Wisconsin governor recall election

Master Dan

Master Black Belt
Lifetime Supporting Member
Here is live link for updates on recall effort important to many of us I think it is a very serious sign from polls that Democrats are just not that energized as Republicans and it that is a national trend after this our country/states are going to run red in November which if that happens I can say at least we will see a shift in ending the stale mate in congress and senate however things may get so painfull for a time we will shift back blue in 2016?

I don't agree but can understand the mentality of people who see income shrinking or who have no work being jelous of people who have state and federal jobs and benefits but is jelousy or class envy a good basis for voting and running a country?

[h=1]Wisconsin governor recall election[/h]http://www.breakingnews.com/topic/wisconsin-governor-recall-election

Uh ... what is the point you're trying to make?
Uh ... what is the point you're trying to make?

I wasn't completely sure I understood all the OP was trying to point out. But I did follow his link and was interested to note that DOJ was going to monitor the elections. I had not heard anything to indicate there was suspicion of vote fraud. Did I just not pay attention?

If I didn't find that curious enough, the DOJ is reported to be planning to send people to monitor elections in CA, ND, and NM state? Almost sounds like intimidation, or a fishing expedition.
I wasn't completely sure I understood all the OP was trying to point out. But I did follow his link and was interested to note that DOJ was going to monitor the elections. I had not heard anything to indicate there was suspicion of vote fraud. Did I just not pay attention?

If I didn't find that curious enough, the DOJ is reported to be planning to send people to monitor elections in CA, ND, and NM state? Almost sounds like intimidation, or a fishing expedition.

The point of the thread was to supply a link for those concerned about the recall vote that will have a dramatic effect on Democrats and public and union employees. I am seeing on that link and also according to the Post there are complaints about voting fraud in two districts currently it was also said yesterday that the governor may be under investigation soon and that he has raised a sizable defense fund over $5 million in a short period of time. I had hoped for better real time polling data but so far it seems to be vauge.
Fox news just called the election for Walker. The unions have been hurt really badly if this turns out to be true. One of the biggest things Walker did was stop extracting the union dues for the unions. Now that people actually have to pay the unions themselves, without payroll deductions, union dues paying has decreased dramatically, which means that the unions can't spend those dues buying politicians. If these results are true, it is a really good day for Wisconsin, and hopefully for other states considering tackling their big government spending sprees.
Walker may have won by 15 points. We'll see if that holds. Maybe when Walker is done in Wisconsin he can come down to Illinois and run for Governor here. That is if there is still a state left for him to run in...

Apparently, the death of the Tea Party movement has been greatly exaggerated...


The tea party led the way, got out the vote, and raised massive amounts of money for the recall candidates. I visited Wisconsin twice to help rally voters and was amazed at the ground game of the Wisconsin tea party groups. I was amazed at the effort of folks like Nancy Milholland, a rock-n-roll tea partier with AFP, who helped coordinate with local grassroots. I met a tea partier named Tamra Varebrook who ran a legitimate race as a "Walker Democrat" in Racine County, the hotly contested race where embattled Van Wanggaard fought to help hold the state Senate's Republican majority. I was up there just this past Saturday when 4,000 patriots filled a field in the middle of nowhere, Wisconsin, on the outskirts of Milwaukee. They were energized, engaged, and ready to make their voices heard at the polls.
Jimmy Hoffa Jr. said in Detroit: "President Obama, this is your army ... let's take these sons of bitches out."
So much for that.
While Occupiers and union protesters got the ink, the tea party dropped the placards and picked up clipboards, phones, and got out the vote. They petitioned, volunteered, they took out a number of RINOs, including Dick Lugar; they forced Orrin Hatch into a primary and got Ted Cruz into a runoff. We won the House for the GOP in 2010. We won MA for Scott Brown. And now we've sent a message to the White House via Wisconsin: your class warfare rhetoric is rejected, your public sector construct voted down --again.
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And the lovely and delightful Ann Coulter on the response to the outcome of the recall election in Wisconsin...


I watched the Wisconsin returns on MSNBC Tuesday night, and it came right down to the wire between "the Democrats were outspent 7-to-1" and "Republicans are stripping union rights!" As we go to press it's still too close to call.

President Obama wanted to go to Wisconsin, but he just didn't have time. He's been doing so many campaign fundraisers lately he barely has time to play golf.

The left's "outspent" argument is ridiculous. Unions take money by force from members, hire hundreds of political operatives and give them salaries to work on campaigns, then call them "volunteers" so their work isn't reported as a campaign contribution.

Luckily for them, government employees' non-punishing work schedules leave them plenty of time to be in a constant state of grievance, demanding recalls after any election they lose, and mobilizing voters.

This election had nothing to do with people being paid a fair wage for the work they do. The question is: Do you want a society where the people whose salaries you pay make more than those who pay them?

The Democrats will do anything the government unions ask, because (1) It's not their money they're spending, it's the taxpayers'; and (2) Government unions reciprocate by making sure the Democrats keep getting re-elected.

All manufacturing has been driven out of the state by high taxes -- and by well-compensated government employees who make it impossible to do business in New York. The state's principal cash cow, New York City, is now entirely composed of a tiny slice of Wall Streeters and the people who serve them –- personal trainers, doormen, maids, doctors, lawyers, restaurateurs and Keith Olbermann's cat groomer.

