Your Average Training Week.


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Lifetime Supporting Member
Thought it would be interesting to hear what everyones weekly training routine is like. Mine is as follows, depending on work schedule.

Mon: Weight routine, usually consisting of chest/triceps, ab work and cardio.

Tue: 1 hr private lesson, prior to my 1 hr Kenpo class.

Wed: Weight routine: Back/Biceps, ab work, cardio.

Thur: Another Kenpo class. If I'm not working at night, I'll take a 1 1/2 hr. Arnis class, during which we'll also cover striking, kicking, and some grappling, depending on time.

Fri: Weights: Shoulders/Legs, abs, cardio

Sat: Depending on work, another Arnis class.

Sun: rest.

How does everyone else work their training schedule?

Monday - "Streetwise". This is a class for more applied self-defense and because it tends to be a smaller class we get more in depth in to pratical self defense techniques
Tuesday AM - another 'streetwise' class
Tuesday PM - 1.5 hours of Kick Fit*/Body Tone* *classes. Then 1 hour of Hybroid Hapkido
Wednesday - nothing for me in class (my younger kids are in the Kids Hapkido and i often work techniques with the older kids at home)
Thursday - see Tuesday
Friday - Advanced Class/Sparring
Saturday Am - 1.5 hours of Kick Fit/Body Tone

Descriptions from class' website

*Kick Boxing with Kick! This fun filled class is for adults and children 10 and above (parent must be in the class). Its focus is upon increasing your aerobic and anaerobic capacity while learning real punches, kicks and strikes, while striking a bag. In this class you can burn up to 800 calories! Do not confuse this class with the “usual” kick box aerobics classes taught at local gyms. This class is taught by martial artists who you real skills while burning real calories

**WeÂ’ve helped you lose body fat, Now we teach you how to tone, shape, and condition your muscles. When combined with Kick Fit, this popular class is an absolute must to assist you in gaining overall fitness. This class along with Kick Fit is a challenge, but with our instructors as you personal coach, you will find that this is a challenge that you can meet!
This is my weekly routine:

Monday: 1 hr Wado Karate followed immediately by a 15 minute run to another dojo and 1 1/2 hr of basic Ju Jutsu. About 15 min stretching afterwards.

Tuesday: 1 hr(+) of Ju Justsu with focus on throws. Stretching after.

Wednesday: 1 hr Wado.

Thursday: 1 hr Ju Jutsu with focus on punces and kicks. Stretching after. (If I have missed classes earlier in the week I`ll occationally do another 1 1/2 hrs of advanced Ju Jutsu.)

Friday: 1 hr 15 minutes Ju Jutsu (Basic/advanced). Stretching after.

Weekend: Some self study with focus on Karate. Meditation and relaxing. Occational Kata practice, indoors or sometimes in a secluded area of the park during summer.
100 crunches every morning along with stretching..Every other day I do lifting..IF I have nothing scheduled I try to attend my friends classes..If I can't I spend time reviewing techniques..
Thought it would be interesting to hear what everyones weekly training routine is like. Mine is as follows, depending on work schedule.

Mon: Weight routine, usually consisting of chest/triceps, ab work and cardio.

Tue: 1 hr private lesson, prior to my 1 hr Kenpo class.

Wed: Weight routine: Back/Biceps, ab work, cardio.

Thur: Another Kenpo class. If I'm not working at night, I'll take a 1 1/2 hr. Arnis class, during which we'll also cover striking, kicking, and some grappling, depending on time.

Fri: Weights: Shoulders/Legs, abs, cardio

Sat: Depending on work, another Arnis class.

Sun: rest.

How does everyone else work their training schedule?

I train monday through friday, and take the weekend off for party time. I usually train about 3 hours a day monday through friday depending on whats going on in my life at the moment. Sometimes I have those days where I have to get car repairs done, go to the doctor, help my parents do something, give my buddy a ride somewhere, ect ect ect.
I normally have time to train about 3 hours a day, but when things come up, they come all at once in the same day most of the time. One thing that describes my life very well is the saying "when it rains, it pours". Thats with the good and the bad.
Mon - usually a single 1 hr session (red belt class) so I can make work night at the firehouse, but sometimes I'll stay for a second session (black belt class).

Tues - single 1 hour session, but if I get home early enough I'll also hit up the the sparring class.

Wed - double session - 1st is black belt, 2nd is cardio

Thur - off, run through my forms slow - working on the techniques (bo, nunchucka, sword, ITF and WTF)

Fri - single session.

Sat - if I get my chores done I'll hit up the sparring class, then bb session then a class run

Sun - run through my forms.
Tuesday and Thursday - 2 hours kenpo class, 1 hour kali
Sat - 1-2 hour kali
MWF - Bowflex or bodyweight workout, then work on the heavy bag for more cardio. This usually takes less than an hour.

I really need to start running again to get my anaerobic fitness back to something decent, I used to do hill sprints and wind sprints.
Sunday: Cuong Nhu class for one to two hours. i'm normally the only one that shows up. if anyone else does, then two. otherwise only one.

Monday: running followed by about an hour of weight lifting

Teusday: Cuong Nhu class for two hours

Wednesday:I practice hand drills, combos, hit the bag at home, and break boards.

Thursday: see Monday

Friday: Cuong Nhu class for two hours. Includes Filipino and Wing Chun hand drills and sparring

Saturday: see Thursday

Also in the morning I do some core muscle exercises. I'm still working on that. Well, o.k. I'm still working on alot in my work out.
Monday - Weight training, cardio training, swimming
Tuesday - MMA training
Wednesday - Weight training, cardio training, swimming
Thursday - MMA training
Friday - Aiki-wa Jitsu
Saturday - Aiki-wa Jitsu
Sunday - Weight training, swimming, Free Running practice, RBSD drills with some friends, and sleeping.

