Words Just Fail Me



This is an article from the July 2004 Black Belt Magazine. (Page 126)

Ocoee, FL - Richard Hackworth recently signed a multi-year 156-show deal to appear in a new action-oriented sports-entertainment show called !Bang! TV show for UPN and Fox Television. "We are excited about Richard's participation in the show," said producer Marti Funk. "He will not only be one of the stars but a valuable asset to our creative development team as well."

Hackworth was selected because of his past television experiences in Japan and Korea, where he worked on a program with a similar format. "As a writer and a radio personality, he has worldwide name recognition, and we believe that the TV show will benefit from his professional notoriety as a martial arts expert," Funk said.

Hackworth will continue to give daily lessons in taekwondo and hapkido at his American Dragon Martial Arts Academy here and produce his weekly radio show, Martial Arts Success with Richard Hackworth, for the Martial Arts Radio Network.
Hackworth I heard of him check www.jlim.net on the left scroll bar under Fake Certificates.

His antics according to jlim.net are legendary

I'm assuming they mean "professional notoriety" in a "good" way...bleh.:whip:

Sorry if I sound a little "pissy",but I have heard nothing but bad things about him from people who's judgement far outweighs mine,so..bleh.I'll go with what,and whom I trust on this one.

What is the deal with this guy and others like him getting the big exposure? I'm sure all you seniors here have more cred in your little finger....so what gives? Don't care? Is it beneath you somehow? Does it bother you guys like it does me, that now these types can do even more damage to Hapkido? Do you try and counter the negative just by doing your part and hoping people will "come around"? Thanks for at least bringing it up,Disco!

OK...that's my rant.:idunno:
Don't worry about it too much- It's a local show with little or no exposure - I think its on at 6am Sat - local stations only. Its a show about local "pro" wrestling.
Well, I'm actually a little surprised. I would have thought that this would have generated more interest, per what has transpired in the past. I guess that people have been runover enough, that it just dosen't matter anymore.
The board seems a little slow today. I'm curious to see what people have to say tomorrow.
Dear Mike:

Not really.

The word for the person under discussion is "inflated". If you take time to go back over all of the things that this individual has been involved with it has consistently been something that was represented as being more influential or regarded than it actually was. His claims to authentic rank, his radio program, his contributions to the Hapkido arts have all been consistently smaller than represented. Factor in the questionable practices and his own poor deportment on many occasions and all thats left is a sad event most people find painfully embarrassing. I believe he once made a comment that it was worth it to him to stir up chaos just for the sake of stirring up chaos as it could only result in his remaining in the public eye. He gets as little mention from me as possible, as he is simply not worth the effort. FWIW.

Best Wishes,


Agree whole-heartedly on this point. I'm just wondering if BBM validated the story before printing it, or is that not an issue for them?

He has hurt many of us, and made us look like him by way of association! :(
Hello all,

Mike, you raise an interesting question, if this guy was SO BAD, why is there no outcry? Who knows. Those that claim that they were hurt most, and sold bogus certs. did NOTHING - thats right, NOTHING - to date, I do not believe a single legal claim of any kind in relation to this mess has been filed. So I can only assume the injured parties were not that injured.

Moreover, a man who has never been tried in a court (and believe me, I'm not defending anyone here) has certificates he supposedly issued placed on a web site based out of Malaysia (saves anyone here in the States that "supplied" them being done for slander or libel) who has NOTHING to do with the man personally and who has credibility issues himself in his claims...

Frankly, I can surmise only that whatever was "done" was not bad enough to warrant anyone filing a suit, or an investigation by the State's Attorney in Florida, so hey, it seems here just live and let live...

Dear Kevin:

I can understand how you might come to such a conclusion. Most people who were on the outside of the events of the last two years or so have the luxury of drawing whatever conclusions that they might care to. Of course, I can't speak to folks who might have been defrauded, or to whats in the hearts of folks to whom positions, standings, rankings and influence might have been misrepresented. For myself I feel a little uncomfortable considering how long things might have continued had not actual insiders been hurt as well as those on the outside of the close-knit circle of friends. To me such things smack of exploitation until such time as one of the exploiters gets burned. Then, and ONLY then does the light get turned on the "chief thief", so to speak.

But lets focus on that other aspect you brought up---- the legality of things. The legal system in the States only promises an OPPORTUNITY for justice. It does NOT promise Justice, itself. With this in mind, most people who are victimized do not have the time, resources, money, assets etc etc to pursue such actions especially when there is not guarentee that the case will a.) come to court and b.) result in a just end. Now if one of the people defrauded is a lawyer, or is close friends with a lawyer the matters of resources and money can be significantly reduced. But as you can see from the start of this string that even if one were to take such a person to task, just like the mail fraud and telephone fraud people, a site simply relocates to another place under another name and begins all over again. FWIW.

Best Wishes,

glad2bhere said:
Dear Kevin:

I can understand how you might come to such a conclusion. Most people who were on the outside of the events of the last two years or so have the luxury of drawing whatever conclusions that they might care to. Of course, I can't speak to folks who might have been defrauded, or to whats in the hearts of folks to whom positions, standings, rankings and influence might have been misrepresented. For myself I feel a little uncomfortable considering how long things might have continued had not actual insiders been hurt as well as those on the outside of the close-knit circle of friends. To me such things smack of exploitation until such time as one of the exploiters gets burned. Then, and ONLY then does the light get turned on the "chief thief", so to speak.

