WRCMA Educational Martial Arts Conference

Pappy Geo

Green Belt
WRCMA Educational Martial Arts Conference


OCTOBER 16, 2004


10:00 am - 5:30 pm

Shihan Tony Annesi
Founder of Takeshin Sogo Budo, 7th degree black
belt in Aiki Ju—jutsu and karate, Shihan Annesi is
the author of multiple articles in Black Belt and
Inside Karate magazines. He is also author of
many books and videos on Aiki and Karate.

Datu Kelly Worden
Grandmaster of Natural Spirit IntÂ’l, 8th degree black belt
in Modern Arnis. Datu Worden is the former editor of
Fighting Knives and Full Contact magazines. Producer of
multiple videos through Paladin Press, and creator of the
Silent Fighter training dummy, Travel Wrench and the
Wortac knife.

Professor Bob Anderson
Professor Anderson is a 40 year veteran of Kajukenbo, Master instructor of Advanced Martial Systems-NW,
8th degree black belt in NSI and a revered graduate of the ESI security school. Professor Anderson is the concepts Master instructor of the Double Action Training and black belt status in Goju-ryu.

Master Ken Smith
Ken Smith holds a 5th degree black belt status in NSI, Level 3 Renegade JKD, Full instructor JKD

The WRCMA is a research organization founded by Corey Minatani , dedicated to the
developing scholarly research in the field of Martial Science. The WRCMA publishes a
yearly journal of academic papers concerning technical, philosophical and conceptual
subject matter. This allows unpublished martial artists, as well as seasoned writers a
chance to share their research and ideas. In conjunction with the Journal, WRCMA
presents an annual Conference of Martial Science which will: Allow martial artists topresent papers as well as have them critiqued by a peer. Included are live demonstrations of various martial arts and you will be able to develop your skills through “Hands On” workshops of various

47 St Helens Avenue
Tacoma, Washngton 98402
(253 272-3793
COST: $50.00 Pre-regstraton
$60.00 Door price
Please present flyer for discount)
present papers as well as have them
critiqued by a peer. Included are live
demonstrations of various martial arts and
you will be able to develop your skills
through “Hands On” workshops of various
martial arts.
(508) 904-9709
For additional information: contact:
Or email: eventcoordinator@wrcma.org
website: www.wrcma.org
Tito Geo
Hey Everyone:

Just got off the phone with Cale Merkley, one of our NSI brothers, and he told me the new 1st Annual WRCMA Conference of Martial Art DVD Set is ready to ship! This set includes 3-discs, for a total of 4.5 hours of instruction, research presentation, and other ceremonies! The price is $60 plus $5 shipping and handling.

All of the funds gathered from the sales are reinvested to fund our research projects and events. Wholesale prices are available for large orders.

Included on the discs for seminars are Shihan Tony Annesi discussing Aiki concepts, Datu Kelly Worden displaying his ever-so-famous fluid slam and jam techniques with the stick and blade, and we are proud to introduce two new players to the field of DVD production: Sifu Ken Smith and Guro Jeff Bray. Ken Smith is a 5th Dan under Datu Worden and a Full Instructor in JKD Concepts and Jeff Bray is a 5th Dan under Datu Worden and a 3rd Dan in TKD. Both of these men will dazzle you with hard core tactics and fluid transitions!

We also have Instructor Sean Eastman from Conceptual Martial Arts who teaches out of Ellensburg, WA who has vast experience in traditional martial arts as well as Comtech experience as an instructor of MAA James Keating's Riddle of Steel! This gentlemen is one to watch! In addition, we have two research presentations from Ken Smith and George Hoover, and a Keynote Address from Shihan Tony Annesi.

You can pay with check or money order, look for the address at the bottom of the page at http://www.wrcma.org

If you want to pay via credit card or paypal, then go to the following link at http://www.wrcma.org/productspagetwo.html

There are still copies of the Journal available at $25 dollars each until the end of December, over 80 pages of research and development in the martial arts. Get your copy today!


Corey Minatani
Corey Minatani
Washington Research Council of Martial Arts

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