The Good The Bad and The ugly


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Great movie but I am not talking about that movie. I spent seven hours on youtube the last two days and for the love of god why does some of these so call Master post some of this stuff. Is it to be funny? Is it to be mean to there students or do they really believe in what they post. I am trying to stay with my lets stay positive approach here.

I have seen some types of SD principle that would not work on a new born let alone a grown man, I have seen better poomsae or forms by students in a wheelchair. I have seen better kicks from old ladys but yet these so called Master post this stuff, is it to try and ruin TKD or themself, do they not have enough respect for there student to just leave it alone and in house?

I feel for so many of these people and what they are being tought but like I said everyone trains for difference reasons.
The movie the good bad and the ugly I have never been able to finish watching the movie. The the back ground music just drives me nuts!!! I can't sit through it I'm sorry I just can't. Maybe Utube for you is the same as the Good Bad and Ugly theme music is to me. Step away from the Utube just step away.
They usually put it there for the same reasons you or I would. Because we think it's good, because we want to share, because we are trying to show off our students.

To them, it is good, based on their own standards. Sometimes, it is good and we just see things too differently to know. Othertimes, it is utter crap, but the poster has deluded themselves into thinking that their ants-in-the-pants-do style really is "Te Awesome-Do".

Course, I put my videos up because I'm a smart ***, but I'd like to think that's the exception, not the rule.
It's no different than it was 1000's of years ago I'm sure.

"Masters" making claims that their way is THE way. Some most likely believe their own claims, some may know their claims are exagerrated but are trying to make a sales pitch.

At any rate, I doubt it will ever change. People do what makes them happy. If learning and training with the best is what makes someone happy, they will seek out others to help them attain that higher level. Otherwise, they'll just keep doing what makes them happy and that's okay.

At the end of the day, if & when you need it you'll find out how effective your training is...for better or worse.
OK, Im going to fess up... Our last Black Belt test was the worse we have had since I kicked out an instructor from our organization about 8 years ago.... Why, well a combination of things really. If someone had put that test up on the web I would be cringing.... but what you would have seen was the chewing out that went on AFTER the test with the instructors, nor would you know that I failed most of them and gave them a mandatory 6 month wait to retest, nor would you know that the worst school left our organization rather than comply with what I demanded. So I guess what I am trying to say is that maybe some of the videos up dont tell the entire story. Lets hope not anyway.
I am not sure if it is Master doing the posting whether good or bad. I think it is, for whatever reason, proud parents doing the posting. Some other reasons could be that parents want to show other relatives or family members, videos of their grand kidÂ’s, nephews, nieces, cousins, and so on.

I know that I post photos and videos all the time for my Mom to see her grand kids. She lives on the east coast and I on the west coast so she does not get to see many of their events. I think she has only been to one and that was the Detroit Jr. Olympics.

From my dealings with parents from our school, most are aware of their kidÂ’s short comings. They can pretty much see that their kids don't measure up to the kids that are tops in the class.

My sister who has no MA training at all attended the 2008 Hamnadang in LA as a spectator (there to see her niece and nephew compete) and left very disappointed at many of the competitors. Her impression of a Black Belt before the Hamnadang was Bruce Lee or some level of that. Her thoughts were that every kick should at least look like they do in the movies (pretty). She was truly disappointed to see that not every black belt was held to the same standard. She really enjoyed watching the Koreans perform. That was her expectations for all black belts.

But to stay on topic, I don't think that the majority of people that post vids do it because they think their kid(s) are good they do it to show other that they are close to that have not gotten to see them.

I know that is why I do it. I want my family that live else ware to see my kids, their __________, (you fill in the blank).
Come to think of it, I only saw the end of the movie once, the beginning a bunch of times....

Anyhow, I don't think a lot of 'real' Masters bother with posting.

However, posting stuff on the net is a double edged sword, especially if you use an open forum like youtube. You can achieve a lot of the same with more private measures like facebook and myspace, excluding the public, which I think should be considered in case of kids.

