James Miller
Purple Belt
The following are a list of the WMAA seminars for the month of April. Feel free to check out our site for more information. http://wmarnis.com/wmaaevents.html
· April 9th, Philadelphia, PA.
This seminar will feature Datu Tim Hartman teaching Modern Arnis disarming and weapon controls. There will be a second session for advanced student covering advanced timing drills as well a “Counter Tapi – Tapi”. For more information contact Sal Todaro at 610-543-2624, or e-mail SALVI1@aol.com
· April 16th, Albany, NY.
Grand Master Huk Planas and Datu Tim Hartman will be teaching a "Double Header" seminar on Parker's Kenpo and Presas Modern Arnis Stick & Knife Concepts. For more information contact Jeff Blay at 518-370-4757 or e-mail jblay1@nycap.rr.com
· April 23rd, Winfield, IL.
Datu Tim Hartman and Guro Tim Murray will be teaching a "Double Header" seminar on Presas Modern Arnis Stick & Knife Concepts and Military Weapon and Hand to Hand Tactics. For more information contact Tim Murray at 630-260-0353 or hnd2hnd@juno.com
· April 30th, Leesburg, VA
This seminar will feature Datu Tim Hartman teaching Modern Arnis disarming and elements of the EDT (Edged weapon Defensive Tactics) program. There will be a second session for advanced student covering advanced timing drills as well a “Counter Tapi – Tapi”.
· April 9th, Philadelphia, PA.
This seminar will feature Datu Tim Hartman teaching Modern Arnis disarming and weapon controls. There will be a second session for advanced student covering advanced timing drills as well a “Counter Tapi – Tapi”. For more information contact Sal Todaro at 610-543-2624, or e-mail SALVI1@aol.com
· April 16th, Albany, NY.
Grand Master Huk Planas and Datu Tim Hartman will be teaching a "Double Header" seminar on Parker's Kenpo and Presas Modern Arnis Stick & Knife Concepts. For more information contact Jeff Blay at 518-370-4757 or e-mail jblay1@nycap.rr.com
· April 23rd, Winfield, IL.
Datu Tim Hartman and Guro Tim Murray will be teaching a "Double Header" seminar on Presas Modern Arnis Stick & Knife Concepts and Military Weapon and Hand to Hand Tactics. For more information contact Tim Murray at 630-260-0353 or hnd2hnd@juno.com
· April 30th, Leesburg, VA
This seminar will feature Datu Tim Hartman teaching Modern Arnis disarming and elements of the EDT (Edged weapon Defensive Tactics) program. There will be a second session for advanced student covering advanced timing drills as well a “Counter Tapi – Tapi”.
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