Your avatar: What is the story behind it?

My Current Avatar is the logo for our Club.


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Me at my school's outdoor demo about a month ago.

We were stretching our ankles when the pic was taken. I look unhappy cause it's so friggin' hot, and I can't remember why I didn't take up swimming instead of sitting in the sun in burlap-like black pajamas.
I've had a few over the last couple years as well. My first was a drawing of a girl snarling. I've also had up poppies on Memorial Day, the rear view of a winged angel, a closeup of a red rose in 3/4 blossom, and a white rose with a bratty cherub next to it (one of my faves). That one was my favorite, though I neglected to save it when changing the avatar after purchasing a new computer.

I've also gone through personal avatar creating software (various kinds) with the nice ladies here to create images which look somewhat like us.

I don't have good photoshopping software on this PC and found my current avatar on the internet. Technopunk helped me crop it and change the file size so it was usable as an avatar.

I like to put up pretty and feminine stuff to balance out my tomboyhood.
Mine is a gua from the Yi Jing called "Da Guo" which can translate as the "Great Exceeding". The poem that goes along with this gua is:

With cultivation comes intensity.
Exceeding limits.
The great man stands, unafraid, in solitude
And if necesary, reatreats from the world without sadness.

It kind of sums things up for the way I do things and pays homage to two western philosophers (Foucault & Bataille) who influenced me, as well as Buddhist ideas etc. etc.

-wes tasker
Grenadier said:
No real significance. Really!


Just a picture that a rather interesting artist made by taking a picture of the old Sunbeam Bread girl, and using Photoshop to remove that piece of bread, and replace it with big ol' hairy spider. :)

When I first saw this photo, I didn't know whether to be fascinated at this unusual image, or to force myself to stop chuckling. After all, what child would be that gleefully chomping at an arachnid of that size? It's just one of those things that look so out of place, that you can't help but stare.

BTW, the name of the file is "yum.jpg."

You know what...I've been trying to figure out for a while if the girl in your avatar was actually eating a spider. That is something you don't see every day... :eek:
Swordlady said:
You know what...I've been trying to figure out for a while if the girl in your avatar was actually eating a spider. That is something you don't see every day... :eek:

That is a Mexican Red-Legged tarantula. They don't grow as large as the picture implies.
shesulsa said:
I like to put up pretty and feminine stuff to balance out my tomboyhood.

Oh really? I rather enjoy celebrating my tomboyishness myself. ;) Thus, all the warrior woman pics. I don't think I've ever used a remotely girly avatar in any forum. *thinks* Nope...never. Not with my usual Swordlady moniker... :uhyeah:
My current avatar is Miyagi Chojun Sensei, founder of Goju-Ryu.

In the past I've used pics of The Reaper (he's just cool), me and my daughters, and my family crest which I discovered while researching my Scottish heritage.

I like to change it up pretty frequently.

Flying Crane said:
You got a different moniker elsewhere?

"Swordlady" is the moniker I've used the most on Internet fora. It was based on my second email address, created back in 1999. I've also used the aliases Buttercup (from the Powerpuff Girls) and Jadzia (science officer from "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine") on another forum - but that was because my Swordlady username got banned (I got into a fight with the forum admin - NOT a good idea!) But Swordlady remains as my primary forum alias.
Grenadier said:
After all, what child would be that gleefully chomping at an arachnid of that size?

Yeah, I can imagine children gleefully chomping on spiders half that size, but one of THAT size? No way! :)
Henderson said:
You? No! You're always so sweet! :rolleyes:

Yeah...hard to believe, isn't it? ;) That banning happened back in September 2003. I got into an argument with the forum admin over "forum censorship". No, it isn't what you think. It was a forum for my old church. The moderators were determined to only let "positive" posts about that church on the forum - even though there was a LOT of turmoil going on that year. They censored many of the posts for being "negative". The other thing to consider was that forum was mainly populated by teens and college students. Most all of the moderators were in their teens, and NOT very mature (the forum admin was about my age). I managed to get myself banned twice, and finally managed to find a way to express myself - without being so argumentative. What was ironic was that I became a LOT more civil on that forum after leaving my church, and actually become a moderator for a short while.

Incidentally, that was the only time I've been banned from a Net forum, and I've participated in over a dozen. It was also where I learned how to be a *little* more diplomatic, though I am far from perfect in the way I communicate on the Net...
Decided to change my avatar to a picture of me.... Just checking to see how it looks...

- Ceicei
Swordlady said:
Looks good to me! :)
hapki68 said:
Ceicei, I think it looks great.

Thanks. I think I'll keep my picture up for a while then. Right now, I'm trying to figure out how to put a picture of my former avatar (2nd brown belt GIF) to become part of my signature.

- Ceicei