Your neighbours

Do you know your neighbours?

  • I know many of my neighbours

  • I know a/ a couple of my neighbours

  • I don't know any of my neighbours, but would like to

  • I don't know any of my neighbors, and don't want to

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Rich Parsons said:
Hmm Convertible equals BB and has somehow caused more pain to their child? No logic in there at all. I drive a convertible and you get better vision to see thsoe around you, and pay more attention. ;)
Well, there's no accounting for people, is there?
I've been living in this area almost all of my life. I'm seeing more and more drugs/gangs permiate my neighborhood. I have a pot-head living on the right, and a crystal-meth/vicodin feind living on my left. It's getting bad...

I can sympathize, Bill. One night I was already laying down, watching TV, when I heard a BANG! It was really loud, scared the heck out of me, so I went to the door to look outside. My wife gets up from bed and asks me if she should call the police. I said "Nope. No need for that, they're already here." There were guys outside in tactical gear running all over. It turns out it was a bust. The noise was, I believe, a flash-bang grenade. SWAT teams throw them into places they raid to stun everyone. Sure stunned me. They were raiding my neighbors house. It was a surprise to me. I knew there was something wrong but sure didn't expect what happened.
I grew up in Nebraska where and when everybody met everybody. When I moved to California I wanted to meet my neighbors, knocked on doors. Got an early education and moved out of that apartment complex. But kept trying to meet my neighbors. I had alot of good experiences from that, got adopted by a grandparenty jewish couple who would invite me to some really interesting dinners. But people were really transitory-moving all the time. But when it came time to get our own house, we tried a fence for the German Shepherd but that didn't work so a wall went up just like all the walls that are up there already.

So we moved to Minnesota, 12 years ago and I figured everybody is more
stable less transitory. No since we moved in I figured my neighbors--total of twelve possible families bordering us--we don't have walls just big yards and tall pines. But each household has turned over at least three times each. Gave up on relationships, it was heart breaking for my kids and alot of more giving on our part to nurture it. So, we only know the family on our left who have stayed the whole 12 years and have umpteen children.
Not much different than California. TW

PS I didn't fit into your poll--1 neighbor, don't want to know the rest.
I live in a backwoods neighborhood. when we first moved in everyone at some point comes and meets you. people helped us build our house....even though we did have to take one of the walls down cause they all had 1 too many beers...they were having fun in the process. during x-mas it's no surprise to have the neighbors from the roads over and behind us come over with cookies and christmas stuff. plus there is like 1 way in and 1 way out to my place so it's nice during the snow to have a neighbor come unbury you. however like all neighborhoods we have those we could do without and have come to know to well. but what can you say you can't really pick and choice your neighbors.
KenpoTess said:
When Seig and I lived in an affluent *snobby* neighborhood (he grew up there and knew all the neighbors, but after moving out and returning years later most on his street had changed), I was merely acquainted with people on either side, but had no idea who they were. When we moved to 'the city' a year ago, into an OLD residential neighborhood, We met our neighbors on both sides immediately and was I ever astounded when we got Christmas cards and 'gifts of homemade breads' delivered to us :)
We were moving some furniture in one day about 9 months after we lived here, when an older guy from down the street came over to help.. Totally wild :)
We are going to be building our house out in a new wooded (Small development-14 homes total each on 2 plus acres) and right now there will be 3 houses built, so it's going to be 'Interesting' to see what kinda neighbors we get~!!

Just this morning we were 'chatting' with one neighbor over the fence *G*

I will be building a machine gun pit in the front yard and a mine field on the rear property line.....
I know my neighbors....and they can get bent.
These people in particular....are morons.
They have a "neighborhood watch" they brag about.
All they do is "watch" people break into your house or steal out of your yard,but for some reason can't ever seem to remember or be able identify who did it.
They can give DETAILS of HOW it was done........................
Hence the reason I am leaving in october.
We live in a very rural area. Not many houses that close. We know one of our neighbors, because my boyfriend bought her son's house, which he had built himself. I moved in three years ago. She adopted us as her kids LOL. She invites us over for get-tegethers with her family since my boyfriend's family and my family are so far away (three hours for his family, six for mine ..... road trip! LOL).

When I lived in NJ, we knew the two families on either side of us, and three of them across the street. They were the friendly "talk over the fence" type, excpet for the neighbor on our left. I knew him before moving in through my best friend. And one guy across the street. Old friend of my sisters, but he was annoying. I was kinda glad I moved out when I did.
The attached photo IS my neighborhood, all of it. The house of the far right is mine, the next one to the left is where my boss lives, the next one over is where another co-worker lives, and the far left is where I work. The next nearest neighbor is 20 miles away, the grocery store is 40. So yes, I know my neighbors quite well, fortunately they are good people.


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I dont know my neighbours and to be honest, I dont want to. On one side is a care in the community home, full of the people with mental issues that couldnt be put in a home. On the other is a crack house with quite a few different families in, all of which do dodgy things. So Im quite alright knowing my family and the people down the road :whip:
I love it where I live. I know a lot of my neighbors. I live in a beautiful beach community...a few blocks from the beach. We have holiday parties and a campout and a very cool bon fire on the beach. Neighbors look out for each other and when someone is sick we have a network of people who help with cooking meals etc., I am a co-director of the camp there where we have 200 kids/counselors who attend for 6 weeks in the summer. My kids are growing up in a very close community of people. When they get on the bus for school or go to their after school activities they know so many people and the older kids look out for the younger ones. My children are learning about giving back here as well. They help to keep the beach clean and are looking forward to the day when they can be counselors themselves.

The neighborhood is mostly very hilly, but I live on one of the few fairly flat blocks so Rich, on Halloween we get literally 100s of trick-or-treaters. No matter how many bags of candy I buy it's never enough. We do have some teenage mischief though...lost a couple good mailboxes to that, but it's a small price to pay!
i kno the old lady that lves behind us. and the other lady wit a grandkid cuz her dog bit my bro..other then that.. i kno them by face but not name.
it'd prblly b better if ppl did kno their neighbours thou .. safety.. securty reasons... ye kno.
I don't live by any beaches. (sniff) I live in the middle of the country surrounded by corn fields and soya bean fields. :rolleyes: I hate it here. As far as my neighbors go I know most of them.
jfarnsworth said:
I don't live by any beaches. (sniff) I live in the middle of the country surrounded by corn fields and soya bean fields. :rolleyes: I hate it here. As far as my neighbors go I know most of them.
Oh don't feel that way... living in the country is beautiful and ya get to tip cows...:uhyeah:
mj-hi-yah said:
Oh don't feel that way... living in the country is beautiful and ya get to tip cows...:uhyeah:
Tip waitresses instead, unhappy cows make bad cheese.
haha i met all of my neighbors when i started selling Girl Scout cookies door-to-door in first grade. a lot of my really good friends live in my neighborhood, which is convenient, and our next-door-neighbors on both sides are really nice. i babysit for the one on the left and my younger brother plays with outside with their kids.

a vietnamese family lives on the right side: a math professor and his computer- programmer wife. they're really friendly and we met them because my dad helped them out with their house when they first moved in. they have a daughter who just graduated from college (doube major in music and biology, not to mention a black belt in TKD) and we went to her piano recitals. after her senior recital they had a party and there was vietnamese karaoke! it was so funny because they sang these asian pop songs, but they were also REALLY into elvis. so here you have this 5'6" vietnamese math professor singing elvis and all his university friends whooping and cheering... good times.

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