The correct response

Let's say someone tells you they are going to whoop your ***. You can tell it is just to sound macho. Many would say, "Well I'd just ignore such silly behavior." The truth is that most of us would not. We all have our egos to thank for that. In all honesty, how would you handle such a situation as that?

Having been in a place where people called me every name in the world, words mean nothing. I let them as they walked away and or continued to drive away in their vehicle. They get to tell their friends how well the dis' me. Yet I am alive and they left the goal of what I was looking for at the time.

What if someone actually pushed you over some trivial manner(bumping into them, they are intoxicated...etc). How would you really react? Is it really so hard to get out of such situations? Say what you want, but I bet quite a few of you would tell them to bring it on(you being martial artists in general, not necessarily anyone from this site). All it would really take at the VERY most, is a simple arm lock or armbar from a standing position, yet some would rather rattle heads and bloody noses...another words, seriously injure. Where do you fall in this?

Having had this happen to me all the time, it seems being big and in crowd I always bump them or they bump me.

One time it occurred while I as sitting. They guy bumped me in thehead with his elbow. He was drunk. He kept bumping me, I would not mind too much but I was trying to eat the the fork was hitting me in the face. I could have poke my eye out. ;) I turned and asked him if he could give me some room for just a few minutes to eat. He laughed and did for about 30 seconds. So, I asked again. He laughed and his friend turned and asked me if I had a problem. I told him I did not have a problem, for if he hit me again I would stand uo and one of the two of them would hit me and knock me out. But given my size I would hit the floor and roll and then I would break their ankle. Whihc would require a hospital visit. the drunk guy said yea I would knock him out. The sober friend who asked if I had a problem looked at his friend and said,"Hey lets go talk to ...." and then left. I never told them I was going to kick their butt or win the fight.

Other times I have used variants where I stated dude I have full coverage with BCBS and full dental and optical, I sure hope you do to, for if not it is really going to suck becuase I know both of us is going to get hurt.

Most of the time though a simple apology works wonders.

Lastly, if someone a knife/open blade, would you:
1)beat them down into submission

If they just had a knife out. I owuld search for a weapon of my own even my belt or butter knife or pen in my pocket or ..., .

2)secure the weapon through joint locks that seriously injure the opponent for the rest of his/her life

Only if they moved to offer me the weapon before I could arm myself. And only injure if it just happened not on purpose.

3)take him down, disarm him, run

Disarm if possible, once again the weapon being offered. I always like the option of running.

4)try to reason with him and then take action

Reason is always coming out of my mouth in situations like this. Taking action with a baseball bat is much different then with a knife.

Well I lied, one more thing:

The Four Basic Ethics of Defense
1. Attacking without Justification
2. Taunting attacker to make him "bring it on"
3. Pure Self Defense that maims or kills attacker
4. Self Defense in such a way that leaves attacker in one piece

Depends upon the energy the opponent brings into the fight.

Thoughts, Ideas, Tell me to shut up?

I would not tell you to shut up. Maybe be quiet. ;)

14 Kenpo's post pretty much covered everything I would have said and even in a fair facsimilie of how I would've said it :D.

However, to elaborate a little, here's a couple of quotes from Shads that I particularly liked:

I have hips that wiggle, a warm smile, a friendly disposition and I'm not afraid to use them

On the field of diplomacy and hostility neutralisation, all weapons you have at your disposal are fair to use - tho' I doubt if I wiggled my hips at a would be aggressor it'd be quite as effective as Shaderon utilising the same technique :lol:.

No room for egos in that situation... his would be big enough for both of us

When the plain truth is spoken, all you can do is point to it and go "A-huh" :) :rei:
Let's say someone tells you they are going to whoop your ***. You can tell it is just to sound macho. Many would say, "Well I'd just ignore such silly behavior." The truth is that most of us would not. We all have our egos to thank for that. In all honesty, how would you handle such a situation as that?

What if someone actually pushed you over some trivial manner(bumping into them, they are intoxicated...etc). How would you really react? Is it really so hard to get out of such situations? Say what you want, but I bet quite a few of you would tell them to bring it on(you being martial artists in general, not necessarily anyone from this site). All it would really take at the VERY most, is a simple arm lock or armbar from a standing position, yet some would rather rattle heads and bloody noses...another words, seriously injure. Where do you fall in this?
My preference is to run away. My second choice is to run away even faster. I very much believe in the principle of "As peaceably as possible, as forcibly as necessary".

Lastly, if someone a knife/open blade, would you:
1)beat them down into submission
2)secure the weapon through joint locks that seriously injure the opponent for the rest of his/her life
3)take him down, disarm him, run
4)try to reason with him and then take action
Once a weapon comes into play, all bets are off. Somebody's life is at stake, most likely mine. I will do whatever it takes to survive. With a knife, I know I'm going to get cut. I also know he's going to get hurt a lot worse.

Well I lied, one more thing:

The Four Basic Ethics of Defense
1. Attacking without Justification
2. Taunting attacker to make him "bring it on"
3. Pure Self Defense that maims or kills attacker
4. Self Defense in such a way that leaves attacker in one piece

Thoughts, Ideas, Tell me to shut up?

If you attack, you are the aggressor and you are at fault. Taunting someone can be construed as putting you in the aggressor's position. In today's litigation-crazy society, it's foolish to do that. Again, the old adage is best: let *him* throw the first punch; you throw the last.
Examples of the levels of threat/reponse:
"Gimmmie your money" - throw wallet behind said monkey, and run in opposite direction
"Your stuff or your life" - as abouve, but replace run with sneak attack (use a choke)
Some loser randmoly attacks - one well placed kick to knee. Followed by running away
Some loser randomly attacks with a weapon (none gun) - "Use the Aikido Luke, trust your intinscts"
Some loser randomly attacks you with a gun - probably gonna die anyways, might as well take him to the infreno with you.
Some dude wants to attack me because "I bumped into him". Talk him out of it, offer to buy him a drink, and get out of that particular bar.
Some idiot does the abouve, but accept a drink. Try to leave.
If that doesn't work, simple response (works alot, because no one knows what to say next). "Tootsie roll on my head, tootsie roll on head" all while mocking beanking something on your head. Keep in mind this is to distract/confuse the other guy long enough for you to put some distense between the two of you.
If that fails, shout really loudly something along the lines of "what, you want to fight me? Thats not cool man, but if you really want to do this!" Then when he swings (at this point thats about all he's gonna do) you'll have the whole bar as a witness that he swung first.
And as for what to do after a disarm, well, I like Aikidos take on the subject. Disarm him, and then take his own knife across his wrist. Then walk/run away.
For multiple, run away, then when one is further away form others, stop and turn around. Throw a few hits, then put him in some sort of lock. Use him as leverage. "Back off or I break his -fill in joint/limb-". If they advance, follow through, and then push him at the other guys. Followed by more running.

One way or anouther, call the cops asap.
It does depend. Like if this is to be used against one of use when we got in a serious fight someday an the law got called. The thought Quote from MT.

Remember this one rule from the Miranda rights you have the right to remain silent anything you say can an will be used against you.

I mean keep your mouth shut an let the other person hang themselves.

That is exactly what i would do!

If he hits, touches or escalates in any way kill them.

Then when the law comes say what happened an say that you did not know how to deal with him so you kept you mouth shut an if there are on lookers hope they saw you did nothing to escalate the situation. After all you are just a martial artist it does not give you super psychological abilities to fix the messed up. Nor does it give you the ability to save anyone.

At one time i was a bouncer an this happened all the time i would get people trying to pick fights.