Your Favourite Martial Artist

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Who is your favourite Martial Artist

  • Tien Peng

  • Brandon Lee

  • Jackie Chan

  • Jet Li

  • Ray Parks

  • Dragon Lee

  • Bruce Lee

  • Jean-Claude Van Damme

  • Bolo Yeung

  • Someone Else - Please post a reply

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My favorite martial artist is my sifu. He's got a family, a full time job with crazy hours sometimes and owns and opperates a kung fu school in his spare time. He's very inspirational.
Do you have to pick just one?

Actually the martail Arts are filled with plenty of characters, those that I've been fortunate to meet would be my favorite - from those who've taught me to those who fought me-you've given me the memories.
On the big screen - Jeff Speakman (Perfect Weapon). SGM Ed Parker for his contribution to the martial arts and creating modern kenpo - which took the martial arts to new heights.
Without a doubt Seiyu Oyata....He Showed what REAL Okinawan martial arts are all about and how trueley effective they are!!!!
It seems that you could divide this into several categories. One could be the best hollywood artist. Another could be the best martial arts traditionalist. And still another could be the best fighter. It is hard to tell who would make the greatest fighter these days because of all of the rules and safety applied. I would have to say that one of the greatest "high spirited" and probably most feared fighters would have been Fred Wren.
I voted for Jet Li mainly cause when i saw the Move "The One" The MA in that movie made my jaw drop. One of my favorite sceanes is when he is training in that room, compleatly focused and dedicated.....also I liked the finalfight scene where they slowed tiem down but the 2 Jet Li's moved at normal speed. As a communications student i learn to dicect films for what the director put into them. And that movies director did a very good job. finally the part at the end where the bad Jet Li said "I am nobody's B!%CH, you are mine" Then starts fighting a whole penal colony........Talk about bada$$. he was willing to take them all on...nothing could stop him, except his other half, it was great if you haven't seen that movie go rent it, its really good.

Now in the real world my favorite Martial Artist is any practitioner that dedicates himself the the arts (no matter witch it is) and he keeps it as traditional a possible, and dosn't use is knowledge to get rich, but to expand another's knowledge and to keep the art alive. :asian:
My favorite Martial Artists goes like this:
Grand Master David German
Master Ray Snyder
Master M Jackson
Bob Adams
Laura Bandy

My favorite movie Martial Artists:
Donnie Yen
Jet Li
Noticebly missing from the list are: Ashida Kim; Dr Ha Ha Lung; Count Dante; Hong Kong Fooey; Mr. Miyagi (and Daniel Larusso); Kwai Chang Caine; Frank Dux. Hmmmmm.....