You know the Ninja Boom is over when......


Blue Belt
Jul 6, 2005
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Any reflections on the Ninja Boom of the 1980's?

You know the Ninja Boom is over when...

The phrase "Only a Ninja can kill a Ninja" is replaced in the movies by pesky ninjas being easily killed by just about anyone.

Lee Van Kleef is no longer "The Master" :(

It's revealed that the straight bladed ninja-to is no longer used by ninja Grandmasters. :(

Anyone else have any fond memories of the Ninja Boom? :D
This thread is meant to be used for fun. There should be lots of material out there!


Fu Bag :)
They no longer sell copies of the medallion he wore in the series...
You know the Ninja boom is over when movie and television "ninjas" stop using Tae Kwon Do...
Ohhh I thought of another...Every martial arts mag does not have a photo of Stephen K. Hayes wearing his black ninja attire while standing in a field of snow
When I can't even remember the plots of the "American Ninja" movies.

Now is that a sign of the ninja boom being over, or a sign of me aging?

Andy Moynihan said:
There were plots???!?!?!?!???

Kill everything that moves. Then kill it again.

Except for good looking females.

seriously though, its been so long, even I'm forgetting the plots (or lack thereof).
SAD. No more ninja t-shirts with cool logos on them. I guess that in those days anything you straped the name ninja was an instant sale. But man do i miss the go old days.
The ninja boom is over when movies don't use the ball that explodes into smoke and they all dis appear.
...when we tolerate lesser martial artists in our forums and don't kill them.

Kreth said:
...when we tolerate lesser martial artists in our forums and don't kill them.


Shouldn't that be "don't kill all of them?"
I can just see it, next are books, DVDs, and experts on "Secret Pirate Fighting Arts" popping up all over the place.
JeffJ said:
I can just see it, next are books, DVDs, and experts on "Secret Pirate Fighting Arts" popping up all over the place.
And no doubt some of today's Koga Kiddies will pop up teaching a heretofore undiscovered branch of North Sea Buccaneer Brawling. :rolleyes:
Lets see. Pirate fighting arts.

Get into fights with people who are much weaker than you and take their stuff.

If someone shows up who can kick your ***, run away as fast as possible.

Anything else? I think that about sums it up.

JeffJ said:
Lets see. Pirate fighting arts.

Get into fights with people who are much weaker than you and take their stuff.

If someone shows up who can kick your ***, run away as fast as possible.

Anything else? I think that about sums it up.

Don't forget the rum and the booty! :p
You guys know that many Pirates were well trained, often taking on larger ships, and even fortified cities with superior numbers of guards right? They just had good strategy and tactics. Most were former Navy men, or privateers who had no work when the war ended, and turned to piracy because its what they could do..
For the most part, pirates went after lone cargo ships with small crews and would run at the site of a frigate sized or bigger ship. There are several instances where this wasn't the case though. But in general, they only preyed on lone, weak ships.
