Yet Another Reason to Like Danny Bonaduce

First, he told the dork the cold hard truth, then, when the dork jumped on him, rather than over-react an beat him half to death, Danny flipped the guy off, shrugged and walked away.
But, but flipping people off is immature... :rolleyes::uhyeah:
Rofl, and now the guy is pressing charges. Holy crap, let's jump on a guy out of no where, start dry humping him on stage, and then when he drops us, press charges ;p.
The idiot got the least he had coming to him, go Danny go.
Supposedly the guy lost some teeth. I think he's lucky that's all he lost.
OK, Danny Bonaduce just rose a few steps in my book. I cannot stand Fairplay, and think this was one of the best bits of video I have ever watched. Agree with the zero ukemi comment. :lfao:
Just some jackhole who was on survivor. Nobody liked the abrasive moron there either.
Thank you I was lost. Um... The guy did put Danny at a disadvantage. He could have fallen and cracked his skull on that one himself. According to the judge Judy episode I watched this morning, you are at fault when you are the first to assault no matter how badly you are hurt in the end.
Thank you I was lost. Um... The guy did put Danny at a disadvantage. He could have fallen and cracked his skull on that one himself. According to the judge Judy episode I watched this morning, you are at fault when you are the first to assault no matter how badly you are hurt in the end.

Oh, well, OK then, I mean if Judge Judy said it it MUST be true.
He huit the ground pretty say the least...

Now the guy shouldn't have jumped on him like that...

Danny in no way was at fault for this least legally...the guy had it coming...but why was danny on the stage anyways?
He Jonny Nobody deserved everything he got and at least they started cheering when he got dropped on his face
