Yiliquan Kung Fu

Chufeng has a training group in Puyallup.

We also have a training class at the SeaTac Community Center.

Feel free to visit the Yiliquan group page at Yahoo (the link is in my profile) to ask about training.

I hold classes almost every Saturday...this weekend I plan on family time though...

I live in Puyallup...
If you are serious about joining our group, e-mail me at [email protected]

I have a group of relatively new folks to the YiLi system...but Dennis Mace, who lives in Seattle, comes down to help out...he is a shodan equilavent...and I rely on him to demonstrate the things I can no longer do (serious arthritis of the knees)...but he is an incredible resource for PaKua applications and will, no doubt pass me in his abilities as he develops...

We are always looking for new folks who are serious about training in our system...contact me, please.

Just to bring this thread up front, again, since some people have been asking...make it easy fro them to find the link.

Sorry, we don't have any schools in New York...
You may be thinking of Yi Quan...

I heard of Yi Quan here too $$ pricey
and I heard of some Yili family taichi though, it wasnt kungfu my mistake... its in a YMCA hmmm... its a rare family style too
Well, I can guarantee we're not TOO pricey:p

I ask only for the students' dedication to learning the art...I don't charge a fee for instruction...

Maybe I should...because those things that are free are often-times NOT valued by the recipient...

If I did this for a living, I'd certainly charge something (got to put food on the table), but I have a career outside of my martial arts (which encompasses many of the lessons and techniques I learned in the martial arts).

The only out of pocket expense for my students is uniform and Association dues ($25/yr for junior grade; $50/yr for black sash grade).

I find it interesting that there is a "family" TaiJiQuan system called YiLi...Our founder chose that name because of it's very simple meaning: One Principle or Primary Principle...that principle is "Maintain Center." You see similar ideas in many other arts...but for us it is the CORE of our art.


I'm not really schizophrenic...I don't know why the last post has two signatures???

Originally posted by chufeng
I ask only for the students' dedication to learning the art...I don't charge a fee for instruction...

Maybe I should...because those things that are free are often-times NOT valued by the recipient...

Time and again I've had to learn this lesson the hard way. I have no need to or interest in making money from the martial arts and frankly would rather not--but non-paying students all too frequently are not as serious and drop out or come infrequently.

Well, I've been guilty of the same at times--"I don't feel like going to class tonight, but I better since I'm paying for it".
Originally posted by chufeng
I'm not really schizophrenic...I don't know why the last post has two signatures???

You should consider going to your User CP and makint it an actual signature--then it'll be "just right" every time.

-MT Admin-
Originally posted by chufeng
Well, I can guarantee we're not TOO pricey:p

I ask only for the students' dedication to learning the art...I don't charge a fee for instruction...

Maybe I should...because those things that are free are often-times NOT valued by the recipient...

If I did this for a living, I'd certainly charge something (got to put food on the table), but I have a career outside of my martial arts (which encompasses many of the lessons and techniques I learned in the martial arts).

The only out of pocket expense for my students is uniform and Association dues ($25/yr for junior grade; $50/yr for black sash grade).

I find it interesting that there is a "family" TaiJiQuan system called YiLi...Our founder chose that name because of it's very simple meaning: One Principle or Primary Principle...that principle is "Maintain Center." You see similar ideas in many other arts...but for us it is the CORE of our art.


well you don't charge because you have no need to charge, but here people make martial arts teaching their living, they teach martial arts to get money, some teach it with heart and get money, some just teach blabs to get money