You can't call back a bullet

Well Im not the only one who states my opinion as fact there are other people who have done it as well. Also, people have said that I dodge certain questions, well people here also dodge certain questions of mine so Im just pointing that out.

If I don't let a thread die its usually because I haven't made my point which is sometimes because the thread goes off in another tangent or because some of my questions haven't been answered, as I said, people dodge some of my questions too.

Your question - Can I take back stuff I say on this board and ask people to forget I said it?

I can only speak for myself. I forgot about it already, no worries.

Besides, it's the Internet and a bunch of strangers. I can hear the conversation now - I'm in blue text talking to anyone I know with common sense.
"And then you know what he said?"
"Who's he?"
"The guy on the forum."
And again, who's he?"
"A guy I talk to on the forum thing."
"Who you don't know?"
"No, not really."
"But you think he's wrong? Or he pissed you off."
"Yes, he is and he did."
"So, someone who you don't know, who trains in something different than you, said something you didn't like and it bothers you? And you teach Martial Arts? let me ask you this...would you train under somebody as stupid as you?"

Anyway, no worries.
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Your question - Can I take back stuff I say on this board and ask people to forget I said it?

I can only speak for myself. I forgot about it already, no worries.

Besides, it's the Internet and a bunch of strangers. I can hear the conversation now - I'm in blue text talking to anyone I know with common sense.
"And then you know what he said?"
"Who's he?"
"The guy on the forum."
And again, who's he?"
"A guy I talk to on the forum thing."
"Who you don't know?"
"No, not really."
"But you think he's wrong? Or he pissed you off."
"Yes, he is and he did."
"So, someone who you don't know, who trains in something different than you, said something you didn't like and it bothers you? And you teach Martial Arts? let me ask you this...would you train under somebody as stupid as you?"

Anyway, no worries.

But duty calls!
Hey Photon Guy, I do the odd because I am just different. I don't make my point either, some people may laugh but I do not care. I go off in tangents because that is also me. However, I don't dodge questions and don't assume to know what I am talking about with MA. Just my take.

Well here is one of my questions that's been dodged. Somebody once pointed out that it takes 2 hours to make a cake and if you try to speed it up by turning up the heat in the oven you will only ruin the cake. Well this was my question, lets say you got a party at 8 and you need to get the cake done by then, what would you do? That is a question of mine that's been dodged and my point was that in life there are things that need to be done within given time periods and that's how it is with most jobs. If you're not able to get stuff done within given time periods then there are some very important things in life you wont be able to do such as hold down a job.
Well here is one of my questions that's been dodged. Somebody once pointed out that it takes 2 hours to make a cake and if you try to speed it up by turning up the heat in the oven you will only ruin the cake. Well this was my question, lets say you got a party at 8 and you need to get the cake done by then, what would you do? That is a question of mine that's been dodged and my point was that in life there are things that need to be done within given time periods and that's how it is with most jobs. If you're not able to get stuff done within given time periods then there are some very important things in life you wont be able to do such as hold down a job.

I would have planned ahead and allowed time to prepare for my party. If you crank up the heat, you ruin the cake, your party is spoiled, and you look like a buffoon. Same as when you try to rush your training. Or work projects. Which will prevent you from holding down a job, since an employee that can't plan ahead and finish jobs properly isn't worth keeping.
Well here is one of my questions that's been dodged. Somebody once pointed out that it takes 2 hours to make a cake and if you try to speed it up by turning up the heat in the oven you will only ruin the cake. Well this was my question, lets say you got a party at 8 and you need to get the cake done by then, what would you do? That is a question of mine that's been dodged and my point was that in life there are things that need to be done within given time periods and that's how it is with most jobs. If you're not able to get stuff done within given time periods then there are some very important things in life you wont be able to do such as hold down a job.

Make a different cake, for example banana cream cakes are quick, about a half hour prep time, half hour bake time, cool and frost.

But I don't think that is what you are looking for.
Well here is one of my questions that's been dodged. Somebody once pointed out that it takes 2 hours to make a cake and if you try to speed it up by turning up the heat in the oven you will only ruin the cake. Well this was my question, lets say you got a party at 8 and you need to get the cake done by then, what would you do? That is a question of mine that's been dodged and my point was that in life there are things that need to be done within given time periods and that's how it is with most jobs. If you're not able to get stuff done within given time periods then there are some very important things in life you wont be able to do such as hold down a job.

And where you have been too lax to plan ahead appropriately, outsource. Get on your bike to the local shop or order up online some iced masterpiece.

Focus on the important things, if you like to bake, then bake, if not spend the two hours to make the cake working on your heavy bag and have someone else do that baking. Simples Dimples.
Well here is one of my questions that's been dodged. Somebody once pointed out that it takes 2 hours to make a cake and if you try to speed it up by turning up the heat in the oven you will only ruin the cake. Well this was my question, lets say you got a party at 8 and you need to get the cake done by then, what would you do? That is a question of mine that's been dodged and my point was that in life there are things that need to be done within given time periods and that's how it is with most jobs. If you're not able to get stuff done within given time periods then there are some very important things in life you wont be able to do such as hold down a job.

