alex's story or your rendition of it that rings true.

Let me ask you something: If this didn't happen, why would Alex tell the story in the first place? Why would I feel the need to validate it?
Why would we make up something so ridiculous and clearly unbelievable?
Oh, I'm sure you can come up with something. So go ahead! I'm interested to see what your rationalization for that is.
I never used to take the saying seriously, but, "Truth is stranger than fiction" has held true time and again.

But like I said: your disbelief does not change the fact it happened.

Who are you really?

Exactly who I said I am. Kaila, Alex's ex-girlfriend, who was present when the seemingly attempted robbery took place.
But as your disbelief in the event does not change the fact it occured, any disbelief in my identity does not alter its state, either.

Finally, one more thing...
I'm incredibly amused by the fact you judge Alex so very harshly despite never having personally met him. Are you this judgemental of everyone you see, everyone you converse with? I pity anyone who attempts to befriend you...


Green Belt
Mar 9, 2011
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Melbourne, Australia
And, I'm sorry, did I ever say I expected him to act? No, in all honesty, I was curious as to whether he was going to do anything. If the men had a gun, if it was pointed at me, all I had to do was drop to the ground and the shelves would be shielding me. Did I have a longer-term plan than that? No. But I didn't need one either, so that's ultimately unnecessary.

I'm gonna leave most of this post alone, beacuse it honestly seems to be more directed toward Chris personally than actually adressing the holes in the story you and Alex have presented.

But this one bit just strikes me as odd. You're telling us that you were in a robbery situation, where you life was potentially in serious danger, and one of your first responses is to be curious about what your boyfriend is doing?
Not Scared, not Anxious, but curious? I don't buy it.
It may have just been a poor choice of words on your part, but your (and Alex's) choice of words and more have been consistently incongruent with the realities of an armed robbery. That's why there is so much doubt surrounding your story.
If you believe that "(it's a) fact that the event(...) occurred", that's fine, and no, you don't need our confirmation to have that belief. But if you're going to try to convince anyone here other than yourself of that, you're going to need to do a bit better than "It happened, so there".

Also, if you're planning to hang around on the site for anything other than this thread, I recommend stopping by the Meet and Greet section, and tell us a bit about yourself. That might give us a better idea of who you are, and where you're coming from.


El Oso de Dios!
Lifetime Supporting Member
Mar 5, 2005
Reaction score
Where the hills have eyes.,and it's HOT!
Let me start by saying:
Okay, you think Alex is scrawny, short and... what else?

We've seen his video. He's scrawny, short and martially inept. :lfao:

I mean, by his own admission, he's scrawny and short. By evidence of his videos and statements, he's a barely competent martial artist-a point fighter at best, a danger to himself and anyone who believes in his ability at worst.

Let me ask you something: If this didn't happen, why would Alex tell the story in the first place? Why would I feel the need to validate it?

Because Alex-by evidence of his own posts here (and if you're a really real girl, Kaila, you owe it to yourself to take a look at them, because the hostility you sense is a product of them)clearly needs intensive, long-term psychological care.-that's not my opinion, medical or otherwise, but the only conclusion a psychiatric professional could derive from what he's posted: he's either the most elaborate of trolls or a complete nutter, and you might just be a product of his fervid and misplaced imagination.

Why would we make up something so ridiculous and clearly unbelievable?

See above. Or read his other posts: he chews on his hands and cuts them, he puts his cut up hands in chlorine bleach. He's had more secret masters than 400 episodes of Naruto.

I never used to take the saying seriously, but, "Truth is stranger than fiction" has held true time and again.

Never mind "strange." Alex is nuttier than a wagonload of pralines....:lfao:

Exactly who I said I am. Kaila, Alex's ex-girlfriend, who was present when the seemingly attempted robbery took place.
But as your disbelief in the event does not change the fact it occured, any disbelief in my identity does not alter its state, either.

Well, of course you present, Kaila-ALex never leaves home without his left hand.......:lfao:

(BTW, nice handle there, oishisuika-you might do better if you avoided anime/graphic novel references, watermelon, or sushi for inspiration if you really want to be believable. Forgivable choices for others, but for somewhat associated with Alex "Zenjael/Dragonball-Z/ peeppee bagua, they are unfortunate......:lfao: )
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