Let's say someone tells you they are going to whoop your ***. You can tell it is just to sound macho. Many would say, "Well I'd just ignore such silly behavior." The truth is that most of us would not. We all have our egos to thank for that. In all honesty, how would you handle such a situation as that?
Having been in a place where people called me every name in the world, words mean nothing. I let them as they walked away and or continued to drive away in their vehicle. They get to tell their friends how well the dis' me. Yet I am alive and they left the goal of what I was looking for at the time.
What if someone actually pushed you over some trivial manner(bumping into them, they are intoxicated...etc). How would you really react? Is it really so hard to get out of such situations? Say what you want, but I bet quite a few of you would tell them to bring it on(you being martial artists in general, not necessarily anyone from this site). All it would really take at the VERY most, is a simple arm lock or armbar from a standing position, yet some would rather rattle heads and bloody noses...another words, seriously injure. Where do you fall in this?
Having had this happen to me all the time, it seems being big and in crowd I always bump them or they bump me.
One time it occurred while I as sitting. They guy bumped me in thehead with his elbow. He was drunk. He kept bumping me, I would not mind too much but I was trying to eat the the fork was hitting me in the face. I could have poke my eye out.

Other times I have used variants where I stated dude I have full coverage with BCBS and full dental and optical, I sure hope you do to, for if not it is really going to suck becuase I know both of us is going to get hurt.
Most of the time though a simple apology works wonders.
Lastly, if someone a knife/open blade, would you:
1)beat them down into submission
If they just had a knife out. I owuld search for a weapon of my own even my belt or butter knife or pen in my pocket or ..., .
2)secure the weapon through joint locks that seriously injure the opponent for the rest of his/her life
Only if they moved to offer me the weapon before I could arm myself. And only injure if it just happened not on purpose.
3)take him down, disarm him, run
Disarm if possible, once again the weapon being offered. I always like the option of running.
4)try to reason with him and then take action
Reason is always coming out of my mouth in situations like this. Taking action with a baseball bat is much different then with a knife.
Well I lied, one more thing:
The Four Basic Ethics of Defense
1. Attacking without Justification
2. Taunting attacker to make him "bring it on"
3. Pure Self Defense that maims or kills attacker
4. Self Defense in such a way that leaves attacker in one piece
Depends upon the energy the opponent brings into the fight.
Thoughts, Ideas, Tell me to shut up?
I would not tell you to shut up. Maybe be quiet.
