

White Belt
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
I've been looking at this style for a while and I'm wondering if it gives you a good workout as well as self defence?
Sure if your really train the footwork in good stances you will really get to know muscles you never knew were there.
well I trained last night, and am bloody sore this morning... not to mention my gi top is still damp with sweat (little wonder my wife wont wash my gear for me eh?)

got weapons class tomorrow night, will no doubt be sore and smelly from that too....

come on over to Toshin Do... you'll love it!
First of all, welcome to MT. Why don't you head on over to the Meet and Greet section and introduce yourself. There are several of TSD folks here as well as many other styles.

Second of all, any style that you practice diligently will give you a decent workout, if it's a half-way good school and from what I understand, To-shin do is no exception. Best of luck with your journey in the arts!
As was said before, depends on the school. I practice To-Shin Do and can tell you even after a few years there are still days I ache afterwards. In fact this Thursday I called my Instructor just to tell him I hated him and his school because I could hardly move I was so sore. (For those who don't know already, my Instructor is also my younger Brother, I would NEVER do this in front of class, or anybody else.) He laughed and reminded me we were going to step up some extra stuff the next few months so don't miss class.

Youcan have days you feel like a Golds Gym would be easier, then other days you are working on something else and it isn't too bad. Find a good school though and most days you will end up sweaty, sore, and smiling. :)
Going along w/ what Byband stated, different schools offer different things.

For example (the only one I have, in fact) Cardiologist Dr. Richard Stack headed the development of "Cardio Taijutsu" which is a regular part of most North Carolina Quest Center students. I know, from just taking private lessons, and going to the elemental seminars, you WILL BE SWEATING! Same at Mountain Quest (and it was breezy at Shin-Togakure ryu this year) we were constantly sweating and sore at the end of our 1 1/2 training periods. :D
Thanks for all your encouragment guys. I do plan to start in a few weeks.