Black Belt
So I had this reflection today after some training. This week went really good and I shattered some of my previous records. Today though was different. I was doing an exercise that I can usually do at high intensity for a set time. I looked at the clock, still 40 seconds on the clock and my limbs felt like jello. They usually feel like that at the end but I couldn't do my average time that I normally do. It was like I couldn't push myself farther like I normally do. So I realized my 100% yesterday is different than today. It's good to have goals but you will not exceed them every training day. I worked my butt off today and I couldn't get my average horse stance time at the end of workout. But I pushed myself 100% still today. This is a marathon, not a sprint as I try to make this a lifestyle and find ways to train in my everyday life like the monks of old I realize this is the journey and give 100% every time, but your 100% is variable day by day. Just a reflection.