With a literal cake, turning up the heat won't work, so you examine your options. You can go out and buy a pre-made cake. You can prepare a different kind of dessert that doesn't take as long. You can plan additional party activities to keep the partygoers occupied until the cake is ready. You look at the specifics of your situation to decide which option works best for you. Ideally you would have planned ahead and started the cake on time, but I'm assuming that in your hypothetical scenario there is some good reason why that didn't happen.

Of course you're using the cake as a metaphor, but the same principles apply to whatever real world situation the cake is meant to represent. Look at the available realistic options and select the one which works best under the circumstances. We can't offer a specific solution without knowing the specifics of the problem.
Well here is one of my questions that's been dodged. Somebody once pointed out that it takes 2 hours to make a cake and if you try to speed it up by turning up the heat in the oven you will only ruin the cake. Well this was my question, lets say you got a party at 8 and you need to get the cake done by then, what would you do? That is a question of mine that's been dodged and my point was that in life there are things that need to be done within given time periods and that's how it is with most jobs. If you're not able to get stuff done within given time periods then there are some very important things in life you wont be able to do such as hold down a job.

Well for one thing, the cake would have would wait. The main course would fill them up, thus the need for the cake would just be casual, not thought as necessary.
Yeah though, bad timekeeping is one my bugbears.
Well here is one of my questions that's been dodged. Somebody once pointed out that it takes 2 hours to make a cake and if you try to speed it up by turning up the heat in the oven you will only ruin the cake. Well this was my question, lets say you got a party at 8 and you need to get the cake done by then, what would you do? That is a question of mine that's been dodged and my point was that in life there are things that need to be done within given time periods and that's how it is with most jobs. If you're not able to get stuff done within given time periods then there are some very important things in life you wont be able to do such as hold down a job.

This is from a completely discussion that you've had a few times… but I'd like to point out that no, that question wasn't "dodged", as, well, it wasn't asked in the first place. But, more importantly, the idea of the "cake" was used as a way to try to explain to you why your mentality and beliefs were not realistic, nor in line with the real factors involved… you are here trying to expand it in a way-too-literal form, missing entirely what was said, why it was said, and what it was trying to relay to you.

Your questions, when you've had them, have not been dodged. You may not have understood or accepted the answers you were given, but you were answered. The same cannot be said for you, however.
With contracting, the adage is that the job can be done fast, done well or done cheap, but you can only pick two.

I've found that this applies to most things, including your cake metaphor.

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Planning ahead to have the cake done for the party would definitely work. Making a cake that you don't have to bake so you can get it done faster, serving it later in the party, or buying it from a pro would also work but what Im trying to get at is if you've got something that needs to get done and it needs to get done within an X amount of time to get it done within that X amount of time. The cake scenario is just one example, there are gazillions of other examples.
Planning ahead to have the cake done for the party would definitely work. Making a cake that you don't have to bake so you can get it done faster, serving it later in the party, or buying it from a pro would also work but what Im trying to get at is if you've got something that needs to get done and it needs to get done within an X amount of time to get it done within that X amount of time. The cake scenario is just one example, there are gazillions of other examples.

Planning ahead is investing time. In other words, you're opting for cheap and done well, in lieu of done well and done fast.

Of course, this all presumes competence to do a good job. Nothing will help an incompetent do a job well.

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You're on the money, Blindside. Odd personalities in martial arts....gee, ya think? As a karate guy, wow, I think there's more odd folks in Karate than in any other discipline. Lots of great folks, for sure, but karate seems to be a magnet for odd. Except, me of course, I'm perfectly normal. :o

I prefer to think of it as a different perspective... Or special... :D
Planning ahead is investing time. In other words, you're opting for cheap and done well, in lieu of done well and done fast.

Of course, this all presumes competence to do a good job. Nothing will help an incompetent do a job well.

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The important thing is to get the job done in the time it needs to get done, and to do a good job, I wouldn't settle for a slip shod job.
There is a functional limit sometimes on what can be done when and for how much money.

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You can't take them back, but you can certainly show through your posts that your approach to posting has changed. I think one of your issues on posting is that you tend to post your opinion or experience as a fact throughout the martial arts communities. "As martial artists we are supposed to be kind, courteous, and nice" is an opinion, it doesn't hold true for all martial arts though it may hold true for yours. A better way to say that might be "I was taught in my martial arts studies to be kind, courteous, and nice," which is something nobody could disagree with.
Well yes I have been taught that martial artists are supposed to be kind, courteous, and nice and from what I've seen, most dojos do emphasize some sort of courtesy among students. If anything, one of the morals that's been taught in my experience in the martial arts is not to be a bully. I know not all martial artists live up to that but I think at least on this site we should be like that, after all in the title of this site it says its the, "Friendly Martial Arts Community," key word "friendly." And, for those of us that emphasize patience we should set a good example by being patient with other members on this site.
Well yes I have been taught that martial artists are supposed to be kind, courteous, and nice and from what I've seen, most dojos do emphasize some sort of courtesy among students. If anything, one of the morals that's been taught in my experience in the martial arts is not to be a bully. I know not all martial artists live up to that but I think at least on this site we should be like that, after all in the title of this site it says its the, "Friendly Martial Arts Community," key word "friendly." And, for those of us that emphasize patience we should set a good example by being patient with other members on this site.

Very nice post.

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