Your Sparring Gear


Master Black Belt
Jan 29, 2006
Reaction score

I use Tekno gear. For my hogu I use Tekno J3, and my shin, instep and forearm pads are all Tekno Q21. I love all of it, very durable, strong, and easy to use (does not bind me up much).

As far as colors for tournaments, you would want to check with the official rules for each tournament. Usually the only thing I see a variation of is the headgear (most have to be white although some tournaments allow black or red or blue to match your hogu).
I get mine from MasterLine - it's reasonably priced and holds up well. They also sell Nike brand gear, but I prefer their line. You can see the catalog at - it only works right with IE.
I use Adidas but also like the new Tekno J3 hogu TKD Jen mentioned. If you are serious about training, I suggest spending the extra money and getting good gear.

I use Century's chest gear with the back guard. I can slide in and out without redoing the velcro. It has no strings to break. I like it mostly because it (1) has the back guard which is important if you are spinning alot. I've gotten hit in the back several times and (2) it has hip flaps which cushion the impact of getting hit in the hips. It has pretty good hard protection for the chest too. About $80

I looked at the Tekno J3. Maybe it was just the model, but it seemed too low in the front even with protecting the shoulder blades. I got punched above my old chestgear and broke the first rib by the sternum. Imagine getting kicked there. I don't know why they don't put the protection higher, probably for mobility sake. About $54 if I remember right:

I also use Adidas shin & instep, and a forearm guard. We use Century cage headgear instead of mouthguards and gloves. TW
I primarily use Adidas TKD gear (dobok, chest protector, arm and shin guards, with Macho head gear). The Adidas gear is a little more expensive but its lasted through many of my long training sessions and tourneys. Some of the other gear I've owned has just fallen apart after a few months. I also use Macho punches in the dojang during sparring practice.

As far as the color of the gear goes, if it's a WTF rules tournament then the hogu has to be either blue or red. If it's a local tourney, it usually doesn't matter what the color of the head gear is. You're usually required to wear only a white dobok at tourneys as well.
these are the sort of gloves I prefer. I have no particular bias to brand, but I've found (along with many things in life) that you very much get what you pay for.
tkd_jen said:

I use Tekno gear. For my hogu I use Tekno J3, and my shin, instep and forearm pads are all Tekno Q21. I love all of it, very durable, strong, and easy to use (does not bind me up much).

As far as colors for tournaments, you would want to check with the official rules for each tournament. Usually the only thing I see a variation of is the headgear (most have to be white although some tournaments allow black or red or blue to match your hogu).

Tekno has some nice gear and I am looking more into it.

Kasey, thanx for that site! It has some nice stuff there that I wouldnt mind purchasing.

In sparring do u need gloves or are gloves only necessary for point sparring?
AceHBK said:
Tekno has some nice gear and I am looking more into it.

In sparring do u need gloves or are gloves only necessary for point sparring?

I love my Tekno gear. We are currently not required to wear gloves, just forearm guards. I have heard that USTU is looking at making gloves a requirement? not sure when/if this will take place.
tkd_jen said:
I love my Tekno gear. We are currently not required to wear gloves, just forearm guards. I have heard that USTU is looking at making gloves a requirement? not sure when/if this will take place.

I'm not sure either, but its soon. And its USAT now. (USA TKD)The USTU is no longer.
i have off name sparring gear cus its cheep, i like the head and hands they are both black, and i have white feet/shin cloth pads, i really dont care for those but im on a really tight budget
The WTF regs say there can be color w/ certain things now. Mouthpiece,shin/instep guards, forearm guards too!
Enjoy the colors of the rainbow on those parts of your bodies:partyon:
IcemanSK said:
The WTF regs say there can be color w/ certain things now. Mouthpiece,shin/instep guards, forearm guards too!
Enjoy the colors of the rainbow on those parts of your bodies:partyon:

So forearm and skin/instep can be any color now instead of just white?
The pro-tec equipment is one of the best on the market right now also Vision and Addidas and of course Tekno, I have them all but right now I believe pro-tec has the best all around equipment for the money.
I have Century foot/hand gear. My helmet however is Top Ten, and I find it a lot better for hard kicks to the head then my previous Century. I'd never go back now! A little more $$ but to remove a lot more risk of concussion, and just protect my head in general..I think it's worth it! No tournaments (Ontario, WKA/WAKO/IASKA) plus little ones, have ever specified gear colour. I personally have white foot gear, and black hand and head gear!
It's interesting how many different types of gear there is!
I'm sorry, I couldn't find the exact statement on the WTF website. That's where I found it orginally. If someone knows, please post it.:asian: