Winter on MT?


Don't get Chewed!
MTS Alumni
Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score
a happy place
Umm...MT is snowing?

Please make it stop! I hate snow! LOL!

Maybe we should sing christmas carols :D
Lisa said:
Umm...MT is snowing?

Please make it stop! I hate snow! :D

I was just going to start such a thread! I was worried that my PC had a virus (there was, at one time, a virus that did that). It is cute, though.

mine is not only snowing......i have some fan tailed goldfish swimming about.

ahhhh i can feel christmas!
seems to be messing with how I view the page

MT banner at top and then a big empty space and then the rest of the forum.

Oh never mind, it is gone now, lol. :D
BlackCatBonz said:
mine is not only snowing......i have some fan tailed goldfish swimming about.

ahhhh i can feel christmas!

I don't have a gold fish! I want a fishy too :D
Seems buried in the fine print was a Santa Clause.

In a pleasing tenor:

Oh when the whether outside is frightful, and the firs is so delightful
As long as you love me so, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...
Somebody with Administrator privileges is having fun!

:apv: :jediduel: :lool: :bow: :popcorn:
I was going to ask the same thing. Or I just thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. Very cool! I just hope this is the only snow I see for a while as my car isn't ready for Winter yet.....Steve
Now it's raining BEER! LMAO, I love it!
I thought it was dandruff.

This is what happens when you locate a martial arts website in Buffalo!
Lisa said:
You think that's bad, you should hear my comedy cd. :D

Hope everyone enjoyed the white stuff and "cider".
Lets hope thats all the snow we see this winter. :D
I'm in Canada, I can garantee that won't be all the snow I see this winter.