Then again, people like to produce themselves, no matter how bad they really suck. That's what makes Karaoke so much fun.

many times you have to wonder wth those people were thinking though, if anything.
OK, Im going to fess up... Our last Black Belt test was the worse we have had since I kicked out an instructor from our organization about 8 years ago.... Why, well a combination of things really. If someone had put that test up on the web I would be cringing.... but what you would have seen was the chewing out that went on AFTER the test with the instructors, nor would you know that I failed most of them and gave them a mandatory 6 month wait to retest, nor would you know that the worst school left our organization rather than comply with what I demanded. So I guess what I am trying to say is that maybe some of the videos up dont tell the entire story. Lets hope not anyway.

Thought I as the only one. Had a test a year ago. Both candidates did not pass. Left it to some lower dans to get them ready, but the buck stops with me. Would have hate to have seen it posted.

Have also had times, always with kids slacking off and I tell them that if they keep performing that way and anyone sees them to lie and tell them someone else is there instructor.
If you really want to see bad MA on youtube, look up kenjitsu or Japanese sword kata or the like. The amount of untrained people twirling, spinning and jumping with a sword during kata that they made up, is unreal. When you send them polite emails asking polite questions many get downright rude.

To me? If theyÂ’re not hurting anyone, cheating people out of their $$, or proclaiming my schools teachings, whatever, to each their own. Let them live with their delusion of grandeur its not hurting anyone.
The movie the good bad and the ugly I have never been able to finish watching the movie. The the back ground music just drives me nuts!!! I can't sit through it I'm sorry I just can't. Maybe Utube for you is the same as the Good Bad and Ugly theme music is to me. Step away from the Utube just step away.

Try a Korean flim called The Good The Bad The Weird, it's great!

There is some extremely strange stuff on U Tube and some stuff that is damaging. I was recently reading that girls are learning ballet dancing from U Tube and posting up their efforts for criticism, harmless enough you might think but these girls, some as young as ten are going en pointe, they could be crippled for life. To go en pointe you need to have been training ballet under a proper teacher for some time and usually be at least thirteen/fourteen. it's a gradual process you can't just take a pair of ballet shoes stuff them with tissue and go up onto your toes. U Tube has a lot to answer for.
Anybody that thinks they can learn a sport or a martial art from Youtube lacks some critical thinking skills. I would make an exception for prison inmates who may have no other way to learn something like that.
Anybody that thinks they can learn a sport or a martial art from Youtube lacks some critical thinking skills. I would make an exception for prison inmates who may have no other way to learn something like that.

Do prisons have MA classes? Curious is all.
Anybody that thinks they can learn a sport or a martial art from Youtube lacks some critical thinking skills. I would make an exception for prison inmates who may have no other way to learn something like that.

LOL< I sure hope they have no internet access....
Great movie but I am not talking about that movie. I spent seven hours on youtube the last two days and for the love of god why does some of these so call Master post some of this stuff. Is it to be funny? Is it to be mean to there students or do they really believe in what they post. I am trying to stay with my lets stay positive approach here.

I have seen some types of SD principle that would not work on a new born let alone a grown man, I have seen better poomsae or forms by students in a wheelchair. I have seen better kicks from old ladys but yet these so called Master post this stuff, is it to try and ruin TKD or themself, do they not have enough respect for there student to just leave it alone and in house?

I feel for so many of these people and what they are being tought but like I said everyone trains for difference reasons.

30 o so years become a Master in any MA was something very hard, being a black belt was an honour and the people who rwached this level alone was a well trained people, nowdays almost everyone is a master or even a grand master so TKD as become so popular almost anyone can reach that level with little effort Terry.

That's why I think I will always be an student, I don't take anithing from granted, I worry myself about my tech, my stamina and my knowledge so that's why I keep studiying and learning some new stuff in MA.

In my dojan ther are several kids that are 1st poom or red/black belt and they lack the skills to become a serius black belt, it seesm these days that training three times per week for a 3 or 4 years you become a black belt and that's the trend, in my times you can had 5 years training but if you were not prepared you could not test for black belt.


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