Your Car.

Apparently, "I love to peel out while my teenage buddies cackle like idiots in the back seat"...ok, they're not teenagers..but they do cackle like idiots! lol
He didn't have my Jeep Cherokee either... must've not had anything to say about it or that I'm not worth mentioning... ah well. :D
Yeah. I have a cherokee and my wife has a wrangler. Could be that they didn't have anything to say 'cause they knew there would be nowhere they could hide from us Jeep drivers.:)
See they said this about my car 'This car only looked slightly stupid until I tinted the windows, installed fake chrome hubcaps, and put a couple of crown air fresheners in the rear window'

but this is what my car looks like (see below) other than the paint chips on the lower part of the front bumper id say it doesnt look stupid :)


WTF!!!!!.. I drive an Ford Explorer and I can assure you that I am NO YUPPIE..What an insult....

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