JMD said:
Let's agree to disagree. .
I always agree to disagree, naturally. I will admit Takeshi makes a loveable Zatoichi.
I think my main problem with the movie is the expectations I have of the Zatoichi character. Allow me to explain.
Ichi is a gambler who scams and cheats, not just listens to dice. He drinks to excess, smokes opium, and buys a prostitute every chance he gets, many of which don't charge him due to his sheer charm and good looks. He's a tortured superhero with a dark history ridden with guilt and constantly paying off the debt to society he imposed upon himself. He's very talkative, brazen, sarcastic and speaks boldly to whomever he pleases when he sees it fit. In a word, Ichi is freaking cool.. I'm talking Sterling Hayden cool.
Takeshi takes this tragic character and vanilla's him down to a vigilante with nothing better to do... No tortured background, no excessive drinking, none of the trademark cheating scenes, no Geisha throwing themselves at him. The slick sword work was there, but as far as choreography it falls short of the more grand battles in the original 26.
Please stop me if you'd rather not hear any more, I have a million things wrong with this movie I can discuss for pages. =)
JMD said:
All we need now is a new version of Lone Wolf & Cub.
Oh yes, or Lady Snowblood. Bring on the remakes.