Originally posted by CoolKempoDude
it doesn't matter if you belong or don't belong to 1 particular group.
You should tell people up front where you OBTAINED your knowledge and SHOULD NOT wait for other to ask you that.
you have something to HIDE??? that is why you don't want people to know where you got your BB????
if you don't have anything to HIDE, why don't you let everybody KNOW????
that's simple
it is like Tracy brothers. These people let everybody know they LEARNED from Ed parker even though they are on their way now
Personaly I don't see anything wrong with letting "bye gones" be "bye gones". Perhaps he doesn't feel that advertising Tatum's system is what he wants to accomplish in his tapes. Obviosly he changed what he did not like and the fact that he calls it Kenpo refers to Ed Parker or one of his students. This guy ain't the Tracy brothers and perhaps he is trying to hide his origins, so what?
You either like the tape or you do not. This is the USA he is not bound by any law that requires he constantly refer to his old system or its teacher. He is the "master" of his own system and he is happy with that. Have you ever stopped to think that maybe if he were to use Larry Tatum's name to sell his tapes, Mr. Tatum might want and even deserve a cut in the profits?