Your Dream Computer


Brown Belt
Okay I know that computers change every day but as of now this would probably be my dream system

1.5 to 4 GHz processor. Dual Processors(no big on processor speed)
2 GB RAM (am big on RAM)
10/100/1000 nic card
512 video ram
2 - 200 GB hard drives
20 inch flat panel lcd screen
56k modem (only for backwards compatibility)
16x DVD +,- RW Drive
52x CDRW Drive
9 in one media drive (flash cards, and floppy all included in this one drive)
2 firewire ports
6 usb 2 ports
TV in/out
Wireless Office Keyboard and Mouse

Motherboard would support hyper threading technology and have a 1.8 GHz bus.

Custom Case
Custom Cooling system

That would be one sweet system

I would load it with WIN 2000 AND WIN XP
I would load the second hard drive with server software
I would load it with Red Hat, Mandrake, and a couple other linux versions

Maybe have a third hard drive for a database.

Wow that would be one EXPENSIVE system.

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