wow...another video from same school

Considering that most of the test shown appears to be kids who are MAYBE 5... Maybe the criticisms should be muted a little?

And, of course, criticism kind of begs the question of whether or not you can show better from your school...
Why so fixated on this school? Just train hard and make sure you are the best you can be. If these people are happy then what's the point anyway?
I have to admit that I made some smart alec remarks about them the last time a video was posted, but upon further thought feel kinda' like an *** now.

We need schools to cater to children, set them on the path, and teach them good basics. A lot of these schools provide a great program for kids outside of organized sports. In "Karate" no kid is ever left sitting on the bench.

I think we sometimes let our machismo override our manners.

I'd like to publically apologize for knocking this guy and his school.
why are you sofix about this school? Are you just trying to make yourself feel better? I would suggest you worry about your training and let go of this school.
I have to admit that I made some smart alec remarks about them the last time a video was posted, but upon further thought feel kinda' like an *** now.

We need schools to cater to children, set them on the path, and teach them good basics. A lot of these schools provide a great program for kids outside of organized sports. In "Karate" no kid is ever left sitting on the bench.

I think we sometimes let our machismo override our manners.

I'd like to publically apologize for knocking this guy and his school.
Now that's being a leader.
said it before, i will say it 100 times more

they suck

they turn out crappy students who suck

they make the rest of us look bad by association

screw catering to kids

yea, the students are only 5

well gee, maybe they shouldnt be taking kids that young?

you film yourself, and put it on the net, you invite critique.
Maybe you guys are right. I guess I have been kinda rude. I don't even know where the school is or who the teacher is. I was sent the link by a friend and just stared in disbelief. I will not apologize for how I feel about promoting students too early or too young but, maybe I should just let it be. It is not my school so it is not my problem. I do feel bad for the students. With proper training some of them could be good....
why are you sofix about this school? Are you just trying to make yourself feel better? I would suggest you worry about your training and let go of this school.
See my last reply please terry. Not trying to make myself feel better. it was just sad to see. I will never bring up again.
Considering that most of the test shown appears to be kids who are MAYBE 5... Maybe the criticisms should be muted a little?

And, of course, criticism kind of begs the question of whether or not you can show better from your school...
I don't take kids under 7. I am not knocking it, I just don't. And yes, my kids do look better. 5 golds, 3 silver and 2 bronze in Austin this year tyvm.
Just curious...can they fight?
all medals were in sparring except for 1 gold that was in poomsae. I believe that they would be able to defend themselves but I teach them to avoid street fights whenever possible.
Maybe you guys are right. I guess I have been kinda rude. I don't even know where the school is or who the teacher is. I was sent the link by a friend and just stared in disbelief. I will not apologize for how I feel about promoting students too early or too young but, maybe I should just let it be. It is not my school so it is not my problem. I do feel bad for the students. With proper training some of them could be good....
You're absolutely entitled to feel that you turn out better students, that these students are terrible examples, or too young, or whatever...

But there are often different ways to express that. "I'm not trying to pick on..." is a phrase much like "I'm not trying to offend" or "I don't want to be mean" -- You can almost guarantee that what's coming is going to be whatever was warned against. And you're labeling the school -- but it doesn't appear that the school is posting these. They seem to be posted by the student's families more than the school. (Could be wrong; I didn't dig too deep... but "Johan's yellow belt test" kind of suggests it's there for family who couldn't make it to watch.) There's no real way to assess the adult students, for example.
You're absolutely entitled to feel that you turn out better students, that these students are terrible examples, or too young, or whatever...

But there are often different ways to express that. "I'm not trying to pick on..." is a phrase much like "I'm not trying to offend" or "I don't want to be mean" -- You can almost guarantee that what's coming is going to be whatever was warned against. And you're labeling the school -- but it doesn't appear that the school is posting these. They seem to be posted by the student's families more than the school. (Could be wrong; I didn't dig too deep... but "Johan's yellow belt test" kind of suggests it's there for family who couldn't make it to watch.) There's no real way to assess the adult students, for example.
very true. That is why I did not post a comment on youtube. Those who did need to realize that they have probably hurt the kids feelings. Of course it is my fault for starting thread in the first place. Still, I did not make you guys/girls post comments.
I don't take kids under 7. I am not knocking it, I just don't. And yes, my kids do look better. 5 golds, 3 silver and 2 bronze in Austin this year tyvm.

Your missing the point! These kids are to make their instructors record look better,but to have fun. Later the will refine the techniques... How about you.... Did you compete at nationals? I guess I have a problem with instructors who tout thier students records and not thier own.
I just returned from Korea today. I didn't see many over wieght people there. It was nice to see people who take care of thier bodies.. Then in the airport in Atlanta i was sickened by the over wieght people... These kid may not be getting the GOLD but the are on there way to a happy life. This is the true messure of TKD. Yes I see some (alot) of things in this video that I don't like, butsome that I do. Relax.. focus on you! Are your students ( all of them ) smiling like these kids?
hell, i couldnt get fat eating with chopsticks either, but i bet my dog would be a fat *** from all the food i drop........
Your missing the point! These kids are to make their instructors record look better,but to have fun. Later the will refine the techniques... How about you.... Did you compete at nationals? I guess I have a problem with instructors who tout thier students records and not thier own.
I just returned from Korea today. I didn't see many over wieght people there. It was nice to see people who take care of thier bodies.. Then in the airport in Atlanta i was sickened by the over wieght people... These kid may not be getting the GOLD but the are on there way to a happy life. This is the true messure of TKD. Yes I see some (alot) of things in this video that I don't like, butsome that I do. Relax.. focus on you! Are your students ( all of them ) smiling like these kids?
?what is with the overweight comment? fyi :
1. I am not overweight (I actually train with several GM's and do Bjj 3x a week)
2. I did compete with ustu for 13 years (before the corps/hamstring tear/jaw fractures/etc) and placed top 3 at nationals on several occasions. No, I never took gold but that made me train even harder.
3. Yes, my kids are smiling. They like training hard.
4. Why are you so into defending the school in the video? Does your school look like this one? Is that why you are so into blowing up at me.