Yellow pages ads?


El Conquistador nim!
MT Mentor
MTS Alumni
I read an article in an MA magazine awhile back by a woman who owns an MA school with her husband. She said that when they go into a town on business or pleasure they look through the phone book for MA schools & then try to visit schools that sound interesting to them to get ideas for their school. Do you do this?

Do you visit schools out of curiosity?

Do you train with them?

Are you curious about what other schools/Arts do in their schools?
Back when I was active travelling, I would do the same and check out other places and such, making connections is what I was doing, can never have to many connections in my view.
Definitely, for sure. Both when travelling nationally or to another country if there is the time to fit it in. Also just checking out other clubs (of similar or dissimilar styles) in the surrounding neighbourhood.

You can find some really great clubs and trainers you would otherwise never have known about. You see different applications of your skill sets and you can learn totally new and complementary techniques, so you can both apply and defend against them.

On top of all that, it is just plain fun and rewarding!!
IMO there are a lot of crap clubs out there (sorry, that's not necessarily true, what I should say if I get of my high horse or loose my own perspective is that, there are clubs that offer many different things to different people) but there are also some great places where you can be totally challenged and learn new stuff in sparring with their pracitioners and listening to their trainers.

Sometimes you may even switch to that new club!
Many years ago when I was a mobile DJ we got alot of response from the ad we placed in the Yellow Pages...When I traveled I always looked in the book to see what places were in the area...That's how I started in the MA visitiung schools that were listed there...
Yellow Pages is a great way and I use them to check out what is new in my area.
I do check out other schools when I travel, though I do not generally use the yellow pages.

I do remember the article. I cannot remember her name, but she writes for TKD Times.

Not really.

I only go into the martial arts schools that seem genuinely interesting and I'm never traveling long enough to get any training time in with a local dojo anyway. Most that I have been to don't seem to be a good match for me so I generally avoid it.
I do check out other schools when I travel, though I do not generally use the yellow pages.

I do remember the article. I cannot remember her name, but she writes for TKD Times.


Master Rondy Chang is her name. I laughed at her description of what her & her husband do. Something to the effect of...."When we go into a town on business we check into the hotel & run up to the room to look at the yellow pages. The desk clerks think we're newlyweds. We really just want to see what MA schools are in that town to go talk with the instructors to see what ideas they have."

Gotta love that curiosity!
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