Would Playing Lacrosse Help Heavily With Staff Fighting in Martial Arts?


Orange Belt
Jan 3, 2017
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Bojutsu practitioner here. I notice a lot of the stealing techniques and blocking techniques and even interception of the ball when I watched a Lacrosse game today at the local university resembles a lot of bo staff blocks and parries and even striking. Even the mostly stationary goalie seems to have movements that resembles various staff fighting movements.

So I ask out of curiosity would crosstraining in Lacrosse help with fighting using a staff or some other longer stick wielded two handed? People who play both lacrosse and practise martial arts or play lacrosse and been to street fights before using longer sticklike objects, whats your take? Would appreciate the input of people who done all the above 3!

So I'm quite curious. What do staff specialists having to say? Crosstraining in Lacross helps yay or nay?
Found this post in a chatroom

So I'm quite curious. What do staff specialists having to say? Crosstraining in Lacross helps yay or nay?
I played lacrosse and I train with the staff. The answer is no.
This is why

The only benefit from lacrosse was the feeling of how to get the energy at the end of the stick to throw the ball. That part is similar to getting the energy to the end of a staff. It made it easier to understand what my teacher meant by whipping the end of a staff. But the mechanics of making it happen are different. Other than that, Lacrosse isn't going to give anyone a big advantage in fighting with a staff. I don't remember what it feels like being hit with the lacrosse stick. They are light and you wear protective gear so most of the time you ignore the hits with the stick. The only hits I truly remember were the cross checks

Martial arts students are taught to use the body to generate power. This is the same rule for using the staff. Students are told not to just use the harms but to also use the core and the body.

I train in Kung Fu. I'm not sure if the concepts are the same for HEMA staff fighting techniques.