It's been an old story but a blurb on the news reminded me of that little thing.
Supposedly companies now ask for your FB password as they are hiring you or prior to it.
Would you hand it over to them?
I mean, they can ask for it, sure. but could/should they be allowed to require such thing?
No, I would not give it to them. However, I will admit, that many people I see on FB, clearly dont use their head, with some of the things they post. Hey, its your FB acct. so post/say what you wish. However, understand that your actions, may come back to haunt you. As an example, here are some of the things that I've seen:
Sexually explicit pics, pics of drug use, mention of drug use, mention of violence, people posting every step that they make thru-out the course of the day, people posting personal information.
I could probably go on, but you get the idea.
Personally, I caved into the pressure and started a FB acct. that I've had for a while. I rarely post, though I do comment at times, on other peoples posts, I don't have any personal info, no pics...yeah, its a pretty boring thats my choice, and I have my reasons for doing what I do.
I suppose if it was a matter of me getting fired from the job I have, yeah, I guess I'd have no choice, but I also have nothing to worry about, because I'm careful with what I post.
This isn't the first time that people have been under the gun for what they've said, posted, on FB. I wonder if a potential empolyer would also ask for the PW for your email acct. as well.