Your worst moment in the dojang


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
If you care to share what was the worst moment inside your school with you being apart of it?

Mine had to be when a lady was holding a bag to her chest and when I came flying with a sidekick she bent over to sneeze and I cought her in the face and broke just about everything, I was only 16 and I thought I killed her and that my father was going to kill me for lack of control.
Andrew Green said:

Did she ever come back to class after that?

Yes it was about six month later and even today she will not hold for anybody. I guess she is still gun shy, but atleast she still worl out!
Easy one for me.....

It was a beautiful summer Friday afternoon, and we were working on some basic defenses against lapel/shirt grabs. We switch partners frequently during these drills, and I found myself paired up with one of the more senior woman students in our school. We were working on the same defense for awhile, going back and forth as attacker/defender, but we were getting a bit sloppy, as the end of class was near and we were thinking more about the pub down the street at this point. Anyway, after a few minutes of
taking turns attacking/defending the lapel grabs, we clearly got confused over whose turn it was to attack, so we both inadvertantly attacked at the same time. As it turned out, I reached for her right lapel with my right hand, and she did the same towards me, which caused her right shoulder to rotate towards me, which basically ended up with me grabbing her right breast like a drunk on New Years Eve. Also, we had removed our dobok tops and were just wearing t-shirts to make it more "street-real". I jumped back like I had grabbed an electric fence, and turned very red, while apologizing profusely. She and I had been training together for over 5 years at this time, and there was absolutely no question in her mind that it was a complete accident, and she was a really good sport about it, but it was still several days before I could even look her in the eyes again.
Mine involved a entire class of kicking drills. After about 45 minutes of non-stop legwork, we were on our last drill. Four people, four pads and one kicker. The first pad was a front kick, turn 180 and throw a front leg side kick at pad #2, pad #3 was the recipient of a roundhouse, and then the kicker finished up with a jump back kick to pad #4. Well, I was holding pad #4 and by that point, my kicker had the vertical leap of a garden slug. I was holding the pad at chest height, but his kick didn't even reach my waist. Seems I picked the perfect day to not wear my cup to class! All I remember is shouting a littany of four letter words before dropping to my knees in complete pain. When I finally regained my composure, I had to rip out 50 pushups for swearing in class!
Yeti said:
Mine involved a entire class of kicking drills. After about 45 minutes of non-stop legwork, we were on our last drill. Four people, four pads and one kicker. The first pad was a front kick, turn 180 and throw a front leg side kick at pad #2, pad #3 was the recipient of a roundhouse, and then the kicker finished up with a jump back kick to pad #4. Well, I was holding pad #4 and by that point, my kicker had the vertical leap of a garden slug. I was holding the pad at chest height, but his kick didn't even reach my waist. Seems I picked the perfect day to not wear my cup to class! All I remember is shouting a littany of four letter words before dropping to my knees in complete pain. When I finally regained my composure, I had to rip out 50 pushups for swearing in class!

ouch ...
I was teaching a class of white belts how to do a front kick. While watching one student perform his kick, I was tagged by the student next to him. Now, I wear a cup even if I am teaching poomsae.

It was the breaking portion of a black belt test a few years back, and I was holding a board for a guy who had to do a multi-station break. I was holding for the back kick. BTW, the guy breaking the board was pretty strong and used to go all out in his TKD training. Whenever I sparred against him we really used to get into some good, really hard scraps, and we would leave bruises on each other after it was all over. It was great. I should have known he was gonna do the same to all of those boards.

Anyway, he did his blasting back kick, and the board I was holding just shattered. The shards of wood came flying out like shrapnel and caught me right in the grill. One piece of wood like a dagger sliced me right below the eye, and I started bleeding like a friggin pig. After the shock I sucked it up, got patched up, cleaned up and continued holding for the next contestant.

Afterward, for the next week and a half I was wearing a mean purpley shiner on my right eye, and I kept getting the constant question from everyone: "What happened to you?" or "Did you get into a fight?" When I thought about it later I realized that I was really lucky that a sharp piece of wood didn't go into my eyeball and blind me&#8230; :erg:

This weekend they're having another black belt test at my dojang, and for sure I'll be there helping out and holding boards for the board breaks. You'd think I learned my lesson, but hey it was just a freak accident.:idunno:
I got a few.

1) Fracturing my hand in class blocking my Master's kick.

2) Bruising my ribs last friday after a nice back kick that went thru my chest guard. Lord they still hurt and its almost a week later.

3) Leaving my school
1) Finding out my instructor not only went after a student, my daughters best friend but tried to go after my daughter as well when he had my trust.

2) Realizing that affected EVERYTHING about my training toward 2nd dan. My whole family quit TKD.

3) Going through 3 years of hell, staying at it--too much to write here.

4) First time I started an attack with a 360 sidekick, to getting kicked hard in my side and nearly blacking out from pain

5) Getting punched near my sternum and breaking a rib-gear didn't cover it and last time I didn't block against a white belt woman.

6) Tearing my knee meniscus twice, dislocating once in class

7) hurting my foot doing flying side-3 boards then doing form during a tournament and getting redressed for not walking backwards from judges

enough for now...TW
After I got my yellow belt, I decided to goto the adult classes with my cousin, I really enjoyed it. Near the end of class we were told to get a sparring partner. I was going to partner up with my cousin and spar with him but he wanted to spar with someone else....that meant that I was left to spar with the instructor....

I quite enjoyed it until near the end of sparring when my instructor axe kicked me on the knee....OUCH!! I fell to the ground and couldnt walk for properly for a couple of Days

It was the sorest thing ive ever felt in my life, nothing was actaully wrong with my knee except it swole up and turned purple for a couple of days,

I have a couple

1. brusing my ribs during sparing. "kick got in god did that hurt"

2. Spraining my ankle doing a tornado kick

I was kicking the bag and I guess I kicked to low and got the plastic part of the bag yea I ran out holding my mouth so that I would not cuss
Clashed shins with a very bony guy during sparring. All I could do was sit on the floor and hold my leg- that hurt for a couple of months! There are 1 or 2 more posted through out MT, but that's the more memorable one from the dojang.
I would have to say the most embarassing thing in the dojang I have is: Once doing TaeGuek Sam Jang I started in a different facing position than I was used to and did the entire form in the opposite manner. In other words I turned right instead of left etc. I was so embarassed.
I have some embarrassing ones.

A school I trained at in college was small & we had a lot of people sparring: we were always bumping into each other. As a jr. instructor, I was sparring with a new white belt. Next thing I know I get a side kick in the jaw & I'm on my keister & I'm bleeding from under my lip! I know this white belt didn't do that. What had happened was 1 of the 2 guys next to us threw a kick at his opponent, missed his target & hit me! Neither of them owned up to it. Both were was a lawyer:). I got 3 stitches under my lip that night.

Many times trying impress someone...ok, some girl or another, I'd throw a high kick & fall on my head. Too many times to count. In my younger days, of course. As a married guy, my wife ain't impressed much by that:)
matt.m said:
I would have to say the most embarassing thing in the dojang I have is: Once doing TaeGuek Sam Jang I started in a different facing position than I was used to and did the entire form in the opposite manner. In other words I turned right instead of left etc. I was so embarassed.

You got off easy, at least there were no cuts, bruises or blood involved...:ultracool
I remember once, during class I had the best axe kick and my instructer acnowleged it, and when he told me to perform it I slipped while my leg was up and fell right on my back, ouch.
hook kicked in the mouth by a very tall brown belt

when i started to learn jump side kick, the first one i ever did, i hit the floor so hard with my elbo and knee i had to take a week off work and training.

seeing one of my students quit out of shere frustration

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