Master Black Belt
sorry, it should read above ,
gotta rant about my most recent martial encounter... it ties into the whole subject of dealing with socially disturbed people or communication in general.
I'm with a friend of mine and we hop onto this street tram in a fairly quiet part of town. Right when we get in i see this guy sporadically moving back and forth making like he's checking tickets, a little forcefull and rediculous nevertheless. Since he was still appearing to be in good spirits and his buddy sitting down who was much older than the guy in his twenties/thirties, i thought i'd make some conversation and see what they were all about. I approached and asked the guy if was interested in purchasing one of the ticketstamping machines...i then proceeded to explain how the ticket stamping machines comes with a serial number that proves its authenticity and explained some of the basic features of the machine... OK, i do it in such friendly yet comical way and then he asks 'How much?' I make some funny faces move side of side a bit(then he coppies me)-right before i can press out 'fifty, he says 'fivehundred? ' overlapping what i said and feeling weird...i told him. 'For you, fifty' Then he says, 'problem is we're homeless so we don't have enough cash' he turns to his buddy who looks a little messed up with skin in bad condition and half of his ear missing. Then he looks at me and asks me for money. I continue the joke and tell him that i am just a businessman trying to sell my product.
NOW, he starts getting mad, ordering me to give him cash, turns to his buddy and asks him 'how much should he give us?' the guy replies 'two roz' looking at the ground(dickhead'). Then the guy tells me, either i give him 5 roz or i have to get off at the next stop. -
The friend of mine, meanwhile is strategically
positioned away from the entire thing not wanting to get involved, or trusting me?? -
- i don't intend to get off at the next stop and i tell him i'm not getting off. Then i order him to be nice to all people and tell him that his behaviour is unacceptable- that it is no way to treat a person and that i was only joking around with him like his buddy had also told other people when i first saw the two. 'you get off.., i say'
OK, stop comes and he is getting more furious, coming towards me and grabing my arm/sleeve. I sortof have this aggressive explosion of a step almost like a judo tripping sumiotoshi..this was not only out of aggresion, but to get my back away from his friend just in case. When i got to the other side, actually glad that the guy had not lost his balance and have to go down and probably choke....., i stood on other side and he grabs my left sleeve again. Then i slowly telegraph everthing just right make sure to get his arm and pull a nikkyo wrist lock-hongyaku(real fast, real forceful turning back), and he is there with his pinky up but not going down so fast so i put a bit of pressure, using energy forcing him down, and walk into him a him and then pulled a perfect tenkan sending his *** straight floor, facedown. Then i put my leg over the arm and kneeled on him a bit completely relaxing.... people are complaining now about the initial scuffle and the driver stops the tram and comes forward, i make like a tree and quietly swiftly return to where my friend was at.
The guy exclaims ' he doesn't have a ticket!' (meaning me) - the driver says 'well then that's his problem.' i remained silent the whole time but tons of other people started defending my position and laughing the guy off and when the driver said he was going to call the police, the guy bailed, even without his buddy who stayed behind. I also stayed there as i quickly realized that it was more of a threat and furthermore i'd like to think i have nothing to hide from the cops although such sort of contact would be rather undesirable.
Point is that i having been friendly the whole time, many people in the train stood against that dude because of his unjustified aggression and ludicrous statements. -like saying he's a checker. - everyone laughed when he said that.
my nikkyo was absolutely spanking beautiful...never stop a nikkyo when the guy goes down on his knees, always enter a bit and finish it with an elegant tenkan to restrain in some way on ground. One of the strongest ways is to keep the nikkyo grip and firmly press e elbow to ground. But i just knelt on him a bit shook him with some powerfully simulated aggression vibrations and then said something to him and let him go. He stayed the **** back after that.
What to do with the messed up people...try aikido. Because hitting them would not really help and should be avoided if possible. Even acting all tough, he totally yelped when the pressure came on and he was trying to resist... sorry bastard
but i bet that dude is definately eligebile for being a kid robber, for example. Even though, both those guys were obviously troubled characters.
gotta rant about my most recent martial encounter... it ties into the whole subject of dealing with socially disturbed people or communication in general.