Much fun. Gotta love this stuff.
Monday- Run 2-4 miles, conditioning routine (abs, arms & stretching), & Poomsae.

Tuesday- Poomsae & conditioning (Teach a one hour class)

Wednesday- Same as Monday

Thursday- Same as Tuesday

Friday- Mondays schedule

Saturdays- Usually off. However, once a month I travel 3 1/2 hours to train with another school in the organization.

Sundays- Rest
Daily upon rising:

arm swings
calf raises (40)
squats (40)
pushups (40)
crunches (200)

& some stretching

Tuesdays and Thursdays:

20 calf raises and 20 squats first thing as I step on the mat

loosen up on mat before instructor starts class

(On Thursdays I do heavy bag work for about 5 minutes.)

Bow in (class begins)

typical warmup includes:

loosening up type exercises (arm swings, hip circles, knee circles, etc.)

jumping jacks
100 pushups
100 situps
bridging up
basic falling
falling over a "horse" (someone on hands and knees)
belt falling (someone holds out ends of belt - grab and do air fall)

Kicking for 20-30 minutes
Usually hold deep horse stance for between 1:00 to 1:40 between sets

Technique 30-40 mins:
includes wrist locks from wrist grabs and clothing grabs, throws, defense against knife, combination techniques, techniques using a straight cane, one-armed throwing (one hand stuck in belt so not used), one-step sparring

end with either conditioning (usually around 300-500 calisthenics, sometimes more) or a "game" that ends up being more exhausting than conditioning.

20 calf raises and 20 squats before I step off the mat

These workouts usually bow in at about 7:20 p.m., end at 9:10, 9:15 p.m.

Many (but not all) Sundays (for upper belts only):

20 calf raises and 20 squats first thing as I step on the mat

go through typical warmup as above, but individually

instructor comes on mat, bow in,

varies too much to say.

Sometimes we start with 1,000 kicks. Sometimes we do a 300-500 calisthenics. Sometimes we start with several hundred "fits" (practice throws where you set them back down on their feet instead of completing throw)

One drill we often do is a circuit alternating squats and kicking in a circuit, sometimes with deep horse riding stance stations included.

We often do "bricks" on Sundays: hold a concrete paving stone (slightly larger than a standard house brick) in each hand and pyramid backfist, front punch and ridgehand strikes (start with 10 each, then 20, then 30, then 40) until reach 100 total, each arm, each type of strike. Sometimes we do the whole thing all over again.

Usually lots of technique practice on Sundays. Usually lots of conditioning, too.

20 calf raises and 20 squats before I step off the mat

Sundays usually start about 9:30 a.m. and finish at noon.

There are a lot of variations to both the weekday and Sunday workouts. Sometimes practice kicks on body shield or hand-held targets, for example.
Monday 1/2 hour private lesson, some solo work and a couple of 1-hour kenpo group classes.

Tuesday: 1 regular Kenpo group class, 1 MMA class

Friday: 1-hour street self-defense class

I do 200 pushups (sets of 20-30 throughout the day) and crunches (sets of 100) every day except Saturday (not counting what I do in class on mon, tue, and fri)

I do a lot of solo training on the days that I'm not in class, and I try to make it to the shooting range every week or every other week.
Mornings Evenings Nights

Mon Cardio Kickboxing/Calisthenics Muay Thai/Boxing Weights
(45 mins) (3 hours)

Tues Running/Sprints (45 mins) Weight Training & Swiming

Wed Cardio Kickboxing/Calisthenics Muay Thai/Boxing Weights
(45 mins) (3 hours)

Thurs Running/Sprints (45 mins) Weight Training & Swiming

Fri Cardio Kickboxing/ Calisthenics Muay Thai/Boxing
(45 mins) (3 hours)

Sat Muay Thai/Boxing Weight Training
(3 hours)
This is currently.... It changes often due to changes in work schedules and going out to sea!


Train with friends depending on schedule through out the week.

Monday-morning: Push ups, crunches, 2mile run
-Afternoon: weights, heavy bag
Tuesday-Afternoon: weights, heavy bag
Wensday(same as monday
Thursday(same as tuesday
Friday(same as monday
Sunday/Saturday(off/depends on how I'm feeling

This schedule will change in about two weeks or so!!!
Well, when I'm not on the injured list and not running around being "supermom" this is my typical week....

Mon- 5:30 am gym weight training- bicep-shoulders and abs- 1 hr of cardio
Mon night- 1 hr kempo class

Tue 5:30 gym weights back and abs 1 1/2 hr cardio
1 hr kempo and then 1 hr Russian systema class

Wed 5:30 gym lower body and 45 min cardio
1 hr kempo class

Thur gym 1 1/2 cardio and abs
1hr private

Fri 5:30 gym tri-chest-abs 45min cardio

sat alternate between 1 1/2 cardio at gym or 1hr kempo class

SUNDAY DAY OF REST- spend whole day running around with son and husband catching up on all we missed during the week!!!!
gym and weights 3 x 1 hour sessions per week

aikido class 1 to 2 hours one time per week

sd class 1 to 2 hours per week

2 to 3 bike rides with clients

2 to 3 pad sessions with clients
5am-6am Cardio,pushups,crunches - ab work
5pm-6pm weight lifting more cardio
6:30pm - 8:00pm
12:00 - 2:00
2:00 - 3:00

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