Outside of New York City, everyone works for the government. But there's no actual industry in the state. People are fleeing New York faster than Democrat legislators fled Wisconsin before a vote they were going to lose.

Soon it will be just another mid-range, dying state. If the financial sector ever leaves, New York City will be Detroit, which itself was once the nation's crown jewel metropolis.
Yes, when democracy actually works, and the election is a blow out, and the unions and leftists lose...they take to the streets and complain even more...


And the death threats...


Today, the public unions and their supporters appear to be as angry as they have ever been:
Somebody need to Abe Lincoln Scott Walker cave frog lookin ***.
I wanna kill scott walker so ****ing baddd!!!!! & the racist dumb *******s that voted for him #nbs
Please somebody kill Scott Walker.
Twitchy has much more.
We all know that the same president who intentionally ignited a racial firestorm around the shooting of Trayvon Martin by a Hispanic Democrat will never call for calm here, so let's pray that Governor Walker, Lt. Governor Kleefisch, and those around them, take these threats seriously.

You can read some of the uplifting tweets here...


[COLOR=#333333 !important]
[COLOR=#999999 !important]@__SupaMcNASTY__[/COLOR]​
[COLOR=#333333 !important]
[COLOR=#333333 !important]Ima **** Scott walker up. I been wanting to for the longest anyways lowkey.—
`Marques.Scoot. (@__SupaMcNASTY__) June 06, 2012
[COLOR=#333333 !important][/COLOR]​
From the NOT RIGHTWING Huffington Post:
38% of union voters went for WALKER...
Yes, schadenfreude is wrong, but, it is fun...
The text messages on MSNBC on the Ed Show was 100% bad mouthing the democratic electorate as outright voting against its own interest, totaly stupid on and on this from its own people. It is all to depressing even John Stewart could not keep from wetting his pants kicking the dead dog down the road tonight. They should have left it alone and have now fed bacon to the fire? All the left media is going on and on about the massive money from the right and how we cannot win its impossible. advertising like teh NRA showing guns disapear under the Democratic governor.

If our people are so stupid to be convinced by tabloid tv advertising like don't vote for him he eats babies or your going strait to hell if you vote for him let the Tea Party take over completely and fiddle while Rome burns because anything short of sticking feathers in thier asses and lighting them on fire just does not seem to work? In the words of SNL Jane you ingnorant slut!
And he only had to outspend Barret $30 million to $3 million do it, plus about another $30 million in Citizen's United money, most of it out of state, with an electorate where polls indicated that about 70% of the electorate disapproved of the fact that there was a recall election at all. This might well have been the biggest factor of all - The really sad thing is, Walker, the only governor in the nation with a dedicated personal criminal defense fund, might well be indicted soon, and I don't know if Wisconsin will have a simple way of pulling his sleazeball *** out of office anymore.

Silver lining is: That's $60 million dollars of monetary stimulus to Wisconsin's economy - they badly need it, since despite cooking the books, they've got the worst job record in the nation, and $60 million dollars that won't be spent for Romney.
The "they out spent us to win," story is just that...


These claims, depending on the phraseology, range from misleading to flatly false, even based on the sources from which the claims are made.
The spending story stems from a release by the liberal Center for Public Integrity, which took based its analysis on data from the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign (ostensibly nonpartisan, but a past recipient of Soros money and the sort of group whose director told CPI the spending was “outrageous and wrong”). However, according to that data, when you combine the spending of the candidates and their supporting groups, the gap shrinks to 2-to-1.
Moreover, it is a fair bet those figures do not include all of the money spent by left-leaning groups on all candidates in the recall.
Indeed, it should be underscored that the left/media here is focused entirely on spending in the gubernatorial recall, when this election was just one of many the left attempted to turn into referenda on Gov. Walker’s public-sector collective bargaining reforms. If once considers the total amounts spent during the Days of Cheesehead Rage on state senate recall elections, Supreme Court elections and so on in 2011-12, the gap shrinks to roughly 1.5-to-1.

And from the embedded article on actual Union spending on campaigns...


Perhaps the worst kept secret in both Washington and Lansing is the extent to which unions are active in political campaigns. By using clever labels such as "issue advocacy," "voter education," "organizational partnerships with political parties" and "public relations," to describe activities that in ordinary parlance would clearly be considered partisan, and by making relatively few outright contributions to campaigns, unions are able to pretend they spend less on politics than they actually do, even while building tremendous political influence, especially within the Democratic Party.
Chart 3 - Refund Offered by Union vs. Refund Ordered by Court
For example, since the mid-nineties, the MEA's parent union, the National Education Association, has claimed on its federal tax forms that it hasn't spent a single dollar on politics, even while it participated in Democratic Party steering committees, campaigns, and get-out-the-vote drives.[29] Political action committee (PAC) contributions are a small part of the union political effort, but even in that one area unions have a huge impact, with six of the top 12 PACs nationwide being run by various labor unions.[30] (See Chart 2.)
If the argument is that Walker only survived recall by outspending, by a significant margin. Doesn't that mean if you spend enough, you can get any worthless fool elected?
Didn't Obama spend more on his 2008 campaign then anyone in history...