I'm with a friend of mine and we hop onto this street tram in a fairly quiet part of town. Right when we get in i see this guy sporadically moving back and forth making like he's checking tickets, a little forcefull and rediculous nevertheless. Since he was still appearing to be in good spirits and his buddy sitting down who was much older than the guy in his twenties/thirties, i thought i'd make some conversation and see what they were all about. I approached and asked the guy if was interested in purchasing one of the ticketstamping machines...i then proceeded to explain how the ticket stamping machines comes with a serial number that proves its authenticity and explained some of the basic features of the machine... OK, i do it in such friendly yet comical way and then he asks 'How much?' I make some funny faces move side of side a bit(then he coppies me)-right before i can press out 'fifty, he says 'fivehundred? ' overlapping what i said and feeling weird...i told him. 'For you, fifty' Then he says, 'problem is we're homeless so we don't have enough cash' he turns to his buddy who looks a little messed up with skin in bad condition and half of his ear missing. Then he looks at me and asks me for money. I continue the joke and tell him that i am just a businessman trying to sell my product.
NOW, he starts getting mad, ordering me to give him cash, turns to his buddy and asks him 'how much should he give us?' the guy replies 'two roz' looking at the ground(dickhead'). Then the guy tells me, either i give him 5 roz or i have to get off at the next stop. -
The friend of mine, meanwhile is strategically

- i don't intend to get off at the next stop and i tell him i'm not getting off. Then i order him to be nice to all people and tell him that his behaviour is unacceptable- that it is no way to treat a person and that i was only joking around with him like his buddy had also told other people when i first saw the two. 'you get off.., i say'
OK, stop comes and he is getting more furious, coming towards me and grabing my arm/sleeve. I sortof have this aggressive explosion of a step almost like a judo tripping sumiotoshi..this was not only out of aggresion, but to get my back away from his friend just in case. When i got to the other side, actually glad that the guy had not lost his balance and have to go down and probably choke....., i stood on other side and he grabs my left sleeve again. Then i slowly telegraph everthing just right make sure to get his arm and pull a nikkyo wrist lock-hongyaku(real fast, real forceful turning back), and he is there with his pinky up but not going down so fast so i put a bit of pressure, using energy forcing him down, and walk into him a him and then pulled a perfect tenkan sending his *** straight floor, facedown. Then i put my leg over the arm and kneeled on him a bit completely relaxing.... people are complaining now about the initial scuffle and the driver stops the tram and comes forward, i make like a tree and quietly swiftly return to where my friend was at.
The guy exclaims ' he doesn't have a ticket!' (meaning me) - the driver says 'well then that's his problem.' i remained silent the whole time but tons of other people started defending my position and laughing the guy off and when the driver said he was going to call the police, the guy bailed, even without his buddy who stayed behind. I also stayed there as i quickly realized that it was more of a threat and furthermore i'd like to think i have nothing to hide from the cops although such sort of contact would be rather undesirable.
Point is that i having been friendly the whole time, many people in the train stood against that dude because of his unjustified aggression and ludicrous statements. -like saying he's a checker. - everyone laughed when he said that.
my nikkyo was absolutely spanking beautiful...never stop a nikkyo when the guy goes down on his knees, always enter a bit and finish it with an elegant tenkan to restrain in some way on ground. One of the strongest ways is to keep the nikkyo grip and firmly press e elbow to ground. But i just knelt on him a bit shook him with some powerfully simulated aggression vibrations and then said something to him and let him go. He stayed the **** back after that.
What to do with the messed up people...try aikido. Because hitting them would not really help and should be avoided if possible. Even acting all tough, he totally yelped when the pressure came on and he was trying to resist... sorry bastard
but i bet that dude is definately eligebile for being a kid robber, for example. Even though, both those guys were obviously troubled characters.
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