Yodelling offends praying Muslim... Yodeller must pay fine.

It seems no one is capable of exercising a 'live and let live' philosophy. In many Middle Eastern countries, they stab Christian ministers and priests, burn down churches, persecute Jews. In some European and some places in America, they taunt, harass, desecrate and vandalize places of worship of Mosques and other non-Christian and Jewish religions. Each side uses the acts committed by the other side to 'prove' how awful 'those people' are.

It's nearly enough to make me into an atheist. Not because I don't believe in God, but because His followers - of whatever flavor - make me sick to my stomach. All ya'll. Muslims, Jews, Christians, the whole enchilada. You're nuts, you're freaking certifiable.

It's why I have met more and more people saying that they are not "religious", but they are "spiritual". I focus on MY relationship with God, I don't concern myself too much with the mandates of man wrapped and tied up in religion.
It all depends on yuor POV

The Yodel


Yodeling could then be simply eating a yodel

or if you prefer


Yes I know that last one was oh so very wrong and just plain evil... and that is why I linked it :EG:
Nope. We need aliens. :)
As soon as we discover aliens, we'll unite like ying and yang halves in order to exploit them to the fullest measure of our capabilities. If they attacked us first, that would be even better, provided we can come out on top.

Nothing can make men stand together like a common threat.

Wouldn't that just make us come full circle back to where we are at the moment.
Instead of just hating each other, do we have to drag alien races into this so we can hate them to come together.
Seems pretty pointless to me.

Time to grow up human race.

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