Yik Kam Siu Lin Tau

Sap Yat Sao can be seen here

That is the way I was taught it, and of 3 different branches each with slight variation but none exaggerated like Hoffman, these branches under SiuLam Weng Chun don't do Siu Lim Tao, Chum Kiu or Biu Jee, they have different forms but there are similar parts in the forms
Sap Yat Sao can be seen here

That is the way I was taught it, and of 3 different branches each with slight variation but none exaggerated like Hoffman, these branches under SiuLam Weng Chun don't do Siu Lim Tao, Chum Kiu or Biu Jee, they have different forms but there are similar parts in the forms

Thanks for posting this! This video helped me with some research I've been doing!!!

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