But lets focus on that other aspect you brought up---- the legality of things. The legal system in the States only promises an OPPORTUNITY for justice. It does NOT promise Justice, itself. With this in mind, most people who are victimized do not have the time, resources, money, assets etc etc to pursue such actions especially when there is not guarentee that the case will a.) come to court and b.) result in a just end. Now if one of the people defrauded is a lawyer, or is close friends with a lawyer the matters of resources and money can be significantly reduced. But as you can see from the start of this string that even if one were to take such a person to task, just like the mail fraud and telephone fraud people, a site simply relocates to another place under another name and begins all over again. FWIW.

Best Wishes,


Hello Bruce,

I know where you were as a result of the actions of one mentioned here, that is a completely different issue, I think, becasue you had to act for reasons of your dignity AND livelihood - BUT the others who complained much more than you did NOTHING about it...

When you call fraud, stand up and be counted in court - in Illinois, (don't know about Florida) it costs $50 to file a suit - thats it - $50. Some of the claims were in the $1000's (you remember) - so no one who was "burned" cared enough to spend a little more to file a case - thats my point - so the burn only hurt long enough to file a few posts here in a chat room...pathetic in my estimation. Our courts deal in humans, not electronic entities, so if a case were ever filed, the PERSON in question would have been tried - just never happened. I'm still not defending him, but the burned should have spent there time contacting the State of Florida in additiion to the posting many did here.
glad2bhere said:
Ahhh, NOW I see what you mean. Gotcha. Quite right.

Best Wishes,


Glad to know we can still see eye to eye on some things... :ultracool
iron_ox said:
Hello all,

Mike, you raise an interesting question, if this guy was SO BAD, why is there no outcry? Who knows. Those that claim that they were hurt most, and sold bogus certs. did NOTHING - thats right, NOTHING - to date, I do not believe a single legal claim of any kind in relation to this mess has been filed. So I can only assume the injured parties were not that injured.

Moreover, a man who has never been tried in a court (and believe me, I'm not defending anyone here) has certificates he supposedly issued placed on a web site based out of Malaysia (saves anyone here in the States that "supplied" them being done for slander or libel) who has NOTHING to do with the man personally and who has credibility issues himself in his claims...

Frankly, I can surmise only that whatever was "done" was not bad enough to warrant anyone filing a suit, or an investigation by the State's Attorney in Florida, so hey, it seems here just live and let live...

Dear Kevin,

I was ripped off but it wasn't really worth filing in Florida while I live in New Jersey for what amounts to small claims in a court of law. I recovered most of my loss from the credit card company because of the fraud. If I lived in Florida I surely would have filed a claim.

However it's satisfaction enough for me knowing he's drumed out of Hapkido in this country for the most part. Maybe he can have a little school somewhere but that's about it he'll never be a major player as so wanted to be.

Live & learn
Dear Stuart:

".....However it's satisfaction enough for me knowing he's drumed out of Hapkido in this country for the most part....."

I'm not sure how complete that is. There are still websites up identifying him as a director or representative of the KHF (which ever one that is). There are still websites that have individuals listed who have publicly stated that they do not wish to be associated with him. And if these sites are still up I think it is reasonable to conclude that he may still be representing himself as a person of standing in the Hapkido community. For myself I can't speak to the legality of filing changes, etc., but it would seem more important that these other more current issues be addressed since they are on-going. FWIW.

Best Wishes,

glad2bhere said:
Dear Stuart:

".....However it's satisfaction enough for me knowing he's drumed out of Hapkido in this country for the most part....."

I'm not sure how complete that is. There are still websites up identifying him as a director or representative of the KHF (which ever one that is). There are still websites that have individuals listed who have publicly stated that they do not wish to be associated with him. And if these sites are still up I think it is reasonable to conclude that he may still be representing himself as a person of standing in the Hapkido community. For myself I can't speak to the legality of filing changes, etc., but it would seem more important that these other more current issues be addressed since they are on-going. FWIW.

Best Wishes,

I know but all you can do is keep the word out when ever he pops up.

Anybody can have a web site and say whatever they want in our country.

Taekwondo had a fellow similar to the Hack'. A group of masters created a website so that the world can see and read about this individuals exploits at


Maybe is time to create a website for him also under www.RichardHackworth.Com

I know the guy who owns that domain and is very eager to link the domain if someone creates a website. The ball has started, is it all talk or are you willing to take it further?

ooopppps, sorry.

You are absolutely correct in what you say. My point was more along the lines of the previous posts. What I meant to say is that just like there are injured folks who do nothing legally, I was pointing out that even on his websites---- when they pop up---- there are still folks being mentioned as being affiliated when they, themselves, have stated openly that they are not. Now I can understand, somewhat, folks not wanting to get wrapped up in legal stuff, but I can't understand why people would continue to allow this person to conduct himself as though he had the support of most practitioners and had only been maligned by a handful of malcontents. His stock-and-trade are illusion. Can't see why anyone would help him with that. FWIW.

Best Wishes,
