Yes, you too can own a piece of Hillary's history!


Sr. Grandmaster
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Mar 18, 2005
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But hurry! They're going fast!

"I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base. "There was no greeting ceremony and we were basically told to run to our cars. Now that is what happened."
Hillary Rodham Clinton

After thousands of painstaking hours of investigation, exploration and tense negotiations with nefarious clandestine snipers and secret contacts within the Bosnian government, we finally acquired 418,387 bullets actually fired at Hillary Clinton at the Tuzla Airfield in Bosnia, 1996. These bullets we're only recently smuggled into the U.S. and are now available to the general public. These bullets are not just a part of history, they are history, and now you can own one of these rare and precious artifacts.
418,387 bullets actually fired at Hillary Clinton and not a ONE hit her?

Sheesh! You'd think with that many bullets a secret service agent would've been nicked at least.
It's interesting to me that they have that precise a number... and anyway, why would you want a spent bullet that missed the target? Any target?