you can keep the study

Twin Fist

Mar 22, 2008
Reaction score
Nacogdoches, Tx
I am done with it. I am tired of what happens here, i am tired of how it is handled, I am tired of it all.

too bad too, there are some good debaters and many smart people here. Good back and forth, but some points of view are simply not tolerated, and I am not down with censorship.

I dont need it in my life
I am done with it. I am tired of what happens here, i am tired of how it is handled, I am tired of it all.

too bad too, there are some good debaters and many smart people here. Good back and forth, but some points of view are simply not tolerated, and I am not down with censorship.

I dont need it in my life
Sorry to hear that.
I am done with it. I am tired of what happens here, i am tired of how it is handled, I am tired of it all.

too bad too, there are some good debaters and many smart people here. Good back and forth, but some points of view are simply not tolerated, and I am not down with censorship.

I dont need it in my life

Sorry to see you go....
Huh, well it's going to be no fun without you! Have a break then come back. I'll be waiting! xx
Aye, don't stay away from expressing your opinions on the topics that matter to you.

Other than certain subjects that are an affront to common decency, it's not that certain points of view are not permitted in the Study but rather certain ways of pressing home those points of view.
There is nothing in here that you didn't bring. If you are unhappy with your results, check your own behavior. This is something I've had to tell myself on several occasions. The Study wasn't the problem, it was how I was interacting.
Some points of view aren't going to be tolerated very well, but more often than not, it is the presentation that is not tolerated. I might have old school perceptions of the relationships between men and women, but presenting them as 'I think it's important for the family structure that women stay home and raise children' is a lot more acceptable than 'B*tches need to be barefoot and pregnant'. People may not like my perspective, but one presentation is much more tolerable than the other.
TF, you're the Skeletor to my He-Man.

The Megatron to my Optimus Prime.

Horde to my Alliance.

What's the study going to be like w/o TF?
So, this thread does not turn into a forum policy debate, I'd like to say a few things.

1) First and foremost, there are seperate rules for this section. Pretty much everyone here is not new to the forum. If you havent read the rules for this section, read 'em. If you have, read 'em again.

2) Heat is allowed in this area. However, when it gets to the point where people can't post without resorting to calling each other names, well, maybe some should think before they post.

3) This area generates alot of reported posts. Again, there are seperate rules for this area, and they are enforced.

4) Freedom of speech....well, it just doesnt exist here. The rules are in it or not. Nobody forces anyone to post here, but if you do, expect that the threads will be watched.

5) ALOT of it comes down to how your views are expressed. Again, it goes back to how you word your posts. You can disagree with something, you can agree with something. But if you disagree, I know for a fact that there is a way to do it, despite how sensitive the topic is/isn't, without being a jerk with the wording.

6) If someone has a question on the way something was taken care of, a suggestion on something, ask. This is Bobs forum, so PM him. PM any of the Admins. PM a mod. Its interesting to see what was said in the opening post regarding the way things are taken care of here. This forum, IMHO, is a great place. It isn't like that other forum that shall not be named, where its a NHB forum, where the bashing is welcomed. If a place like that suits you better, thats fine. Again, we welcome debate, but if debating can't be somewhat civil, and in line with the looser rules in this area, then I don't know what to tell you.
TF, you're the Skeletor to my He-Man.

The Megatron to my Optimus Prime.

Horde to my Alliance.

What's the study going to be like w/o TF?
It's going to be hard. The "Look at what Obama did now!" live twitter feed alone was 90% of the politics forum....
The Study wasn't the problem, it was how I was interacting.

I'm going change your quote slightly to reflect what I do.

Gordon Nore said:
The Study wasn't the problem, it was how I was reacting.

I've never actually gotten smarter by giving my opinion, but I do it anyway. The 'equal but opposite reaction' is a law of physics, but it also seems to be a law of conversation. I need to do online more what I aspire to do in person -- which is to ask questions and not react to what everyone has to say.
TF, I do not agree with you some OK much of the time but always am interested and respect what you have to say. I will miss your input.